




Breast cancer is caused due to mutation that causes issues in apoptosis of the cell cycle leading to abnormal proliferation of the cells. Gender (being a woman) and age (growing older) are two major risk factors for breast cancer[3]. Men also develop breast cancer. In America, according to statistical observations, one of eight women are found to develop breast cancer during their lifetime. It is the one of the most common cancer in American women next to skin cancer. Clinical breast exam is suggested at least every 3 years for women aged 20s and above. Annual mammographic screening is suggested for women in aged 40s and older. Accurate determination of breast cancer and confirmation is done through analysis of the abnormal cell growth in breast. Fine needle aspiration, core needle aspiration and surgical biopsy are some of the methods used to diagnose breast cancer definitively. Women who have developed breast cancer have higher rates of mortality. They are next to lung cancer. The 5-year survival rate for stage 0 breast cancer is 93% while the survival rate for stage IV is 15%. The reason for the high mortality rates is due to metastasis of Cancer cell.Cancer is uncontrolled growth of cells.

There are many factors that may cause cancer, such as heredity, lifestyle, infections and environment. There are more than 100 different types of cancers. Millions of people in America have suffered from cancer. Based on data from American Cancer Society (ACS), half of men and one-third of women in America already or will develop cancer in their lifetime. Mammographic screening is used for primary breast cancer diagnosis[1]. In addition cancer can be diagnosed by observing cell or tissuing samples from patients under a microscope. Tests of DNA, RNA and proteins of sample cells can help in future diagnosis. Nowadays diagnosis and prognosis of cancer have significantly improved. Treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and other methods, have been used to treat cancer patients. Progress has been made towards developing individual personalized therapy. Cancer cells may get into bloodstream or lymph vessels to spread to other part of body and form new tumor, which is called cancer metastasis. 90% of deaths that caused by cancer is a result of metastasis[2].






For clearing off customer, the first shipment of SMEs in EU related to pre- packaged products require the following:Acquiring a certificate of CIQ related to verification of import food.labelling for the Chinese label of product.Meeting the requirements of declaration at customs.Acquiring a sanitary certificate of CIQ.Each and every pre- packaged product of beverages and food ended up proceeding by a similar process. Requirements of labelling involve slight differences for pre- packaged food items, beverages and food for special dietary uses. SMEs can hold an expectation of pre- packaged foods related to health for spending longer in inspection of CIQ than other ordinary products of beverages and food. More often, there is sampling of wine generously in comparison with the pre- packaged products of food. Since the new Food Safety Law had been adopted in the year 2009, each and every food- related product, food additive and imported food product have key subjectivity with the national standards of food safety.

Each and every distributor and producer of imported products of food are the key requirement for registering with the authorities of quarantine and inspection on entry and exit. Importers hold the requirement for recording foods distributed and imported in China and records must be kept for a minimum of two years.It can be considered good to acknowledge that since the 1st October of the year 2012, each and every exporter of wine and agriculture based products to China hold the requirement for being registered under AQSIQ while ensuring its availability in English language. AQSIQ stands for the site of Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. Registration holds the requirement of compiling the company considering export, over an internet based formula providing information about the business and its authorized or importers agents in China.




从故事的角度来看,《卧虎藏龙》倾向于表现善与恶的对抗,注重正义的实现(Landy, 2000)。《满城尽带黄金甲》和《卧虎藏龙》描绘了强壮的男人,也描绘了代表不同道德标准的男人,以及代表与世界认知相一致的西方文化伦理准则的男人。这两部电影都创造了一定的外部道具和其他重要因素,这些因素会在大部分场景中制造紧张气氛,也会让观众着迷。然而,暴力被高度夸大了。正因为如此,源于中国古代历史的真正意识形态之间并没有直接的联系。


Although Jen is the one that had initially trained Jen, Jen was never seen to poison herself.It does indicate the fact that there certainly is some hope for reforming and integrating them within the society. When compared with the Curse of the Golden Flower, The concept of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is in various parts similar as it illustrates the concept of Power, Greed and Revenge to a certain extent. However, the key difference between both these films is the amount of “Violence” illustrated. With regards to the concept of Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, it is a Chinese martial art film. It is certainly quite different from the conventional martial art film. Within the convention of natural martial art film, it can be termed as a type of entertainment as well as a film that tends to be relatively different from the conventional notion of cinema.

