





The main product being sold at Starbucks is coffee. This coffee product is sold in around thirty different blends. Arabica coffees are sold here. They are sold as different beverages, in the form of hot, iced espressos, smoothies and more. The coffee is sold within the store for the people to drink and is also sold as take away. There are merchandises sold along with the coffees, such as coffee mugs for people to take the coffee in. Packaged goods, music compact disks and more along with fresh food such as pastries, scones, yogurt and more also sold here. The consumer products that are sold as an addition might vary based on the country in which it is sold. Ready brew and Tazo’s are also sold here along with ready to drink chilled mochas and bottled Starbucks Frappuccino’s (Starbucks Company Profile, 2015). In addition to the products being served here, Starbucks coffee houses are famous for the culture they bring into the environment. These coffee houses are usually well spacious and have seats for people who bring in their work, sit down to have a coffee or might even spend time there as a hangout.

The Coffeehouse is seen to partner with some of best suppliers and considers every employee and every store owner as a partner. Comprehensive health coverage’s are available for everyone that partners with Starbucks. In addition Starbucks also offers what is called a Bean Stock program that can offer for eligible employee’s full or part time equity.

2.1.3. Environment and Ethics

Starbucks believes in ethical sourcing and to that point is seen to forge long term relationships with its suppliers all over the world from whom it expects the ethical guidelines to be kept. By end of 2015 Starbucks has aimed to ensure that all its dealers follow ethical trading and growing. It is committed to the environment and also strives to reduce the carbon footprint of the environment. In all its stores it is hence committed to energy and water conservation efforts. It believes in green constructions and hence uses renovations for its stores in similar attempts.














到了新西兰三个月后,有些同学现已要进专业课了,还有些同学仍然在尽力的学英语,学英语的同学我就不多说了,仍是上文讲的,引荐继续住当地人家里,那么,现已过了言语关,而且现已在寄宿家庭住过了一段时刻的筒子们呢?主张租房子,假如你自个会煮饭,能够自力更生的同学,租房子再合适不过了,假如你遇到了好的房东,你的留学日子会十分高兴的。幸运的同学能够花极少的钱,找到一个具有无敌海景,漂亮阳台,独立卫浴的套房,你能够任意安置你的房间,而且大多数房子是包基本家具的。至于安全问题的话,假如你在新西兰,只需你不住特定的几条街,比方NEW NORTH ROAD, DOMININ ROAD,你会发现出门的时分不只房间门不必锁,大门也是不必关的,绕着房子转一圈,总会找到一个门进去。但是需要自己交水电费、网费等,比较麻烦一些。






A crucial component of all the surroundings offers by the ICT (Information Communication Technology) is Surveillance. All practices of the surveillance in the societies ensured with an advanced technology and enlarged by the ICT. It focuses the main concentration on the personal details with the aim of management, influence and full control on the environment and all situations. It also helps in paying attention on the suspects and the other people like consumers, travelers, workers, citizens etc. It helps in analyzing the risk, predicts the opportunity, and observes the daily routines. Everyday’s life seems less private while using the searchable database for profiling that shows the deep power of asking questions are involved. It also leaves the negative impact sometimes such as it is implies on the basic deep questions of justice in the society with the freedom and the distribution of risk. In the era of intensifying Surveillance, the requirement of ethics and political information arise and increases (Andrejevic, 2004).
Surveillance is the best example of the ICT with the advanced government, and commercial strategies those give it a new mode. An example from the daily routine is the traffic in urban areas has explosively increased, and leading the end of the privacy as all the details of the traffic are getting capture by the surveillance. It means watch over. Besides urban areas, it also effects on the daily life of the rural areas too, such as agricultural people use facility of surveillance to give attention on their crops. Officials of public health focus on the medical problems of the people while doing observation.
Society of surveillance
Scientists proposed the phrases those highlights the aspects of the modern change and the society of surveillance is the example of this. The major concern behind this that new technologies help in creating such situations in which the barrier of the social control starts crumbling now. Later, the western countries also become the society of the surveillance or known as the Information society. It was the information circulated in Britain that an introduction of identification card in the nation United Kingdom was in the danger of walking while sleeping into the society of the surveillance (Bauman, 2000)







