

1. 写作与修改不要在同一天进行


2. 列一份关于你写作中常出现的问题的清单,然后按照你的清单来审视你的文章


3. 通过自动检查语法错误的程序来审查你的文章

许多写作软件,比如word,都带有automated grammar check的功能,这些功能能帮助你很好的发现和改正你文章中基础的语法与拼写错误。不过需要注意的是,这些程序只能辅助你发现一些平常的语法拼写错误,并不能帮助你更好的修改你的文章,也不能辅助你提高文章的逻辑和深层文法,因此使用这类软件来进行自我修改还是存在一定局限性,不如请一位专业的导师来帮助你编辑。

4. 大声的朗读你自己的文章

我常常使用这一方法来帮助别人或我自己修改文章,而这一做法常常让我的家人非常抓狂(^.^)。 我发现这个方法能让自己轻易发现文章中的错误与不足,同时大声的朗读你的文章也能够帮助你更好的捕捉到你写作时心中的观点和想法。

5. 尝试让你的同学或者朋友帮助你修改你的文章




為了確定這一關鍵事件發生的原因,將使用Banrlund的事務模型。我發現這個理論是最合適的,以確定缺陷,並修復它與更好的解決方案。這個理論認為,個體在交流中扮演著不同的角色——有些發送,有些接收,有些兩者兼而有之。在這些情況下,發送方和接收方之間的關聯是相互的。因此,根據本構模型,解釋消息的方式是一個重要的關注領域。通信噪聲是造成通信缺陷和性能、質量問題的一個可能原因(Barnlund, 2008)。如果我研究這個課題,動態的本質是可以即興發揮的。通信的事務模型表明在發送方和接收方之間傳遞的信號中存在噪聲。我忘記了或者可能忽略了這種可能性。在我的案例中,反饋渠道從未存在過,這也是我們在演示中出現性能問題的主要原因。這裡使用的頻道是Skype。雖然甘特圖可以清晰地使用,但其他人也有可能面臨技術故障。
然而,Skype確實有來自不同來源的噪音(Little John and Foss, 2008)。可能有些人聽不見。有些人可能會在重點上失去注意力(Barnlund, 2008)。這樣做的好處是,即使在工作時間過後,溝通也很容易。這一學習表明,我必須使用一個更好的媒體與他們溝通,每當涉及到按時完成與良好的質量。這個模型堅持反饋,我認為我必須繼續努力。團隊合作讓我對選擇合適的渠道對一個重要項目的重要性有了更好的認識。我將完全遵循通信的事務模型來解決通信的障礙,確保安全準確地將消息傳遞給接收者(Little John and Foss, 2008)。特別的,我也明白噪音的來源必須盡可能的減少,這樣團隊成員才不會錯過重要的信息。當我意識到這是一個成員表現不佳的原因時,反饋的概念肯定會得到重視。這也導致了質量錯誤。


In order to determine the reason behind the occurrence of this critical incident, the transaction model by Banrlund will be used. I find this theory to be most appropriate to determine the flaws and also to fix it with better solutions. This theory states that the individuals play different roles in communication – some send, some receive and some do both. In those cases, the association between sender and receiver is reciprocal. Hence, the way that the message is being interpreted acts as an important area of concern as per the constitutive model. The communication noise is a possible reason for the gaps in communication and problems in performance and quality (Barnlund, 2008). The dynamic nature can be improvised if I work on this subject. The transactional model of communication indicates the presence of noise in the signal passed between a sender and a receiver. I have forgotten or probably omitted this possibility. The channel of feedback never existed in my case and this is the prime reason for performance issue in our presentation. The channel used here is Skype. While Gantt chart is clear to use, there is a possibility for others to face technical glitches.
However, Skype did have noise from different sources (Little John and Foss, 2008). Probably, some might not be able to hear. Some may lose concentration on important points (Barnlund, 2008). The advantage is the ease in communication even after the institution hours. This learning has indicated that I have to use a better medium to communicate with them whenever it comes to completion on time with good quality. This model insists on the feedback which I think I will have to work upon going forward. The team work gave me a better idea on the importance of choice of right channel for an important project. I will completely adhere to the transactional model of communication to address the barriers of communication and ensure safe and accurate delivery of messages to the receiver (Little John and Foss, 2008). In particular, I have also understood that the source of noise has to be reduced as much as possible so that the team members will not have to miss crucial information. The concept of feedback will certainly have to be worked upon as I realized that it is the reason for one member to underperform. It also led to quality errors.