From the point of story, Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon tend to illustrate the area of good against the evil and focuses on achieving justice (Landy, 2000). The curse of the golden flower as well as Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon portray men as physically strong as well as the one that would represent different moral standards along with ethical guidelines of Western culture that is coherent with perception of the world. Both of the films create certain external props and other important factors that would create tension in most of the scenes and would also mesmerize the audience. However, the violence is highly exaggerated. Due to this reason, there is no direct relationship between the real ideologies that stems from the ancient history of China.

















领导权变理论是一种情境理论,领导者会根据情境做出决策,情境的特征同样是领导者与成员的关系、手头任务的结构以及权力在领导者中的地位。这三个因素使情况更有相关性,领导者能够对给定的情况做出决定。Yun, Cox和Sims(2006)的研究发现,权变领导者对追随者的反应是不同的。例如,授权型领导比指令性领导能够授权更多的追随者,而追随者的自主性和激励自己的能力也会受到授权型领导的积极影响。这表明,授权型领导者更有能力证明追随者的生产率提高是合理的,这转化为更强的领导成员关系。必须注意的是,在这种情况下,追随者成长为领导者的态度和意愿也需要考虑,这对结果有很大的影响。



The contingency theory of leadership relates to the theory of situation where the leader will take decision based on the situation which again is characterised by the leader’s relationship with members, the structure of the task at hand, and the position of power in the leader. These three make the situation more relatable and the leader is able to take a decision on the given situation. Yun, Cox and Sims (2006) make a research which finds out that the contingency leader has different reactions on the followers. For instance, the empowering leader is able to empower more followers than the directive leadership, and the autonomy of the followers and their ability to motivate themselves is more impacted positively with an empowering leader. This indicates that the empowering leader is more able to justify the increase in productivity from followers and this is translated into stronger leader member relationship. It must be noted that in such situations, the attitude and willingness of the follower to grow as a leader is also to be considered which has a significant impact on the results.

Vroom and Jago (2007) hold the belief that situation is the most important part in a leader’s life and in the decision making process. Theorists assume that leadership is about driving the change and surviving the most difficult times with great results. This calls for a leader who is flexible and is able to judge the future and take appropriate decisions for the organisation, because when the organisation itself is undergoing a massive change structure which is enforce by the market, a leader who is only successful in a specific situation will not be able to embrace the change and instil it in the followers. Leadership is more of a process rather than a property or a throne on which new arrivals can sit and direct. The leader who is the most versatile and is able to understand the tangible, the intangible, the obvious, and the most underestimated or unobvious thing in the organisation is the most successful, as only he or she can understand the required change and make necessary adjustments to push the organisation through the uphill task.



最后,司法部门在有关使用大麻问题的辩论中也是一个积极的利益攸关方。近年来,司法机构一直允许使用大麻合法化,这反映在司法机构的立场上,例如2000年根据安大略省上诉法院(Ontario Court of Appeal)作出的R. v. Parker案。它提出的想法和决定是,禁止大麻不具有法律地位,因为加拿大《宪法》也不禁止大麻,这主要是基于禁止不允许在医学上使用这类物品。这清楚地标志着司法工作的重点。主要的有争议的问题与大麻娱乐使用合法化的全面管理方式有关。对于医疗领域如何利用这种治疗来发展救济程序,也有人表示关切。这类有争议的问题需要利益攸关方采取平权行动来控制大麻的使用。

即使大麻的使用是被允许的,它的管理和控制也有可能成为头痛和麻烦的领域(Galston & Dionne, 2013)。对因素管理的控制很可能对许多利益攸关方构成威胁和风险,因此,对问题处理的全面管理不善是可能的。在考虑这些建议的同时,必须考虑到下列各点和意见。首先,因持有大麻用于娱乐或医疗用途而被记录为刑事犯罪的加拿大人的数量大幅增加,同时没有通过任何暴力活动犯罪对社会或成员构成威胁。第二,大麻的使用是违法的,这种物质的销售和分销为大量有组织犯罪活动的发展提供了资金。第三,越来越多的加拿大公众普遍认为大麻的使用不应视为犯罪活动,和应遵循的替代路线的政府也应该合法化和规范销售和分销的物质(Grenier, 2013)。


Lastly, judiciary has also been an active stakeholder in the debate related to the issue of use marijuana. In the recent years, judiciary has been allowing the decriminalization of the use which is reflected in the stand of the judiciary in cases like R. v. Parker which was decided in the year 2000 under the Ontario Court of Appeal. It laid the idea and decision that prohibition of marijuana had not legal standing as the same is not prohibited under the constitution of Canada primarily on the ground, which prohibition did not allow the medical use of such object. This clearly marks the focus of judiciary. The main contentious issues have been related to the manner in which the overall management of the legalization of recreational use of marijuana can be allowed. There have also been concerns regarding the manner in which medical field can make use of such kind of treatment for the purpose of development of relief procedures. This kind of contentious issue calls for the affirmative action from the stakeholders regarding the manner in which the use of marijuana can be controlled.

