


最后,司法部门在有关使用大麻问题的辩论中也是一个积极的利益攸关方。近年来,司法机构一直允许使用大麻合法化,这反映在司法机构的立场上,例如2000年根据安大略省上诉法院(Ontario Court of Appeal)作出的R. v. Parker案。它提出的想法和决定是,禁止大麻不具有法律地位,因为加拿大《宪法》也不禁止大麻,这主要是基于禁止不允许在医学上使用这类物品。这清楚地标志着司法工作的重点。主要的有争议的问题与大麻娱乐使用合法化的全面管理方式有关。对于医疗领域如何利用这种治疗来发展救济程序,也有人表示关切。这类有争议的问题需要利益攸关方采取平权行动来控制大麻的使用。

即使大麻的使用是被允许的,它的管理和控制也有可能成为头痛和麻烦的领域(Galston & Dionne, 2013)。对因素管理的控制很可能对许多利益攸关方构成威胁和风险,因此,对问题处理的全面管理不善是可能的。在考虑这些建议的同时,必须考虑到下列各点和意见。首先,因持有大麻用于娱乐或医疗用途而被记录为刑事犯罪的加拿大人的数量大幅增加,同时没有通过任何暴力活动犯罪对社会或成员构成威胁。第二,大麻的使用是违法的,这种物质的销售和分销为大量有组织犯罪活动的发展提供了资金。第三,越来越多的加拿大公众普遍认为大麻的使用不应视为犯罪活动,和应遵循的替代路线的政府也应该合法化和规范销售和分销的物质(Grenier, 2013)。


Lastly, judiciary has also been an active stakeholder in the debate related to the issue of use marijuana. In the recent years, judiciary has been allowing the decriminalization of the use which is reflected in the stand of the judiciary in cases like R. v. Parker which was decided in the year 2000 under the Ontario Court of Appeal. It laid the idea and decision that prohibition of marijuana had not legal standing as the same is not prohibited under the constitution of Canada primarily on the ground, which prohibition did not allow the medical use of such object. This clearly marks the focus of judiciary. The main contentious issues have been related to the manner in which the overall management of the legalization of recreational use of marijuana can be allowed. There have also been concerns regarding the manner in which medical field can make use of such kind of treatment for the purpose of development of relief procedures. This kind of contentious issue calls for the affirmative action from the stakeholders regarding the manner in which the use of marijuana can be controlled.

Even when the use of marijuana is allowed, there is a possibility that the management and control of the substance is likely to be headache and troublesome area (Galston & Dionne, 2013).The control over the management of the factors is likely to pose threat and risk to the many stakeholders, and therefore there is a possibility that the overall mismanagement of the handling of the issues. While taking into view the recommendations, the following points and observations have to be taken into consideration. Firstly, there has been a massive increase in the number of Canadians who have been booked for criminal offence for holding marijuana for recreational or medical use, while posing no threat to the society or the members through any violent offence of activity. Secondly, the use of marijuana is criminalized, and the sale and distribution of this substance are funding the development of vast amount of organized criminal activities. Thirdly, there is a growing perception among the Canadian public that the use of marijuana should not be considered as a criminal activity, and the alternative route that should be followed by the government should be to legalize the same and regulate the sales and distribution of the substance (Grenier, 2013).