personal statement 怎么写:气候变化带来危险

personal statement 怎么写:气候变化带来危险

气候变化是各国面临的最重要风险之一,这一变化正在许多地区造成不稳定,并使世界其他地区面临的威胁成倍增加。美国、非洲和俄罗斯都在努力控制气候变化,以便阻止其未来的后果。气候变化将导致世界上大部分地区的干旱和耕地流失。所有这些地区的军方都在努力控制这种气候变化,但尚不确定军方是否会投入足够的资金来维持这种行动。另一方面,总统可能会否认支持气候变化,因为它没有提到任何问题,因为气候变化。作者安德鲁·霍兰德(Andrew Holland)写了关于为明天的气候变化做准备的文章,这样就可以控制即将到来的气候变化带来的威胁。作者认为,关于气候变化的准备工作存在很多争议,但是政府或气候组织没有采取有效的行动。因此,作者认为,美国军方正在试图控制气候变化,而不是等待辩论得到解决。

personal statement 怎么写:气候变化带来危险

Climate change is one of the most critical risks across various countries and this change is creating instability in many regions and multiplying threats to other regions of the world. USA, Africa and Russia all are trying to control the climate change so its future consequences can be stopped. The climate change will lead to draught and loss of farmland in most of the regions of the world. All the regions’ military is trying to put efforts to control such climate change, but it is uncertain that whether the military will commit enough money to sustain such operations. On the other side, it might be that the president may deny supporting the climate change by mentioning no issue because of climate change. The author Andrew Holland writes about the climate change preparation for tomorrow so that upcoming threats due to climate change can be controlled. The author claims that there is lots of debate going on around for preparation of climate change, but no actions are being taken by the government or climate organization effectively. Therefore, the author makes remark that the US military is trying to control the climate change without waiting the debate to be settled.
Andrew Holland explains that U.S Department of defence has concern in two ways as direct threat to country’s infrastructure. And on the other side, he indirectly threats that is posed around the world if societies become destabilized. As outlined by Andrew Holland, the climate change threat is highly complicated because weather, societies and governments are complex system, and in that case, any change in climate change will move to which side, it is very difficult to predict. The military does not directly claim that climate change will leads to wars in future, but the military indicates that the upcoming climate change will accelerate the instability and threat multiplier for many regions in the world. The militaries in USA, Africa and Russia are on a mission to safeguard their ground around the world. This is a very aggressive and effective step by the militaries to protect the various regions of the world from climate change threats. This is because the concern by all militaries, indicating that feeling of climate change will feed the violence beyond the defence department across the world.