Even when the use of marijuana is allowed, there is a possibility that the management and control of the substance is likely to be headache and troublesome area (Galston & Dionne, 2013).The control over the management of the factors is likely to pose threat and risk to the many stakeholders, and therefore there is a possibility that the overall mismanagement of the handling of the issues. While taking into view the recommendations, the following points and observations have to be taken into consideration. Firstly, there has been a massive increase in the number of Canadians who have been booked for criminal offence for holding marijuana for recreational or medical use, while posing no threat to the society or the members through any violent offence of activity. Secondly, the use of marijuana is criminalized, and the sale and distribution of this substance are funding the development of vast amount of organized criminal activities. Thirdly, there is a growing perception among the Canadian public that the use of marijuana should not be considered as a criminal activity, and the alternative route that should be followed by the government should be to legalize the same and regulate the sales and distribution of the substance (Grenier, 2013).

research paper 代写:Introduction包括的内容

research paper 代写:Introduction包括的内容




research paper 代写:Introduction包括的内容



research paper 代写:Introduction包括的内容



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反思报告是作为对小组中使用的JAD方法的批判性审查而编写的,并将其与另外两种需求收集方法进行了比较,这两种方法是敏捷需求收集方法和对比分析将会反映使用JAD方法和使用方法的优缺点。其次,对COTS模型模型进行了批判性分析,并与基于云的解决方案进行了比较。反思还关注于能力成熟度模型如何指导团队。该报告反映了作为COTS项目一部分的RFP,使用JAD方法。RFP已经为小型企业Silver Bear Lodge准备好了。



The reflective report has been prepared as a critical review of JAD methodology used in the group and for comparing it against two other requirements gathering methodologies which are that of the Agile requirements gathering methodologies and the . The comparative analysis will reflect on the use of JAD and the advantages and disadvantages of using the methodology. Secondly the reflective report focused on critically analyzing the COTS model approach used in the work and acquisition plan used and a comparison has been made against a cloud based solution. The reflection also focuses on how the capability maturity model was guidance for the group. The report reflects on the RFP prepared as part of a COTS project, using JAD methodology. The RFP has been prepared for Silver Bear Lodge which is a small business.

The intention of the RFP is to present as much detailed sourcing as possible to invite proposals from qualified vendors in order to evaluate and select an ideal vendor for the project. The reflective report as such includes a comprehensive JAD and COTS project analysis. The JAD methodology is critiqued in the form it has been used and also a comparison has been made with other similar methodologies that allow for requirements gathering as part of its lifecycle. A comparative analysis of how an alternative methodology would have worked for the project is also presented. In short, a justification for using JAD is presented. The reflective exercise also critically discusses the use of the COTS model approach and the acquisition project plan used, with comparisons and contrasts against an alternative Cloud Computing solution.



背景——资产阶级的情感爆发导致了女性艺术的发展。路易斯·约瑟芬·布尔乔亚是一位熟悉大型雕塑和装置艺术的美籍法国艺术家。她与超现实主义和女权主义艺术等主题有着密切的联系,她有一系列的经历,她认为为了传达信息,她必须进行沟通,而不是保持沉默(block 126-150)。她利用自己的艺术作为媒介,表达她对赋予女性权力的积极态度,并支持LGBT平等(Wye和Smith, 1994)。“女人的房子”是对现代艺术的非人性化的一种表现,在这种艺术中,女人和家庭的关系得到了详细的解释。世界对女人的看法和女人本身之间的紧张关系是这幅作品得以发展的关键原因。观众——这部《女人的房子》有着清晰的心理和社会联系,也传播了社会刻板印象中的女性角色的信息。心理上——整个艺术作品传达了一种幽默感,同时也传达了一种对家庭取代女性头部的方式(卡斯特罗,2005)。


它还表明,家庭主妇一词起源于女性对建筑的定位概念。球状的形状表示身体的各个部分。整个作品传达了一种有机的感觉,并与女性的原始面貌有关。这张照片显示的是一个精神事件,也显示了一个女人的不为人知的伤痕。艺术品不给人精神上的愉悦,而是给人一种道德上的思考,《女人的家》中没有具体的精神元素,只是试图传达一个典型的女人,按照所有的维度,即精神层面和社会层面被定型。《Femme Maison》是一部精彩的作品,描绘了一个女人对社会的看法,在这个社会里,女人被定型为负有多重责任的家庭主妇。它也传达了一个信息,一个女人的情感和精神与身体之间的关系。社会中发生的几件事的前性别和女性形式的问题,都是以一种天生具有女性特征的艺术形式表现出来的(卡斯特罗29-33)。特别是,它还显示了妇女的思想被迫停留在国内的水平,这是现代艺术被非人化的证据,正如已经解释的那样。


