





Breast cancer is caused due to mutation that causes issues in apoptosis of the cell cycle leading to abnormal proliferation of the cells. Gender (being a woman) and age (growing older) are two major risk factors for breast cancer[3]. Men also develop breast cancer. In America, according to statistical observations, one of eight women are found to develop breast cancer during their lifetime. It is the one of the most common cancer in American women next to skin cancer. Clinical breast exam is suggested at least every 3 years for women aged 20s and above. Annual mammographic screening is suggested for women in aged 40s and older. Accurate determination of breast cancer and confirmation is done through analysis of the abnormal cell growth in breast. Fine needle aspiration, core needle aspiration and surgical biopsy are some of the methods used to diagnose breast cancer definitively. Women who have developed breast cancer have higher rates of mortality. They are next to lung cancer. The 5-year survival rate for stage 0 breast cancer is 93% while the survival rate for stage IV is 15%. The reason for the high mortality rates is due to metastasis of Cancer cell.Cancer is uncontrolled growth of cells.

There are many factors that may cause cancer, such as heredity, lifestyle, infections and environment. There are more than 100 different types of cancers. Millions of people in America have suffered from cancer. Based on data from American Cancer Society (ACS), half of men and one-third of women in America already or will develop cancer in their lifetime. Mammographic screening is used for primary breast cancer diagnosis[1]. In addition cancer can be diagnosed by observing cell or tissuing samples from patients under a microscope. Tests of DNA, RNA and proteins of sample cells can help in future diagnosis. Nowadays diagnosis and prognosis of cancer have significantly improved. Treatments, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and other methods, have been used to treat cancer patients. Progress has been made towards developing individual personalized therapy. Cancer cells may get into bloodstream or lymph vessels to spread to other part of body and form new tumor, which is called cancer metastasis. 90% of deaths that caused by cancer is a result of metastasis[2].