新西兰 essay 代 写:故事

新西兰 essay 代 写:故事


新西兰 essay 代 写:故事

In the story, Gabriel and Jeremiah face Eurocentric binary opposition. They are at a crossroads as to who they really are as a person. The white self and the indigenous other confound the main protagonists. They are trying to establish their real identity in the process. They are influenced by what their parents have taught them regarding their culture and the westernization of the thought process. This has been elucidated in detail in the novel. As the novel progresses, the main protagonists are criticized for losing their indigenous identity. However, it seems like they are gaining perspective and making choices based on their knowledge. This aspect of the novel is probed. There is the influence of the political governance of the state and the knowledge that is gained. As the novel progresses, the audience tends to understand the different dimensions of knowledge and how it bolsters towards the political paradigms of the state. The concept of wisdom, empathy and true knowledge can also be understood from this storyline. The main protagonist of the story line is found to understand and develop their innate knowledge in the process. This gaining of the knowledge enables the protagonist to gain self-awareness that has been considered as real power in this situation.
There should be more nuanced understanding of true knowledge and self-realization of the process. In this analysis, Brooks notes that stance of Plato regarding power and knowledge has been probed. It has been stated that Plato tries to understand the roots of political philosophy. From reading the article, it is quite clear that Plato tries to explains about the ideal political paradigm and how it changes based on the situation. There is a practical purpose and the ideal self. In this analysis, there is explanation of how Plato tries to link between the ideal self of a person and how it changes based on the extenuating circumstances. This is reflected in the knowledge gained. The idea of being ideals shift to becoming practices. The knowledge gained in this process makes a person gain autonomy or power over their self and individual emotion. This from a personal standpoint has been considered to be real power. This power stems from the knowledge of realization. Hence, the knowledge gaining process leads to self-realization and awareness which subsequently leads to power.



柏林战争不仅仅是政府阻止难民涌入的努力。它最终成为冷战的象征。这被解释为不仅仅是一个障碍。柏林墙持续了28年,被东德政府视为“反法西斯的防御工事”。直到1989年冷战结束时,这堵墙才被拆除。东德和西德后来成为一个国家。修建柏林墙的原因阻止了难民涌入这个国家(Feversham, and Schmidt, 2007)。这是一个政治议程。这个国家想要阻止固有的中产阶级化,因此一部分德国人背弃了自己的人民。有许多主题和潜在的政治议程可以在这个分析中尝试。柏林墙有着丰富的历史和象征意义。从柏林墙的分裂中可以看到文化的几个方面和影响。它是冷战事件的象征。在柏林墙中提出了几种理论和象征。在这个柏林墙的建筑中观察到一个有趣的符号学现象。在这个研究设计中,已经有了关于如何用不同的媒介来表现柏林墙的广泛研究。


Berlin war was more than an effort by the government to stop influx of refugee. It eventually became a symbol of the cold war. It was construed to be more than just a barrier. The Berlin Wall lasted 28 years and was considered was an “anti-Fascist protective rampart” by the East Government. It was only during the end of the Cold war in 1989, this wall was demolished. East and West Germany subsequently become one whole country. Reason for the construction of the Berlin wall stops the refugee influx into the nation (Feversham, and Schmidt, 2007). This was a political agenda. The country wanted to stop the inherent gentrification, hence one part of German turned its back against its own people. There are many themes and underlying political agendas that can be essayed in this analysis. There is a rich history and symbolization that is embedded to the Berlin wall. There has been several aspects and impact of culture that is seen in the Berlin wall divide. It is a symbolization of the events of the cold war. There has been several theories and symbolization that has been proposed in this Berlin wall. There is an interesting semiotics that is observed in this Berlin Wall construction. For this research design, there has been extensive investigation of how to represent the Berlin wall in terms of different mediums.
Berlin wall division has been expressed by the political agenda, street art, gentrification and architecture in this project. Political agenda focuses on the political nature of the construction of the project various underlying political assumptions. Street art focuses on how the Berlin wall construction has been considered by the people. Gentrification is the process of reorienting the lower income neighbourhood with the richer neighbourhood and inherent architecture of the project was probed. These are the main themes that will be examined in this report.For the purpose of this research qualitative research study was followed. Purpose of this approach was to conduct a constructivist world view of the issues and to understand the issues form a holistic angle. For the purpose of this research the meaning of the Berlin wall to the participants and their experience has been explained. This has been probed with respect to the relationship with the refugees during the historical division. Questionnaire and feedback that was constructed was open ended general queries that enabled the participant to experience their interpretation of the Berlin wall. Context and setting and the subjective perspective and retrospection of the places has been probed in detail. For some elements of the research there was participant observation was noted using semi-structured interviews, ethnography and visual documentation.



