
research philosophy怎么写:企业社会责任

research philosophy怎么写:企业社会责任

企业社会责任是管理研究领域中最受关注的概念之一。尽管关于这一主题的文献大量存在,但对其定义共识却存在明显的缺失(Jamali et al., 2015) (Lozano et al., 2016)。该观点的某些作者对这个术语没有任何定义,这是大多数作者都不同意的一个论断。某些作者倾向于利用社会责任作为一个术语来澄清相关问题不能只限于盈利的组织。Dahlsrud(2010)认为,企业社会责任是社会因素的构建,他认为对企业社会责任进行公正的定义是有问题的(Jamali et al . 2015)。然而,就本文的目的而言,企业社会责任被定义为企业通过使用道德上尊重价值观的方法,向人们提供荣誉和尊重他们,同时确保外部环境不受损害,从而在商业上取得成功的几种方式。为了解释企业社会责任的性质和动机,有四个关键理论。这些理论包括古典观、工具观、政治理论观和综合理论观。

research philosophy怎么写:企业社会责任
古典主义观点:新古典主义者和古典主义者都认为只有管理的社会责任才能使利益最大化。米尔顿·弗里德曼认为,新古典主义经济学家认为,任何企业的社会责任都应该导致利润最大化。他进一步认为,在大多数情况下,盈利能力和CSR是负相关的。他认为,为企业社会责任采取主动的组织利用资本,这些资本可以是股东利润、工人工资或工资,也可以是为实施这些主动行动而提高产品价格的资本(Lozano et al., 2016)。在他看来,唯一的例外是,在一个较小的社区内成为一个关键的雇主,并继续投入资源在该特定社区内提供设施,符合公司的利益。这使得吸引有吸引力的员工变得容易,降低账单工资或减少破坏和盗窃造成的损失,或具有其他有价值的影响(Takkar, 2015)。

research philosophy怎么写:企业社会责任

CSR is one of the most popularly discussed concepts in the research field of management. Even though the literature over this subject is in large amount, there exists a clear absence over its definitions consensus (Jamali et al., 2015) (Lozano et al 2016). There are certain authors of the opinion that do not exist any definition for this term which is one assertion that most authors have disagreed upon. Certain authors are of the preference to utilize social responsibility as a term for clarifying that related problems cannot be restricted to only organizations making profit. According to Dahlsrud (2010), CSR is a construction of social factors and he argued that it is problematic to develop a definition on the subject which is unbiased (Jamali et al 2015). For the purpose of this paper however, CSR has been defined as several ways by which organizations are able to achieve success commercially through use of methods honouring values ethically, offer honour to people and respect them along with ensuring that no harm is laid over the external environment. In order to explain CSR nature and motive, there are 4 key theories. These theories are inclusive of classical view, Instrumental view, political theory view and integrative theoretical view.

research philosophy怎么写:企业社会责任
Classical view: The neo-classicalists and classicalists are of the belief that only social responsibility of the management results in maximizing advantage. According to Milton Friedman, the neo-classicalist economists believe that any firms CSR should result in profit maximization. He further believed that in most situations, the profitability and CSR are negatively related. He argued that organizations which pursue initiatives for CSR utilize capital that could have been shareholders profit, workers wage or salary or they might have increased their product price for pursuing such initiatives (Lozano et al., 2016). According to him, the only exception that exists here is that it is in the firm’s interest to become a key employer within a smaller community and continue devoting resources to provide facilities across that specific community. This leads towards making it easy to attract employees that are desirable, reduce the bill wage or lessen the loss from sabotage and pilferage or have other effects of worthwhile nature (Takkar, 2015).