


When there is identification of the service gap, there are a number of ways through which the service could be improved for implementing improvement in process. The company Tesco should consider focusing on the service standards for the customers and then communicate it to the staff members so that they are able to tackle the situation better. The staffs should also be provided with training for handling the customers in the most positive way. The performance of the staffs needs to be measured and then they are needed to be given rewards with respect to it. The service gap improvement is the way for achieving success. This will not only help in enabling accuracy in services but also help in achieving higher level of customer satisfaction.

In order to promote the products of a business, there is a need to provide the highest level of quality goods and services in the competitive market. The following are the ways through which service quality can be maintained by any organization:
Customer Services: When the customer service executives treat the customers with dignity and respect, it would help in bringing in more customers in the store.
Quality of Goods: There is a need to ensure that the products are free of any defects so that the company will be able to achieve a solid position in the market with no flaws in the quality that they deliver.
Improvement: There is a need for the employees to be knowledgeable about the services and the products of the company and communicate the message properly. The feedback loops will help in retrieving the consumer feedback through the online ventures which will help in understanding the flaws in the system.

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