重庆是中国西部的一个老城区,但在抗日战争期间,它也有自己的重要地位,很可能曾是那里的首都。它位于长江对岸,一直是渝中区一个历史悠久、文化底蕴深厚的地区。这些房屋大多是老式建筑,主要以木材为主要成分,其他一些房屋则采用砖和水泥。人们更加满足,和平地实践他们的宗教,没有矛盾(Guillain, 2008)。它从1940年赢得的对日战争中恢复过来,人民与席卷美国并在全球蔓延的资本主义运动发生交集的时机已经成熟。那里的人民在战争中失去了生命和亲人,现在要求后代的和平与进步。这导致了更多的人变得自力更生,并开始教育他们未来的生活。城市或地区的历史可以追溯到3000年由Ra文化的主要实践,这是一个大的河镇在中国无休止的腹地,有一个特别的地方在人民实践和丰富的文化遗产明显信仰他们的宗教。
长江是世界第三大河,这说明了长江的重要性以及非居民对它的看法(Ruokanen and Huang, 2010)。该地区的视觉形象是关于山,自然,充满荒野,围绕着所有这些自然的山峰和上帝的礼物居住在城市的人们。这些房子都是木制的,很大,敞开着,更隐蔽,因为那里人少,有更多的地方可以做事情和实践他们的宗教仪式。战后,该地区更加和平,随着人口的增长和国内移民的涌入,该地区对自然美景、丰富的文化和机遇有了逐渐发展的需求。场地的颜色不那么花哨,每个设计和室内工作都很简单。有些房子仍然保留着原来的质量和风格。这些房子离河更近,颜色也更随意,尽管有些房子是红色的,这被认为是一种文化丰富的颜色,在中国宗教中有自己的重要性。


Chongqing was an old fashioned location of western China, though has its own importance during the war with Japan where it probably served as a capital. Situated across the Yangtze River it was always a historically rich and culturally focused region of the Yuzhong district. The houses were more old fashioned build majorly with wood as a prime component and brick and cement in some other houses. The people were more content and practiced their religion peacefully without contradictions (Guillain, 2008). It had recovered from the 1940 war with Japan which it won and the time was ripe for the people to intersect with the capitalism movement that had taken the US by storm and was spreading worldwide. The people there had lost lives and loved ones in the war and now demanded peace and progress of the future generations. This led the way to more people becoming self-reliant and started to educate them for future life. The history of the city or the region can be traced back to 3000 years which consisted of the Ra culture being the prime practice It was a large river town within the endless hinterland of China and had a special place of being culturally rich evident in the people’s practice and belief in their religion.
The river Yangtze is the third largest river of the world and this speaks the significance that it possessed and the way it was viewed by the non-residents (Ruokanen and Huang, 2010). The visual image of the region speaks about mountains, nature, full of wilderness and surrounding all these natural peaks and gifts of God lived the people of the city. The houses were wooden styled, large, open, and more secluded, as there were few people and more place to do things and practice their rituals of the religion.The region was more peaceful after the war and had a gradual demand of development with the rise in population and influx of domestic migration for its natural beauty, rich culture, and opportunities. The colours of the location were less gaudy and had simplicity involved in each designs and house work. Some of the houses still remain which are of old quality and possessing old flair of their own. The houses were more near the river and had more laid back colours though some houses had red colour which was considered to be a culturally rich colour and had its own importance in the Chinese religion.





The business idea is to start Korean BBQ restaurant with premium range of Buffet service. In order to start KIT administration will have to look upon from various prospects as the width of Korean BBQ restaurants business in London is nice and it is evaluated that it will increase with 15% growth rate in the upcoming five years. The business has many competitors but there is enough room for from premium Korean offerings. The demand is primarily coming from the people looking for great tasty Korean barbeques. The evaluated width of service is very large and is increasing at the rate mentioned above. Thus, the whole methodology behind the development of restaurants is based on the whole market view where sales forecasting will begin around 300 clients per day which will be detailed in the financial section. The restaurants will start with sitting capacity of 100 and will offer Barbeque buffet in 4 shifts i.e. two in the afternoon and two during dinners.The restaurant will be started in London M25 zone where footfalls of our high end customers looking for tasty barbeque foods are higher. We are planning to open it somewhere near to Leicester square which is near to major London centres and also easier for our target customers segment to visit.