The significance of cloud computing is enhancing at a tremendous rate and the conception has received growing focus in the communities of sciences and industries. According to a study performed by Gartner, it was evaluated that cloud computing is the initial amongst the top 10 most significant technological advancements especially because it is bound to offer better prospects in the nearing future across industries (Ju et al, 2010). The concept helps to enhance access to networks allowing ubiquitous and convenience on-demand to a configurable share pool resource of computing such as servers, storage devices, applications etc. that can be provisioned rapidly and transformed with minimum effort of management through interaction effectiveness. Even though there are several benefits to adopt Cloud computing, there also exist significantly grave threats towards the concepts adoption. The most prominent challenge in the concepts adoption is security threat followed through issues with regard to complying, privacy and matters of legality. The model of cloud computing is new and therefore requires an even intense focus (Ju et al, 2010). This report has been developed in order to present cloud computing security issues through findings and then to understand the influence of each in daily lives of people.


Security issues related to areas of risk in cloud computing are inclusive of data storage externally, public internet dependency, control inadequacy, multiple tenants and internal security integration. Key functions of cloud computing are divided into 4 different layers which are inclusive of resources and network layer, service layer, access and user layer. The functions of security and privacy are considered as functions for the cross layer that are responsible for covering every cloud layer (Ju et al, 2010). The architecture’s main principle lies in all the layers being optional. In turn this implies that a provider of cloud who needs to make use of referencing architecture has the choice of selecting and implementing only subset of the layers. From the perspective of security however, the separation principle needs every layer to take up the responsibility specifically. In security control situations when a layer by-passes to the other, remaining functions of security may be compensated and therefore cross layer functions implementation is crucial.




‘枪’这个词的时候是与心态有关枪的概念仅仅通过接收协议的演讲者对英语应该这样做。没有直接的一对一关系中任何特定的术语和外部形式的指示物是指利用它(Fairclough 2012)。因此,按这种说法可以得出结论,个人没有一个选项就能指使用一个术语,指的是某些表示如果他们愿意理解。能指与所指之间的关系,可以通过社会矫正或固定惯例,因此,表明建筑语言是社会的方式完成的。

如果语言的社会建构完成,它的贡献提高怀疑关于文化的影响。有许多变化在不同的人类社会,在一定的持续时间和在任何特定的时间点(Fairclough 2012)。任意背后的概念意义但重要的感知有关的表示语言和现实之间既不是新的或不同的,也不是特定只根据作者。这篇文章还说古希腊时期。本文的基础上,发现参数已经被许多学者把关于病因知识和文化之间的关系(Kieran 2010)。这种观点已经得到作者的支持。参数包括两个主要部分。第一部分说明了关于相对论的知识根据有变化的方式,不同的文化可以感知和解释在全球各地。这种结构提供了在这些语言。第二部分是关于语言的决定论。按它,它一直保持这种特定的语言不仅反映了文化的贡献,而且还提供了一个结构,它提供了一个指导方针演讲者对全球。


The word ‘gun’ is related with the concept of mentality regarding the gun solely through receiving the agreement from the speakers with respect to the English language that should done so. There is no direct one to one relationship amongst any specific term and the external form of referent is utilized for referring to it (Fairclough 2012). Therefore, as per this statement it can be concluded that individuals do not have an option regarding the signifier using a term for referring to a certain signified if they are willing to understand. The relationship amongst signified and signifier can be rectified or fixed through social convention, thus it demonstrates that construction of language is done in a social manner.
If the social construction of language is done, it contributes in raising the doubt regarding the influences of culture. There are a number of variations amongst varying societies of humans, over certain duration of time and at any particular point of time (Fairclough 2012). The notion behind the arbitrary sense but significant amongst perceptions regarding representation of language and reality is neither new or different nor specific only according to the author. The article has also stated about the period of Ancient Greeks. On the basis of this article, it has been seen that arguments have been placed by a number of scholars regarding causative relation amongst the knowledge and culture (Kieran 2010). This point of view has been supported by the author. The argument consists of two main parts. The first part illustrates about the relativity of knowledge according to which there are variations in a manner that varying cultures can be perceived and explained across the globe. This structure has been provided in these languages. The second part is about the determinism of language. As per this, it has been maintaining that a particular language not only contributes in reflecting the culture but also provides a structure in a manner that it provides a guideline to the speaker with respect to the globe.




