


这尤其与工作和无证件工人的生活条件有关。其次,不断增长的产业环境给园艺带来了压力。这需要更多的考虑。然而,最近开始的遏制零售商市场权力滥用的行动得到了澳大利亚食品部食品杂货委员会、Woolworths和Coles的自愿行为准则(Hanson et al., 2007)的建议。这可能不会解决问题。种植者很可能会把这种压力转移到劳动力身上。多层性的劳动力脆弱性使得任何单独的政策都不太可能足以消除奖励标准的劣势并支持标准化的遵从(Hall and Partners, 2012)。

因此,需要考虑政策的各个方面。例如,需要注意移民政策,以便更好地管理有证件的收割工人的供应和消除无证件的劳动力需求。这是一个不断发展的过程(Birrell et al., 2013)。政策需要改革。文章中描述的劳动力市场的趋势导致了澳大利亚工人收获的工作缺乏吸引力。在U。美国国家工资最低限度地固定了收入下限,这样就不会发生讨价还价。这也应在澳大利亚范围内予以遵循。需要考虑用无证件工人填补这一空缺,以便为劳动力短缺找到一个可接受的解决办法。


This is particularly in relation to the working and undocumented workers living conditions. Secondly, the growing industry context pressurizes horticulture. This needs more consideration. Recent movements however have been started for curbing the retailer market power abuse met with proposals obtained from voluntary code of conduct at Grocery Council of Australian Food ministry, Woolworths and Coles (Hanson et al., 2007). This might not result in solving the issue. There is likeliness that growers indulge in transmitting such pressures over to the working force.The workforce vulnerability of multi-layered nature makes it not likely for any individual policy to be enough for removing award standards disadvantage and for supporting the standardized compliance (Hall and Partners, 2012).

Therefore, various areas of policy require to be taken into consideration. For example, policies of immigration require attention for better managing the documented harvest workers supply and removing the undocumented workforce requirement. This is a process that has been growing (Birrell et al., 2013). Reform of policy is required. The trends of labour market depicted within the article have resulted in making Australian workers harvest work to be unattractive. Within the U.K, the national wage minimally fixes floor of earnings through so that bargain cannot happen. This should also be followed within the Australian context. Filling such a gap with undocumented workers needs to be taken into consideration with regard to an acceptable solution towards shortage of labour.