The principle Buffets that will be offered by us to our clients will be premium Barbeque buffets. It consists of 10 starters; choice of 1 drink from menu of 7 drink, Main course and desserts in the end. The buffet will be offered on unlimited basis. The main aim of our restaurant is to provide special experience to all customers to utilize this service with regards to its taste, reliabilities, convenience and cost effectiveness.The food services given by us will be consisting of the below listed special advantages:-Convenience: – Utilizing this KIT service is a big chance for our clients to separate it from the other service givers as we will provide them special experience of all kinds of flexibility in timings and convenience. We will operate in 4 shifts everyday with unlimited food options for all three categories i.e. starters, main course and desserts.Reliability: -The service given by us provides larger reliability to our clients as they can transfer all their worries about food quality and taste on us and enjoy the best premium buffet in London.Cost Efficiency: – The most important and third part of our strategic rank is to give value to the clients based on the cost efficiency i.e. to give premium service at optimal price i.e. 20 pounds per hour.



苹果公司总部位于加利福尼亚州库比蒂诺,是一家从事电脑、软件、手机等产品的设计、开发和销售的跨国公司。该组织成立于1976年,成立于1977年(Dormehl, 2012)。它是世界上收入最大的信息技术组织之一。它也是仅次于三星的全球第二大手机制造商。该组织拥有超过10万名员工,在全球拥有400多家零售店。一个组织的资源和能力允许它为客户服务和繁荣。根据上述陈述,必须指出,这些能力和资源是使组织获得竞争优势的驱动力。有形资产和无形资产是组织的基本能力的类别。组织的生存依赖于这种阈值能力(Dormehl, 2012)。组织最大的有形资源包括设计师、程序员、工程师、硬件、软件、零售店和供应商。在这些设计师和工程师的帮助下,该组织已经能够生产世界级的产品和软件,如iPhone, ipod和OS X操作系统(Akan et al., 2006)。竞争优势很大程度上依赖于这些资源,苹果的资源使其与众不同。

与竞争对手戴尔(Dell)不同,苹果的优势从来不在于成本战略。戴尔能够随心所欲地降低成本,从而瞄准那些倾向于成本的客户。由于财政拮据,该组织不得不召回接替首席执行官一职的工作。苹果最大的优势是通过创新来领导(Lasserre, 2012)。苹果已经能够在市场上获得自己的地位,并通过产品差异化来推动自己的利润。如果一个组织能够探索其概念上的差异,那么产品差异可以是一个很好的工具或策略。通过他的个人技巧和把电脑变成家用产品的创立理论,史蒂夫·乔布斯在1998年挽救了苹果公司,使其免于倒闭。该组织最大的能力之一是其品牌形象,这是集中在简单和使生活更简单(艾伦和赫尔姆斯,2006)。苹果的一般策略只是成本策略和营销策略的结合,很少有其他虚构的市场领域。作为市场的领导者,苹果证明了通用战略是确保市场利益的完美肯定方式。


Headquartered in Cupertino, California, Apple Inc. is a multinational company which is engaged in the designing, development and selling of computers, software, phones etc. Founded in the year 1976, the organization was incorporated in the year 1977 (Dormehl, 2012). It is one of the largest information technology organizations in the world in terms of revenue. It is also the second largest manufacturer of phones in the world after Samsung. The organization employs more than 100,000 employees and has more than 400 retail stores across the globe.The resources and the competencies of an organization allow it to serve its customers and prosper. In the light of the above statement it is imperative to state that these competencies and resources are the driving forces which allow an organization to gain competitive edge. The tangible and intangible assets are the categories of the threshold capabilities of an organization. The survival of an organization is dependent on such threshold capabilities (Dormehl, 2012). The biggest tangible resources of the organization include designers, programmers, engineers, hardware, software, retail stores and suppliers. With the help of such designers and engineers the organization has been able to manufacture world class products and software like iPhone, ipod and OS X operating system (Akan et al., 2006). The competitive advantage is hugely dependent on such resources, Apple’s resources make it distinctive from the competitors.

