

本篇新西兰代写的主题是开发回收、更新和再利用厨余的技术,从而为环境提供一个可持续的栖息地。这项工作的主要目标是: 通过采用及时烹饪的方法,减少超过当前使用统计数据25%的厨余。通过使用该技术进行再利用,可以将厨余垃圾减少50%以上。对厨房产生的废物进行分类,并确保不超过10%属于可回收类别。接下来有关新西兰代写-减少厨余垃圾的技术分析如下:

What goes into the kitchen will come out of the kitchen. The technology that is proposed for design is one that will help reduce the waste that one gets to throw away from the kitchen. Now kitchen waste can be in different forms. Some of them are recyclables, some of them are reusable, some can be reused within the kitchen itself and only some have to be necessarily discarded. Identifying for what can be reused and what can be discarded is a task in itself. The amount of kitchen items used are plenty. Adding to the complexity, many combination of the items are also possible. At the time of scrap generation and at the time of disposal, the person involved in the kitchen would actually be busy enough. They would not have time to categorize or classify the scraps. The technology being investigated is that of a phone application. The application will have different uses for different types of food products and product scraps. The application will have many real times users. The user will record what they think are applicable reuse of the scraps. Once a person in the trusted network for the application records a use of the scrap which they believe is useful, then the idea will first be accepted temporarily. Then the idea will be used by a certain number of people who will vote to upgrade the idea from a temporary suggestion to solution in the application list. The application list is a comprehensive one, but will continue to grow with newer additions.
Download technology onto a Smartphone or the computer.
Ensure that technology application is switched on at all times when one is in the kitchen. The more the usage time, the more the scrap reduction.
Update data on scraps generated to get newer ideas on how scraps can be reused.
Update comments.
Read other user comments.
List of questions and aims
The research aim is to develop a technology that helps in the reduction of kitchen waste. Some questions in the context of this development are:
How feasible is the development of such an application?
Would not the list grow indefinitely, after all, there are so many kitchen items being used?
The approach is necessary as most often the kitchen users do not have the time to think on what can be done with their waste. They cannot store and think later and the app helps them make decisions real time.
Details of Outcomes
The app based reuse facility will ensure that the amount of scraps being generated in the kitchen will reduce. The outcome will be measured by recording what the scrap throwaway rate was before the technology was used and then after. Once the user starts using the technology, measurements will be done in the following way. 1) The amount of scrap usage reduction that is achieved after the use of technology for 1 meal of the day, 2) the amount of scrap usage reduction that is achieved after one day, etc. This way more detailed comparisons of reduction with prior rates can be carried out and the outcome can be evaluated better. This helps meet the second objective in the objectives list.
The first and third objective in the objective list cannot be met by the technology application. These are objectives that have to be met by the user of the technology application. In a way, it would show that the user is committed to the task. The first objective will be met when the user attempts to cook only when it is necessary. The user will not cook large meals, but only as demand is generated in the household. The second objective is to ensure that the amount of recyclable that is being brought into the household is by itself reduced.
The outcomes will be recorded as comments in the technology application itself. Different users for the app can sign up for different scrap reduction programs. Users can compete against themselves and by this way will be able to increase the percentage of scrap reduction in the kitchen.

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