这项工作基本上是一个高塔,它有柱和格子一起举行。塔是目前集群在顶部与塔由金属梁举行。Emile Nouguier和Maurice Koechlin都曾在埃菲尔工程师,都实现了他们在桥梁施工中的知识支持建造铁塔时(Billington,1985;Harriss,1976)。对铁塔高度稍有不同的变异比他们所习惯,高度在300米左右,金属支架设计配置新的塔capablsione是支持这个高度。埃菲尔铁塔的设计是这样一种方式,它将有效抵抗风。这尤其是高层结构的问题,风的阻力可能导致结构损坏。另一方面,艾菲尔铁塔则是这样设计的,以确保风以一种切向的方式穿过结构。
水晶宫:水晶宫是一个模块化的结构,在19世纪50年代的大展览的目的而创建的。这座宫殿是一个将要被从世界各地购买产品的壳体结构。水晶宫是工业化设计的另一个完美例子。建筑委员会有248项计划建议,其中没有一项是整体接受的(维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆,2015)。建筑委员会决定把许多参赛作品放在一起,然后再作一个新的计划。Joseph Paxton是为水晶宫而设计的。帕克斯顿的绝大多数以前的设计是基于核桃百合结构。帕克斯顿提供的委员会的想法预铁和玻璃都支持,同时提供一个审美触摸商业街廊购物中心有用的装配式房屋(维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆,2015)。从伯明翰引进预制件,并使用铸铁骨架。这是玻璃税也被根除的时期,因此技术革新能够利用广泛的玻璃框架。近30000片玻璃被用于这个建筑。玻璃板在一个地点生产,然后运到施工现场(维多利亚和艾伯特博物馆,2015)。


The work is basically a tall tower, which has columns and lattices holding it together. A pylon work is present which clusters around the top and the pylons are held by girders made of metal. Emile Nouguier and Maurice Koechlin are the engineers who worked on the Eiffel, and both implemented the knowledge they had in the construction of bridge supports when building the Eiffel (Billington, 1985; Harriss,1976). The height of the Eiffel was a slightly different variant than what they were used to, the height was at around 300 meters and the newer design configuration of metal supports and the pylons capablsione was to support this height. The Eiffel is designed in such a way that it would be efficiently resistant against winds. This is especially a problem with tall structures where the wind resistance could lead to damage of structures. The Eiffel on the other hand was designed in such a way to ensure that the wind would pass through structure in a tangential way.
Crystal Palace: The Crystal palace is a modular structure created for the purpose of the great exhibition in the 1850s. This palace was to be a housing structure for products that were to be bought from all over the world. The Crystal palace is another perfect example of an industrialized design. The Building committee was given 248 planning proposals, out of which none were accepted in their entirety (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2015). The building committee decided to put together a number of the entries and then make another new plan. Joseph Paxton was the designed for the Crystal Palace. Most of the previous designs of Paxton were based on the Regia lily structure. Paxton provided the committee with the idea for the pre-fabricated building of iron and glass which would be useful to both support and at the same time provide an aesthetic touch to the galleria (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2015). Pre-fabricated parts were brought in from Birmingham, and cast iron skeletal frameworks were used. This was a time when the glass tax had also been eradicated and hence the technological innovation was able to make use of extensive glass framework. Nearly 30,000 sheets of glass were made use of for this construction. The glass sheets were produced in one site and then transported to the construction site (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2015).



美国环保署[环境保护署,这是一个美国联邦机构致力于保护环境]在其报告中讨论了如何使室内空气质量不舒服的人。室内空气质量被认为是减少,因为烟草烟雾,家用产品,如石棉和更多(MEDLINE Plus,2014)。生活在这种室内空气中的人可能会受到过敏或可能会患上喘鸣等症状。另外一个人已经过敏可能觉得室内空气实际上是使他们更不舒服。这可能是由于生理的原因,也可能是因为心理上的原因,也有健康的威慑,因为空气质量(格劳登茨et al,2006)。有时一栋楼的人同时生病,这就是所谓的病态建筑综合症。这种病态建筑综合症的一些原因是,通风不完善的建筑标准不符合和暖通空调[暖气,通风和空调的环境舒适性,这些都是标准化法规)制度是不够的。有可能存在化学污染物从其他室内来源和化学或生物成分的户外来源也可以出席(EPA,1991)。有些人离开家后可能会感觉好一些,其他人可能会经历恶化的症状。症状,如过敏反应,喘息或呼吸急促可以治愈的症状,但积累的不良健康的污染物存在于建筑物可能导致问题后。慢性喘息或哮喘会导致肺损伤,使人容易继发感染如肺炎、心动过速,增加心输出量等(分,et al,2012)。


