




The effect of nature revolting against the technological singularity can be so diversified that it may vanish off the entire civilizations present across the world. According to the chief scientists at Sun Microsystems, the team of Bill Joy depicted their possibilities in the form of an article for “Wired back 2000” known as “why the future does not require us”. The possibilities that this article detailed were shocking especially when viewing singularity of technology as an unavoidable conception such as the designer virus’s dissemination consisting of a power for killing by selection or self-replication of nano-bots devouring world along with intelligence of robots.

The supporters of singularitarians may keep telling the world that all that is required is to wait for the exponential breakthrough of technological advancement to accelerate which is just about to start and will conquer the remaining decades (Broderick, 37). Much enhanced longevity and far advanced health of humans may be a dream that the world lives in but do human beings and the natural world where we live in already consumed by the daily organizational activities desires this revolution.