

















swot analysis 代写:热力学四原理

swot analysis 代写:热力学四原理

热力学四原理:热力学第零定律:根据这一原理,利用变温可以进行热力学的研究(Farret, Felix, 2006)。当两个热力学系统处于热平衡状态,而第三个热力学系统处于热平衡状态,那么我们说,它们彼此都处于热平衡状态。简单地说,这个定律下的物理基准是表征系统状态的温度。热力学第一定律:这个定律指出,在任何化学反应中都不可能产生或破坏能量,而能量的唯一形式是变化的。据说,在任何过程中,整个宇宙的总能量总是相同的(De Groot, Sybren Ruurds, and Peter Mazur, 2013)。在任何包含热力学循环的过程中,系统所做的净功与系统所获得的净热之间存在平衡状态。热力学第二定律:如果一个孤立系统的熵不处于平衡状态,那么它会随着时间的推移而增加。

swot analysis 代写:热力学四原理
通过它的增量,系统的方法是达到平衡与最大值。热力学第三定律:当温度接近绝对零度时,系统的熵达到恒定的最小值。从能量的角度看,地球是一个开放的热力学系统,但从物质的角度看,地球是一个封闭的系统。地球继续受到太阳辐射的能量。地球以几乎相同的速度将能量重新辐射到太空中(Dincer, Ibrahim, and Marc, Rosen, 2005)。长期以来,人类一直致力于将太阳辐射转化为各种形式的能量,以进行各种各样的工作,如电力和燃料等。人类的这一目标可以通过从地壳中创造这样的装置来实现,它可以帮助将一种能量转换成另一种能量形式。这些设备的寿命是有限的,它们依赖于额外的基础设施来维护和操作,如大学、工厂和城市等。

swot analysis 代写:热力学四原理

The four principles of Thermodynamics: The Zeroth law of thermodynamics: According to this principle, with the use of variable temperatures the study of thermodynamics can be conducted (Farret, Felix, 2006). In a state in which two thermodynamic systems are in a state of thermal equilibrium against the third thermodynamic system then it is said that they all are in the state of thermal equilibrium with each other. In simple terms the physical benchmark under this law is the temperature for characterizing the system’s state. First law of thermodynamics: This law states that it is not possible to create or destroy the energy in any chemical reaction and the only the form of energy changes. It is said that the total energy of the whole universe is same always under any process (De Groot, Sybren Ruurds, and Peter Mazur, 2013). In any process that includes the thermodynamic cycle there exists a situation of equilibrium between the net work performed by the system and the net heat supplied to the system.Second law of thermodynamics: If an isolated system’s entropy is not in an equilibrium state then it will increase with the passage of time.

swot analysis 代写:热力学四原理
Through its increment the approach of the system is of attaining equilibrium with maximum value. Third law of thermodynamics: It states that when the temperature approaches to absolute zero then the entropy of system reaches to a situation of constant minimum.The planet earth in terms of energy can be considered as an open thermodynamic system but in case of matter it is a closed system. The Earth continues to get the energy radiated by the Sun. The earth re-radiated the energy into the space approximately at the same rate (Dincer, Ibrahim, and Marc, Rosen, 2005). Human beings have been working since long for converting the solar radiation into various forms of energies for performing various working for example electricity and fuel etc. This purpose of human beings can be achieved through the creation of such devices from the crust of earth that can help in converting one of energy into the other energy form. The life span of those devices is finite and they depend of the extra infrastructure for their maintenance and operations like of universities, factories and cities etc.