Cost strategy has never been the strength of Apple unlike its competitor Dell which has been able to drive down costs at its wills thereby targeting cost-inclined customers. Due to the financial constraints the organization had to recall Jobs to take over the position of CEO. The biggest strength of Apple is leadership through innovation (Lasserre, 2012). Apple has been able to gain its position in the market and drive its profit through product differentiation. If an organization is able to explore its conceptual distinction, product differentiation can be a great tool or strategy. Through his personal knack and the founding theory of making the computer a home product, Steve Jobs was able to revive the organization and save it from sinking in 1998. One of the biggest competencies of the organization is its brand image which is focused on simplicity and making lives simpler (Allen and Helms, 2006). Generic strategy of Apple is nothing but combination of costing strategy and marketing strategies and few other fictional market fields. Being a leader company in marketplace, Apple proved that generic strategy is the perfect affirmative way to ensure the benefit of market.



所提供的资料可让你了解本公司可用资金的使用效率,以及突显本公司短期财务需求的流动资金。评估每个数字的下面讨论:存货周转:库存周转率显示的天数,公司将利用的库存。在目前的情况下,库存周转率高于行业平均水平,并且与去年相比有所增加。这表明,要么该公司持有高水平的库存,要么销量下降(Bhimani, Horngren, Datar, Foster, 2008)。由于存货与所销售的商品的成本有关,所以可以说,由于所持有的存货没有实现销售,来自经营活动的现金流将减少。库存:库存的增加降低了营运现金流量(特鲁里街,2012)。根据给定的库存信息,公司所持有的货物的销售成本可以计算出来。这些计算表明,该公司维持了按照行业标准销售的货物的成本,但由于库存很高,而且正如库存周转率所突出的那样,销售并没有补充同样的成本。

这意味着来自业务的现金流将减少。这是因为已经发生成本的产品销售产生的现金将无法实现。除此之外,公司还承担了持有存货的成本。贸易应收帐款周转率:应收款项的增加降低了营运现金流量。一年多来,公司的应收账款大幅增加。这种增长已经导致it超出了行业水平。上一年的应收账款是有限度的。贸易应收账款的增加不会影响当前的资产,但流动资产中的现金部分肯定会减少影响公司的业务水平的性能将会降低导致低盈利能力和公司无法履行金融义务(哈里斯&Mongiello, 2012)。因此,贸易应收账款是对现金流产生负面影响的一个关键因素。


The given information provides an insight into the efficiency in which the funds available with the company have been utilised and the liquidity highlighting the short term financial requirements of the company. The assessment of each of the figures has been discussed below:Inventory Turnover:The inventory turnover shows the number of days in which the inventory of the company will be utilised. In the present case the inventory turnover is higher than the industry average and it has increased in comparison to the last year. This shows that either the company is holding high level of inventory or the sales have reduced (Bhimani, Horngren, Datar, Foster, 2008). Since the inventory is linked to the cost of goods sold it can be said that cash flow from operations will reduce as the sales is not realized for the inventory that is held. Inventory:An increase in inventory reduces the operating cash flow (Drury, 2012). Based on the given information of inventory held by the company the cost of goods sold can be calculated. These calculations show that the company had maintained the cost of goods sold as per the industry standards but since the inventory is high and, as highlighted by inventory turnover, the same is not complemented by sales.

