

代写-可持续性管理中的企业社会责任和道德规范。在可持续性管理中,为了在这一追求中有更大的责任和纪律,有必要为公司制定一个企业社会责任框架。可持续性指导方针和遵从性监控对组织至关重要,因为它显示了组织对其外部环境和所处社区的关注程度(Desselle, Zgarrick和Alston, 2016)。在对这些因素的管理中,管理者有必要在可持续管理中采取综合的方式。例如,在澳大利亚的背景下,环境变化和社会变化是相互联系的,因此企业社会责任的方法必须是综合的。

CSR is understood as a voluntary contribution that a company makes towards sustainable development of the company. CSR needs to the three pillars of sustainability which are the environmental aspects, the economic aspects and the people aspects. CSR can be managed by following the regulatory requirements in CSR. However, most organizations want to do something beyond the basic statutory requirements and CSR policy formulations for different company hence vary. Despite the differences, the broader goals in the context of CSR are not unchanged. It works to manage externalities, do charity, or simply focuses on how to conduct the business ethically without concerns for sustainability. CSR guidelines are used for ethics understanding in the organization and hence most CSR guidelines have the laws on ethics that are to be followed in the workplace.
“Long term success can only be achieved by operating responsibility with due regard for people, nature and the environment. Simplicity, consistency and responsibility have always been our three defining core values. As an expanding discount retailer, our actions have international influence in different markets” (Aldi Australia, 2017, para. 3). Aldi understands the need for a strong CSR, especially in the context that they operate internationally. This shows a strong awareness of Aldi with respect to CSR. Aldi Australia follows a set of corporate social responsibility principles and these CSR principles are represented as a code CR. CR is followed strictly within the organization and by doing so, Aldi ensures that CSR and ethics become an integral part of its work patterns. The CR principles applied to all stakeholders from employees, business partners to suppliers that work with Aldi.
The Hierarchy model of CSR as presented below can be used to understand the sustainability initiative, CSR and ethics of the company. According to this, model companies follow a series of elements when they aspire to be a corporate citizen. Companies at their most basic ensure that they are profitable, as this is an economic responsibility. The market profit margin for Aldi is around 5.2 per cent compared to 4.7 per cent of Cole. While Woolworths has a profit margin of 7 per cent, Aldi still does not have to worry because of its steady moderate profit margin. The second component in the CSR model is the legal responsibility, and then the ethical responsibilities.
Now as evident in the CSR report of Aldi’s, the Aldi South Group publishes the CR guidelines as a legal notice to all the unit’s operating under it. Therefore, the CSR responsibilities are not just understood as ethical responsibilities, but they have legal weightage. Finally, the last rung in the hierarchy is Philanthropic responsibilities, which meaning the company must contribute to the community that they are operating.

The Aldi community shows through practice that they adhere to this final expectation, and hence in terms of sustainability and CSR initiatives, they are operating in corporate citizenship mode.

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