在当前酒店业竞争激烈的情况下,酒店要想提高盈利能力,扩大市场份额,就需要有一个竞争的定位。1987年和2002年对大约2600家公司进行了调查。研究表明,当商品和服务质量水平较好时,公司的金融服务和市场份额也较好(Srinivasan, 2014)。当服务质量较好时,市场占有率、投资回报率、物业周转率等指标均有显著提高。因此,任何企业都有必要关注服务质量。服务业务可以从成功开始。该业务本可以在服务行业找到一个以前没有找到的细分市场,或者就像香港的酒店业务一样,找到一些酒店尚未涉足的细分市场。这可能导致服务业务或酒店在创建时处于竞争地位。然而,随着时间的推移,决定公司成功的不仅仅是产品和服务的独特性(Gummesson, 1993)。

为了保持成功,有必要从一开始就保持良好的服务质量,并随着酒店的发展,通过所有的服务缺口来提高服务质量(Wisniewski, and Donnelly, 1996)。一个好的服务质量度量系统将会在这里有所帮助,因为度量系统将会帮助识别弱点。服务质量度量的意义将产生于对服务质量的理解问题,其清晰度不亚于对产品质量的理解问题。产品质量更容易理解,参数更容易测量。另一方面,在服务质量方面,可衡量的指标更加无形。服务与产品分离的最重要特征是服务生产与消费几乎不可能分离。就产品而言,生产和消费的分离更加明显。然而,服务生产和消费的这种相互重叠的性质也是必须对其进行某种形式的度量的原因,因为这可能导致管理部门要处理相当大的质量差距。


In the current competitive nature of the hospitality industry, hotels need to have a competitive positioning in order to increase their profitability and also expand their market share. Research was counted in the years of 1987 and 2002 on around 2600 companies. The research indicated that where the level of quality of the goods and the services were good then the financial services and the market share of the company were also good (Srinivasan, 2014). Market share, return on investments, the property turnover coefficient and more were seen to be very much improved when the service quality was good. Hence it is necessary for any business to focus on service quality.A service business could start off with a success spin. The business could have identified a segment in the service industry that has not been identified before, or as in the case of this hotel business in Hong Kong, identified some niche segment of customer that hotels were still not tapping into. This could lead to a competitive positioning for the service business or hotel at the time of inception. However, with time, it is not only the uniqueness of the product and service that will determine the success of the company (Gummesson, 1993).

For the success to be sustained it is necessary for the service quality to be good from inception and improve through all service gaps as the hotel progresses (Wisniewski, and Donnelly, 1996).A good service quality measurement system will be helpful here as the measurement system will be helpful to identify the weaknesses. The significance of service quality measurement would arise from the issues of understanding service quality with as much clarity as that of product quality. Product quality is much easier to understand and the parameters are more easily measurable. On the other hand, in the case of service quality, the measurable indicators are more intangible. The most important characteristics of services, separating them products are that it would be almost impossible to separate the service production and consumption. In the case of products, the production and consumption are more clearly segregated. However, this very nature of the service production and consumption overlapping with one another is also the reason that there must be some form of measurement for it as this could lead to the presence of a considerable quality gap for the management to handle.


如今,鼓勵企業家是一項領先的業務。這篇由Scott Shane撰寫的論文試圖呈現一個完全不同的觀點。他的論文的標題是吸引讀者的第一個線索,因為矛盾總是在市場上有一個熱點。這是這篇文章的第一個強烈的特點,往往會讓人讀它。我在本文中發現的下一個好特性是顯式部分,突出了內容中討論的問題。他們很理性,也很容易讓人產生共鳴。這五個問題組織了這篇論文的整個主題,並為讀者接下來要做的準備。第三和第五項陳述最吸引我,作者說他將解釋好的初創企業與壞的初創企業的特點,以及是什麼讓他得出一個結論,放棄了鼓勵創業者的政策(Bernstein, 2002) 。本文最好的地方在於作者提出的創業失敗的原因。這是迄今為止最吸引人的部分。他解釋失敗原因的方式值得讚賞。沒有工作,更確切地說,沒有經驗的人傾向於為自己創造機會。

他們缺乏經驗和對商業的理解,這使得他們浪費了政府和其他公司提供的激勵和放鬆。在下一節中,作者將繼續駁斥與創業有關的創造就業神話。他引用了美國的統計數據。 ,以支持他的論點。我喜歡他用連續的辯論方式來傳達他的信息。正如他在前面關於新業務的不可持續性的部分中所解釋的,他在本節中更進一步。新企業確實創造了就業機會,但它們存活的時間不長,導致同等數量的失業人口。他再次引用了一項關於大型企業和新企業僱員的比較研究。值得讚揚的部分還涉及國際趨勢。作者包括來自瑞典的統計數字。年齡在兩歲或以上的公司僅創造了1.7%的就業崗位,而年齡在10歲以上的公司創造了74.5%的就業崗位。此外,新公司創造的淨就業機會不值得一提,因為它們中很少能存活很長時間(Noorderhaven et al., 2004)。