This means that cash flow from operations will reduce. This is because the cash from the sales of the product for which cost has been incurred will not be realized. Apart from this the cost of holding inventory has been incurred by the company. Trade Receivables Turnover:The increase in trade receivables reduces the operating cash flow. The trade receivables for the company have increased drastically over the one year. This increase has resulted in it going beyond the industry level. The trade receivables were in limit in the previous year. This increase in the trade receivables might not impact the current assets but the cash component in the current assets would certainly reduce impacting the performance of the company as the operations level will be reduced resulting in low profitability and inability of the company to fulfil financial obligations (Harris &Mongiello, 2012). The trade receivables are thus a key factor that has negatively impacted the cash flow.

research philosophy怎么写:企业社会责任

research philosophy怎么写:企业社会责任

企业社会责任是管理研究领域中最受关注的概念之一。尽管关于这一主题的文献大量存在,但对其定义共识却存在明显的缺失(Jamali et al., 2015) (Lozano et al., 2016)。该观点的某些作者对这个术语没有任何定义,这是大多数作者都不同意的一个论断。某些作者倾向于利用社会责任作为一个术语来澄清相关问题不能只限于盈利的组织。Dahlsrud(2010)认为,企业社会责任是社会因素的构建,他认为对企业社会责任进行公正的定义是有问题的(Jamali et al . 2015)。然而,就本文的目的而言,企业社会责任被定义为企业通过使用道德上尊重价值观的方法,向人们提供荣誉和尊重他们,同时确保外部环境不受损害,从而在商业上取得成功的几种方式。为了解释企业社会责任的性质和动机,有四个关键理论。这些理论包括古典观、工具观、政治理论观和综合理论观。

research philosophy怎么写:企业社会责任
古典主义观点:新古典主义者和古典主义者都认为只有管理的社会责任才能使利益最大化。米尔顿·弗里德曼认为,新古典主义经济学家认为,任何企业的社会责任都应该导致利润最大化。他进一步认为,在大多数情况下,盈利能力和CSR是负相关的。他认为,为企业社会责任采取主动的组织利用资本,这些资本可以是股东利润、工人工资或工资,也可以是为实施这些主动行动而提高产品价格的资本(Lozano et al., 2016)。在他看来,唯一的例外是,在一个较小的社区内成为一个关键的雇主,并继续投入资源在该特定社区内提供设施,符合公司的利益。这使得吸引有吸引力的员工变得容易,降低账单工资或减少破坏和盗窃造成的损失,或具有其他有价值的影响(Takkar, 2015)。

research philosophy怎么写:企业社会责任

CSR is one of the most popularly discussed concepts in the research field of management. Even though the literature over this subject is in large amount, there exists a clear absence over its definitions consensus (Jamali et al., 2015) (Lozano et al 2016). There are certain authors of the opinion that do not exist any definition for this term which is one assertion that most authors have disagreed upon. Certain authors are of the preference to utilize social responsibility as a term for clarifying that related problems cannot be restricted to only organizations making profit. According to Dahlsrud (2010), CSR is a construction of social factors and he argued that it is problematic to develop a definition on the subject which is unbiased (Jamali et al 2015). For the purpose of this paper however, CSR has been defined as several ways by which organizations are able to achieve success commercially through use of methods honouring values ethically, offer honour to people and respect them along with ensuring that no harm is laid over the external environment. In order to explain CSR nature and motive, there are 4 key theories. These theories are inclusive of classical view, Instrumental view, political theory view and integrative theoretical view.

research philosophy怎么写:企业社会责任
Classical view: The neo-classicalists and classicalists are of the belief that only social responsibility of the management results in maximizing advantage. According to Milton Friedman, the neo-classicalist economists believe that any firms CSR should result in profit maximization. He further believed that in most situations, the profitability and CSR are negatively related. He argued that organizations which pursue initiatives for CSR utilize capital that could have been shareholders profit, workers wage or salary or they might have increased their product price for pursuing such initiatives (Lozano et al., 2016). According to him, the only exception that exists here is that it is in the firm’s interest to become a key employer within a smaller community and continue devoting resources to provide facilities across that specific community. This leads towards making it easy to attract employees that are desirable, reduce the bill wage or lessen the loss from sabotage and pilferage or have other effects of worthwhile nature (Takkar, 2015).