Background – Bourgeois’s emotional outbreak has resulted in developing Femme Maison art.Louis Josephine Bourgeois is a French American artist who is familiar with huge sculpture as well as installation art.She is closely associated with subjects like Surrealism and Feminist art and has a range of experiences where she believed she had to communicate rather than to remain silent in order to convey the message (Blocker 126-150).She uses her art as a medium to convey her activism on women empowerment and has also stood for LGBT equality (Wye and Smith, 1994).Femme Maison is an outcome to express the dehumanization of the modern art where the relationship between a woman and home is explained in detail.The tension that has been occurring between the world’s mindset on woman and the woman herself is the key reason that led to the development of this piece. Audience – The piece of Femme Maison has a clear psychological and social connection and also spreads the message of a role of a woman as stereotyped by the society. Psychological – The entire art work conveys a sense of humor as well as monstrosity with the way the home has replaced the head part of a woman (Castro, 2005).

It also shows that the term housewife has originated from the concept of orientation of woman to a building. The bulbous shapes indicate the parts of a body. The entire work delivers an organic feeling and relates to the primordial aspect of a woman. This image indicates a mental event and also shows the untold bruises of a woman. The artwork does not give a mental pleasure but a moral thought to the people .There are no specific spiritual elements in Femme Maison except that it tries to convey the typical woman being stereotyped in accordance with all dimensions namely spiritual and social. Femme Maison is a wonderful output depicting the social consideration of a woman where women are stereotyped to be the housewife with several responsibilities. It also conveys a message of the emotions of a woman and the relation between mind and body in a woman. The problems of pre-gender and the female form of several happenings in the society are depicted in the form of an art that is feminine by nature (Castro 29-33). In particular, it also shows the level to which the minds of woman are forced to remain domestic and this is an evidence of dehumanization of the modern art, as already explained.

essay 評判:公司管理

essay 評判:公司管理


essay 評判:公司管理
这是最古老的传统动机理论之一。人们认为哲学家杰里米·边沁在工业革命时期发展了这一理论。它从根本上将动机要素分解为两个基本部分。它使用的是基于激励的方法或胡萝卜方法和恐惧方法,这是木棍的方法。一些工人通常被激励在就业的过程中获得更多,并达到更高的公司等级。对表扬的需求来源于胡萝卜的方法(Guest, 2002)。另一种方法是使用恐惧作为实现结果的工具。人们害怕工作保障,为家人提供服务,受到经理的斥责,这是为什么人们能够被激励的原因(Minbaeva, 2008)。这是管理理论的最早形式。然而,系统中存在谬误。这就导致了弗雷德里克·泰勒科学管理理论的发展。下面将对此进行探讨。

essay 評判:公司管理

Employees are the most important stakeholders in a company. They need to work in order for the company to meet the needs of the customers. There must be a cohesive flow of operations for the company to meet the needs or agenda (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). In this process, it is imperative to have a management policy that would address the motivation of the employees. Employee motivation has been primal factors for the growth of the company. The ways to provide this motivation are debated for many centuries. There is changing dynamics in the politics and economies that causes the managers to continually revisit their strategy in the management of the people. There is an ideology in the society that meeting the needs of the people can be achieved by creating a systemic process. This is the reason for the theories such as Taylor theory of scientific management to gain prominence. However, this theory has been discounted in the process. The purpose of this analysis is to revisit some of the tenets of Taylor theory of scientific management and understand the impact that has on the current markets.

essay 評判:公司管理

This is one of the oldest traditional motivational theories. It was considered that the philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, developed this theory during the Industrial Revolution. It fundamentally breaks down motivational elements into two basic parts. It is using of the incentives based method or the carrot method and fear methods that are the stick method. Some of the workers are generally motivated to gain more in the process of employment and reach the higher corporate ladder. The need for praise comes under the carrot method (Guest, 2002). The other method is the use of fear as a tool to achieve the results. The people fear of job security, providing for their family and being reprimanded by the managers are some of the reasons as to why the people can be motivated (Minbaeva, 2008). This is an earliest form of management theory. However, there were fallacies in the system. This leads to the development of the Frederick Taylor theory of scientific management. This is explored in the following.