Encouraging Entrepreneurs is a leading business these days. This paper by Scott Shane intends to present a completely different point of view. The title of his paper is the first catch line to attract readers, as contradictions always have a hot spot in market. This is the first strong feature of this paper that tends one to read it. The next good feature I find in this paper is the explicit section highlighting the issues discussed in the content. They are very rational and relatable. These five issues organized the entire subject of this paper and prepare the mind of a reader what is coming next. The third and the fifth statement appeals me the most, where the author says he will explain the characteristics of good start-ups versus bad start-ups and what makes him come to a conclusion to discard the policy of encouraging entrepreneurs specifically(Bernstein, 2002). The best of this paper is the argument that the author presents on why the start-ups fail. This is the most enthralling section so far. The way he explains the reasons for failure is worth appreciating. People with no job and more precisely no experience tend towards creating opportunities for themselves.

Their lack of experience and understanding of business makes them waste the incentives and relaxations provided by government and other firms.The author continues to impress in the next section of countering the job creation Myth associated with Entrepreneurship. He quotes statistics from the U.S Bureau of Labour statistics to support his argument. I like his style of conveying his message in continuation style of argument. As he explained in earlier section about unsustainability associated with new business, he takes it further in this section. New businesses do create employment opportunities but they don’t survive for long, leaving equal number of unemployed people. He again quotes a comparative study about people hired by huge businesses and those by new ones. The commendable part is referring to international trends as well. The author includes statistics from Sweden. The companies who were two or more years old created only 1.7 per cent of jobs while companies older than ten years create 74.5 per cent jobs. Moreover the net jobs created by new firms are not worth mentioning as rare of them survive for long (Noorderhaven et al., 2004).



情态动词通常有与义务或任何可能性相关的含义。情态动词是一种动词,用来表示语气,暗示可能性、义务或允许。” Ought “是一组简单的情态动词。它总是和几乎紧跟在“to”和动词不定式后面。这就意味着“应该”和“应该”的用法是一样的,并且可以用类似的方式使用,尽管“应该”不太通用,而且表示更正式一些。“should”作为情态动词的一些例子包括:“We ought to reach the museum by night”(我们应该在夜间到达博物馆),这意味着它应该在夜间到达博物馆。另一个例子是“我应该完成我的工作”,意思是这是一种义务。此外,情态动词只有一种形式。“应该”也是一个只有一种形式的词,因为“应该”不能用作“应该”。这在语法上是不正确的。另一方面,“Used”作为一个名词,当作为情态动词被观察到时,明显地适用于情态动词后面跟着“to”的同一类别。当used与to连用时,它构成情态动词。

例如,“I used to live in danish”或“We used to go For a picnic every weekend”。从这个角度来看,used属于助动词的另一类。助动词则是通过另一个完整的动词来完成问句、否定句和复合时态的动词。当与主动词连用时,“应当”属于助动词的范畴。助动词与主动词的结合有助于不同程度地表达时间和情绪。动词短语从此被创造出来。在助动词范畴下,” ought “可以用作助动词,例如:” You ought to see that movie “(表示愿望:助动词)作为助动词,它作为它的补语,一个助动词。这样的动词可以是一个完整的主动词,如move或to go,也可以是一个简单的不定式,如go。“应该”的否定形式要么是“不应该”,要么是“不应该”。另一方面,used确实属于助动词范畴,因为它表示助动词。例如,“她过去是个好人”。


