


It is more sensitive towards hormone sensitivity that it estabslihred during the estrogen receptor and is considered to be an ideal model to study the hormone response of the cells. MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 are known for its prominent function in the adenosine receptor types [34]. MCS-7 does not have adenosine receptors owing to the lack of Ca2+ levels. Adenosine-mediated responses in MDA-MB-231 cell lines were observed to nonselective agonist. The pharmacological characteristics provide evidence that the expression of A2B adenosine MDA-MB-231 cells not only mediates a stimulation of adenylyl cyclase but also acts along with the Ca2+ signal [36]. This shows that the A2B receptor in cancer cells serve as a target to promulgate cell growth and proliferation. This shows that the cell lines can be used to understand the mechanism of Breast cell carcinoma.
Endothelial cells express a cell adhesion molecule called E-selectin. In humans, the SELE gene codes E-Selectin. Based on the binding specificity, E-selectin ligands are expressed by breast cancer cells. They are found in the endothelial cells. It has been found that E-selectin plays an integral role in the cell adhesion. E-selectin plays an important role in adhesion of breast cancer cells to endothelial cells by conversing rolling to firm adhesion[5, 6].
Cancer metastasis is cancer cells spreading from blood vessel into tissue. This process entails a case of events known as capture, rolling, adhesion and extravasation. In the first initial process, the circulating cancer cells tether to the endothelium. This is because of the cancer cells interaction with the erythrocytes. This leads to the cancer cells to be concentrated towards the vessel wall. The first initial contact between them is because of the mechanical properties. It is purely based on the technical aspect of how the cells are structured is because of the presence of van dar waals forces that are seen in the cells. In the second stage, it is the tethering process. Nevertheless, for the tethering process, there is a prerequisite for the interaction to occur between cancer cells and the endothelium. After the process of initial tethering, the cancer cells move in the path of blood flow in the system. It successfully detaches itself from this process. The rolling behavior is uniquely owing to the velocity that is normally 10 to 100 fold less than cancer cell exhibiting non-adherence characteristic [5]. In this process, there is a need to factor in the rolling velocity. Once rolling is initiated, the activated cancer cells migrate across the endothelium to the extravascular space or the extravasation. For all these processes, there is a need for the cancer cells to have successful cell molecular interaction. Hence, a combination of molecular interaction and mechanical nature of the cancer cells are a prerequisite for this action to be initiated [6]. To further understand the dynamics of this situation, biophysics can be used to understand the nuances of the situation.

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