Increasing air pollution has been addressed in the context of many global phenomenon such as global warming, increased fossil fuel usage and more. However, in most of the underlying reasoning, it can be observed that the ill effects of air pollution as seen in the external environment are often the major consideration. The pollution and ailments of congestion within one’s house environment goes unrecognized until an actual physiological ailment is seen to be incurred.
Research Background
The EPA [ Environmental Protection Agency, this is a United States Federal Agency committed to protecting the environment] in its report discusses how the Indoor air quality causes discomfort to people. Indoor air quality is seen to decrease because of tobacco smoke, household products such as asbestos and more (Medline Plus, 2014). People living in such indoor air might be affected with allergies or might suffer wheezing and other symptoms. In addition a person who already has allergies might feel that the indoor air is actually causing them to feel sicker. This could be because of physiological reasons or it could be because of psychological reasons, either way there is a deterrent to good health because of the air quality (Graudenz et al, 2006). Sometimes people of a building fall sick at the same time, this is called the sick building syndrome. Some of the causes of this sick building syndrome are that of having inadequate ventilation where the building standards are not met and the HVAC [ Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning for environmental comfort, these are standardized regulations] system is inadequate. There can be chemical contaminants present from other indoor sources and chemical or biological components from outdoor sources could also be present (EPA, 1991). While some people might feel better when they move out of their homes, others might experience worsening symptoms. Symptoms such as allergic reactions, wheezing or shortness of breath might be cured by treating the symptom, but the accumulation of ill health from the pollutants that are present in the building could cause problems later on. Chronic wheezing or asthma could lead to lung damage and makes the person susceptible to secondary infections like that of pneumonia, tachycardia because of increased heart output among others (Shamblin, et al, 2012).





The operation and structure of all the industries has been greatly altered by technology. The central question for the management of the existing firm is not that whether the technology would be beneficial or not but will the business gain from its change or not. Many aspects of business are evolving through technology and its new business opportunities are also being created through the same.
The penetration of technology in every function of business has rendered the opportunity to every employee to observe that technology could allow them to have quality data which is well organized which could be used to make better decisions. Moreover, day-to-day running of the business is supported by the technology. The acceptance of the new world of information technology to the manager is one side of the equation (Goodhue 1995). Getting employees to work on the technology is the other part and it requires deep understanding of human nature and patience. This is because of the fact that most of the people are fearful of technology. A fear is established in employees that technology would replace them altogether for the sake of cutting costs or it would displace personnel into unfamiliar and new job function.
Every aspect of the business could be improved with the advent of the new information technologies. The businesses are more efficient and flexible with the invention of fax machine, telephone and new developments in video-conferencing and wireless communications. Businesses that are more willing to accept the technology are more likely to prosper and survive. Hence, today the workplace is full of heavy technology where the basic essentials are the fax machines, complex network of phones and high end computer net working(Jack 1998). It is by high technology that the today’s management and business continue to get transformed.


CLT是一个发明的木制品,它的发展发生在十一年前,但最近才在奥地利和德国初始化(Schneider等,2012)。从那时起,它在欧洲的主要吸引力来源于其在住宅和非住宅用途中的独特应用。在欧洲使用CLT作为结构部件已经证明它是一种有竞争力的产品,可以成功应用于中高度以及高层建筑。 (Popovski等人,2010)
虽然交叉层压木材在其后具有许多优点,其利用不是那么普遍,因为在英国缺乏它的使用,并且只是在最近,它进入了北美市场。然而,它在加拿大城市中心有一个更有希望的前景,正在努力创造可以被证明是可持续的结构。 (Popovski等人,2010)
在意大利的SOFIE项目下,进一步探索了这种创新结构构件的理解,以研究在地震情况下对CLT的影响。 (Ceccotti等人,2006)
研究了地震波对低,中高度结构的影响。在这个实验议程下,考虑了各种具有不同壁开口模式的CLT墙壁设计来观察不同条件下CLT墙板的个体行为。 (Popovski等人,2010)