Modals usually have meanings related to obligations or any sort of possibilities. A modal verb is a type of verb used for indicating modality implying likelihood, obligation or permitting. “Ought” is a simple set of modal verb. It is always and almost followed by the term “to” and the verb’s infinitive form. This implies the same as for the work “should” and can be used in a similar way, even though “ought” is less general and indicates a bit more formality. Some examples of “ought” indicating it as a modal verb are inclusive of: “We ought to reach the museum by night” which implies it is expected to reach the museum by night fall. Another example is “I ought to finish my work” meaning that it is an obligation. Furthermore, modal verbs are such that they have only one form. “Ought” is also a word that has only one form as ought cannot be used as “oughting”. This is grammatically incorrect. “Used” as a term, on the other hand, when observed as a modal verb, is evidently suitable for the same category as modal verbs are followed by “to”. When “used” is utilized in conjunction to “to”, it forms a modal verb.

For example, “I used to live in Denmark” or “We used to go for a picnic every weekend”. From this perspective, “used” falls under another category of verbs that is helping verbs. Auxiliary verbs, on the other hand, are the verbs which are followed through another complete verb so as to complete a question, a negative sentence and a compounded tense. When used in conjunction with main verbs, “ought” falls under the category of auxiliary verb. Combining auxiliary verbs and main verbs helps in expressing time and mood related different degrees. Verb phrases are henceforth created. Under auxiliary verb category, “ought” can be used as evident from following example: (indicating desire: auxiliary) “You ought to see that movie”As an auxiliary verb, it takes as its complement, a following verb. Such verb might be apparent as a complete initiative such as to move or to go or as a bare infinitive such as go. The negative of ought either is ought not or oughtn’t. On the other hand, “used” does fall under auxiliary verb category as it indicates a helping verb. For example, “She used to be a good person”.



由于增长的可能性较低,一个国家的平均实际GDP增长率在未来几十年往往会更低。在这种情况下,季度实际GDP也更有可能降至零以下。当一个经济体的实际GDP连续两次下降时,就被认为处于衰退(Harding, 2002)。因此,可以说,当一个经济体遭遇较低的经济增长时,发生衰退的可能性可能会上升。日本就是一个很好的例子,日本经济的增长潜力非常低(几乎低于1%),这增加了经济出现多次衰退的可能性。就整体经济而言,申报工作时间长往往意味着工作收入增长较低。这意味着,国内投资者的投资和支出增长将会放缓。正在进行的人口结构变化也可能改变消费者的行为,因为家庭总开支将感受到一些下行压力;这将改变消费者的投资和消费组合。服务和商品需求的更快增长将受到老年人口的青睐。与此同时,主要由年轻人消费的服务和商品的需求将会下降。



The average real GDP growth of a nation tends to be lower in the upcoming decades due to the weaker probability of growth. There is a higher chance that the quarterly real GDP under these circumstances would drop below zero level as well. When an economy posts two consecutive pullbacks in the real GDP, it is considered to be in recession (Harding, 2002). Thus, it can be said that the possibility of an occurrence of recession might rise in case when an economy is suffering through a lower economic growth. One of the good example of the same is Japan, the potential of growth for the economy of Japan is very low (almost below 1%) which increases the possibility of occurrence of multiple recession in the economy. For the economy as a whole, the significant declaration hours worked tends to point at a lower growth in the working income. This implies that there would be a lower growth in the investment and spending by the domestic investors. The demographic changes which are underway might also change the behaviour of the consumer as there would be some downward pressure felt by the total household spending; this as a result would change the investment and consumption basket of the consumers. Faster growth in demand of services and goods would be preferred by an older population. At the same time, there would be a softer demand by the services and goods which are mainly consumed by the young people.

There would be softer growth in the corporate income due to the lower growth in the spending of the consumers and investments by residents. This would be done in both indirect manner (firms with business ties to respective industries) and in a direct manner (wholesalers, retailers, housing services and homebuilders). The slowdown in revenue might result in lower growth of the corporate gains, unless there is an unexpected spike in the corporate profit. Business might tend to increase their trade in foreign nations in an attempt to offset some of this shortfall in their profit. But, it must be noted that the competition in the global arena is quite fierce and it is because of the same that the economy would have to struggle so as to win the international share of the market. The impact of the lower growth in economy on the movement in the investment of non-residents would not be that evident. At the same time, there would be some surplus production capacity due to the shift to softer growth in the next few years. This might put a downward pressure on investment towards non-residential machinery and equipment and also on construction.

个人陈述代写:Perfect Research Paper写作辅导

个人陈述代写:Perfect Research Paper写作辅导

国外大学的上学时间开始了,那么期末还会远吗?所以同学们的Perfect Research Paper是不是也要开始准备了呢,出国留学Perfect Research Paper是有些许的繁杂,但是同学们还是需要好好完成的。

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留学生们写paper一定要注意写好这九个部分:Preparation(前期准备)、Structure(结构)、Title(标题)、 Abstracts(摘要)、Introduction(简介) 、Conclusion(结论)、Body of Paper(正文)、Revision(修改)以及Acknowledgement(致谢)。


个人陈述代写:Perfect Research Paper写作辅导

Preparation就是前期的一些准备工作,比如查找论文主题相关资料,确定自己的写作方向,这个过程基本上都是可以图书馆完成,但是大家在收集到了有效的材料之后一定要做笔记,将有用的内容记录下来,方便后面Research Paper的内容写作。




标题必须要秉承clear and short的原则,取一个能够博得老师眼球的title,那么就会引起老师想要读你这篇文章的兴趣,那么这个标题就是非常成功的。注意:在标题中不能出现缩写。


个人陈述代写:Perfect Research Paper写作辅导



以上为大家带来的出国留学Perfect Research Paper写作辅导,相信同学们在今后遇到英国Perfect Research Paper时就可以游刃有余的去发挥自己的论文写作了。想要写好Perfect Research Paper,更重要的还是需要同学们结合平常的所学知识,好好的认真的去写好Perfect Research Paper,给自己这一个学期的学习,或者说出国留学生涯的学习一次完美的交待。




概述运动鞋如何满足顾客的需求和要求,涉及鞋的性能、舒适性、耐用性和形象/风格等因素。当运动鞋的款式和形象符合市场潮流时,才能满足顾客的需求。顾客的选择随着市场的变化而变化。其他重要的事情是性能,和舒适的鞋子,这只能在使用后才能体验的鞋子。顾客的选择可以与品牌的选择相关联,品牌的选择是在检查了舒适性、性能和耐用性之后做出的。另一个重要因素是鞋子的成本,以及与市场上其他品牌的比较(Thomas, 2014)。区分客户的需求和需求,描述需求如何在消费经济的复苏中成长为需求。顾客的需求和需求之间存在着显著的差异。这可以通过客户有他们不需要的想要的方式来区分。这就像一个人的需要是一个汉堡,但他们去比萨饼。



Outline how athletics shoes meet the needs and wants of the customers, referring to factors such as shoe performance, comfort, durability and image/ style.The athletic shoes can meet the needs of the customers, when the style and image of the shoe is in accordance with the trends of the markets. The choice of the customers changes with the market trends. The other important things are the performance, and comfort of the shoes which can only be experienced after using the shoes. The choice of the customers can be made related to the brand choice which can be made after checking the comfort, performance and durability. The other important factor is the cost of the shoes and its comparison with the other brands which are available in the market (Thomas, 2014). Distinguish between the customer needs and wants and describe how needs can grow into wants in the recovering consumer economy. There is significant difference between the customers’ needs and wants. This can be distinguished in the manner that the customer have wants which they don’t need. It is just as the need of the person is a hamburger but they go for pizza.