This paper focuses on the building design which is the foremost feature that plays a role in the extent of damage caused by the earthquake occurrence. In order to improve the building design, there are innovative products such as Cross-laminated timber (CLT) and Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) that have numerous pluses.
CLT is an invented wooden item with its development that took place eleven years back but got initialized in Austria and Germany only recently (Schneider et al., 2012). Since then, it has been a main source of attraction in Europe for its unique application in residential as well as non-residential purposes. The use of CLT as a structural component in Europe has proved that it is a competitive product that can be successfully applied to medium height as well as high-rise buildings. (Popovski et al., 2010)
Though Cross Laminated Timber has numerous advantages in its wake, its utilization is not that widespread as there is a lack of its use in UK and only in recent, it got the entry in the market of North America. However, it has a more promising prospect in Canadian city centres where efforts are being made to create structures that can be proved as sustainable. (Popovski et al., 2010)
Further exploration into the understanding of this innovative structural member to study the influence on CLT under earthquake circumstances has been studied to a great detail under the SOFIE project, Italy. ( Ceccotti et al., 2006)
The influence of seismic waves over the low and medium height structures was studied. Under this experimental agenda, various kinds of CLT wall designs with distinguished patterns of wall openings were considered to observe the individual behaviour of CLT wall panels under different conditions. (Popovski et al., 2010)



同样,Nikki White,一个诊断为系统性红斑狼疮的病人,是一种严重的疾病,但不是一种不能治愈的疾病。这位妇女因为医疗保险制度而失去了生命。据说在世界上最富有的国家,美国,她不提供医疗保险因为她不符合卫生保健在福利作为她比允许的更多的钱,但她的钱还不足以支付她的治疗,医生和药物,她要活下去。努力争取掩护,女子最终在32岁时死亡。这是近二万美国人每年死于与治疗的医学问题,他们很难找到负担得起的情况下(Darby,Hill &娃娃,2011)。该系统应该是这样的,无论谁是需要医疗保健必须得到它。
使用结构性暴力的概念来讨论Lia Lee的病史和健康结果。
如果Lia Lee,她第一次在三个月时癫痫发作。在接下来的几个月里,孩子有二十多个这样的癫痫发作和急诊室三次访问。这是她第三次访问中,她被医生Dan Murphy被公认为是关于苗族的兴趣和知识。但是,即使注意到这些症状,父母已经诊断出他们女儿的病情,他们称之为一种疾病,在这种疾病中,精神抓住了你,你就倒下了。


Similarly, Nikki White, a patient diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, a serious disease but not one that is not curable. The woman lost her life because of the health insurance system. Supposedly staying in the world’s richest country, the United States, she wasn’t offered health insurance because she did not qualify for health care under welfare as she had more money than allowed but her money still wasn’t enough to pay for her treatment, doctors and medicines that she needed to stay alive. Striving hard for cover, the woman finally died at 32 years of age. And that is the case of nearly twenty thousand Americans who die each year with treatable medical problems that they find difficult to afford(Darby, Hill & Doll, 2011). The system should instead be such that whoever is in need of healthcare must get it.
Use the concept of structural violence to discuss Lia Lee’s medical history and health outcomes.
Systemic ways in which social or cultural structures harm or disadvantage individuals is structural violence. The arrangements are embedded in the political or economical organization of our society and are hence structured and are termed violent because of the harm it puts in the way of people. It is not the fault of anyone, not the culture or the individual will of people but the historically driven process and forces constrain humans (Kidder, 2003).
In case of Lia Lee, she first had an epileptic seizure at the age of three months. Over the next few months, the child had over twenty more such seizures and three visits to the emergency room. It was during her third visit that she was taken resident doctor Dan Murphy who was acknowledged to be interested and knowledgeable about the Hmong. But even then noting the symptoms, the parents had already diagnosed what the condition of their daughter was which they referred to as an illness in which the spirit catches you and you fall down.