The needs of the customers can be grown to the wants when they will know about the specific requirement according to the body style or the game which they play. People who are looking for the casual shows should be guided by the salesperson. By knowing the needs of the type of shoes, people needs will be easy to guide them to their wants.Use the customer’s whole experience of buying and using a pair of athletic shoes to outline what marketing describes as the Total Product Concept.Total Product Concept is based on different aspects like the core product, expected product, augmented product and potential product which can be analyzed after seeing the buying habits of the customers. Like most of the people, they follow the trend in the market and select the shoes which most of the people buy. On the other hand, very less amount of people know what their actual wants are. Therefore, the concept of Total Product is based on the trends of the market. There are different core lines which are only for the specified customers who know their needs.

resume 代写:由于疏忽导致的健康问题

resume 代写:由于疏忽导致的健康问题

当艾伦赶到医院的时候,他的情况已经非常糟糕了。艾伦被骚扰的医生给了不适当的吗啡剂量,导致艾伦的死亡。尽管阿兰受了重伤,本来会死的,但医生还是排除了他活下来的可能性。英国的几项因果关系测试已经剥夺了一位因疏忽而丧失了生存或康复机会的医生对受害病人的康复权。这就是这种情况,直到或除非有代表能够证明,如果医生没有疏忽,病人的情况会更好(Kleinfeld, 2005)。然而,在大多数情况下,生命损失在不到偶数的机会可能不会停止赔偿,因为不管医生的疏忽,病人最终会死亡(斯蒂尔,2008)。一个重要的例子是,一个病人一边去看医生,一边抱怨自己持续咳嗽,后来才发现原来是肺癌。

resume 代写:由于疏忽导致的健康问题
由于疏忽,如果医生未能诊断出肺癌,他将增加癌症扩散的机会,从而进一步降低患者的生存和康复的可能性(Andel, 1984)。然而,考虑到另一种看法,即使医生花时间诊断肺癌,病人的生存和恢复的机会仍然很少,无论如何他都会死去。根据恢复丧失生存机会的权利,允许病人从造成死亡或者减少生存机会的医生那里恢复。尽管已知此类案件考虑的是相同的政策,但在对待证据认定因果标准的几个司法管辖区之间存在不一致性(Matthews, 2009)。在这种特殊的情况下,Alan的妻子也可以起诉Alan工作的公司,因为事故发生在工作场所和工作时间内。

resume 代写:由于疏忽导致的健康问题

By the time Alan rushed to the hospital, he was in an extremely poor condition. Alan was given an inappropriate dose of morphine by the harassed doctor that resulted in the death of Alan. Even though the severe injuries of Alan would have resulted in his death, any chance of survival was eliminated by the doctor. Several tests of causation in the United Kingdom have denied the right of recovery for an aggrieved patient from a doctor who delivered negligent deprivation in the chance of survival or recovery. This is such scenario, until or unless it can be proved by the representative that the patient had been better if the physician had not been negligent (Kleinfeld, 2005). However, under majority of the cases, the loss of life in less than even chance might not withhold compensation, as irrespective of the negligence of the doctor, the patient would have ended up dying anyways (Steele, 2008). As a significant example, a patient visits doctor while complaining about persistent cough that later on turns out to be lung cancer.

resume 代写:由于疏忽导致的健康问题
Out of negligence, if the doctor fails in diagnosing the lung cancer, he will increase the chances of spreading cancer that will further decrease the probability of survival and recovery of the patient (Andel, 1984). However, considering a different perception, even if the doctor took time in diagnosing the lung cancer, there would have still been few chances for the survival and recovery of the patient, and he would have died anyways.As per the right of recovering for the loss of chance of survival, a patient is allowed to recover from a doctor who has ended up causing a loss or reduced the chance of survival. Even though such cases are known to have the consideration of the same policy, there is an existence of inconsistencies among several jurisdiction treating the causative standard for identifying evidence (Matthews, 2009). In this particular scenario, Alan’s wife can also sue the company in which Alan was working as the accident took place within the premises of the work place and during working hours.



数据:在《时尚致命》(fashionally Fatal)一书中,桑玛•史蒂文斯(Summer Stevens)将时尚描述为走向极端时的致命。在过去,时尚已经被证明是一种危险的方式,包括束身衣的使用、衬裙、高跟鞋等等(Macdonald, 2015)。危险时尚也从社会建构的角度来描述,因为正是社会对性和性别的观点导致了一些实践的采用。同辈压力的一种形式在这里产生,导致危险的时尚趋势的演变(Molina-Guzman, 2010)。Macdonald(2015)强调了在维多利亚时代,人们认为有尊严的女性会穿紧身胸衣,而没有道德的人才不会穿紧身胸衣。她们被称为“放荡的女人”,暗示她们的道德是自由的,就像她们不采用系带的做法一样(Macdonald, 2015)。分析:从对定义危险时尚的研究数据收集中可以看出,危险时尚是为了满足个人虚荣心或满足危险社会理想而存在的一种时尚形式。这是一种虚荣心,在这个过程中,人们可能会伤害自己、健康和永久的身体结构。事实上,这是一种由潮流、社会压力、同辈压力等因素构成的精神错乱。

数据:危险的时尚会影响人的健康。例如,可以考虑使用紧身胸衣来缩小女性的腰围。这些紧身胸衣类似于现代的塑身裤,但束紧腰带,使用它会导致女性消化不良、便秘和其他呼吸困难(Kunzie, 2013)。有时佩戴者还会因为身体受到普遍的压力而出现内出血和血栓(Silver, 2002)。在当今时代,人们痴迷于瘦,瘦被认为是一种时尚。这就导致了这样一种情况:人们被认为注重饮食习惯,而更多的饮食习惯使他们能够减掉更多的体重。药品工业是围绕着苗条这一时尚趋势建立起来的。从长远来看,关注不健康的减肥习惯对人是有害的(斯特里格尔-摩尔,1994)。事实上,一个人为了保持时尚所必须经历的持续的精神压力会对他们的健康造成更大的危害,就像他们可能沉迷于实际的行为一样(Molina-Guzman, 2010)。分析:从收集到的关于危险时尚如何影响人们健康的数据可以看出,危险时尚会导致呼吸困难、出血、内伤、精神压力等。人们开始试图变瘦,以满足社会压力和同伴的压力,反过来伤害他们的身体。


Data: Summer Stevens in the book ‘Fashionably Fatal’ describes fashion as being fatal when it is taken to an extreme. Some ways that fashion has proven to be a danger in the past are in the form of corsets usage, crinolines, high heels, and more (Macdonald, 2015). Dangerous fashion is also described from a social construction viewpoint as it is the societal perspectives on sexuality and gender that leads to the adoption on some practices. A form of peer pressure is created here leading to the evolution of dangerous fashionable trends (Molina-Guzmán, 2010). Macdonald (2015) highlights how in the Victorian age it was assumed that women of respect wore corsets and it was the people with no morals that did not adorn the corsets. They are called the ‘loose women’ implying their morals were free similar to their non-adoption of lacing practices (Macdonald, 2015). Analysis: As observed from the research data collection on defining dangerous fashion it can be said that dangerous fashion is hence a form of fashion that exists to satisfy the vanity of the person or to satisfy dangerous societal ideals. This is a form of vanity where people might end up hurting their self, their health and their permanent body structure in the process. It is in fact a form of insanity constructed by trends, societal pressure, peer pressure and more.

Data: Dangerous fashion affects the person’s health. For instance, consider the use of corsets where the garments were used to shrink the waistline of women. These corsets are similar to the modern day Spanx but are straiter laced and its usage led to women suffering indigestion, constipation and also other breathing difficulties (Kunzie, 2013). Sometimes the wearer also suffered in the form of internal bleeding and clots because of the general pressure on the body (Silver, 2002). In more current times the obsession is on thinness and being thin is considered to be fashionable. This has led to a situation where people are seen to be focused on eating habits and more that enables them to lose more weight. A drug industry is built around the fashionable trend of being slender. In the long run focusing on unhealthy weight loss habits are harmful for the person (Striegel-Moore, 1994). In fact, the constant mental stress that a person has to go through in order to stay fashionable would be more harmful for their health just as much as the actual practices that they might indulge in (Molina-Guzmán, 2010). Analysis: From the data collected on how dangerous fashion affects people’s health it can be observed that dangerous fashion will lead to breathing difficulties, bleeding, internal injuries, mental stress and more. People start attempting to become thin in order to satisfy societal pressure and peer pressure and in turn hurt their bodies.