





This concept of neo-liberalisation is being globally imposed on the minds on people. The controlling financial institutions like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Inter-American Development Bank are trying to influence the governments into accepting this ideology. Reduction in public welfare programs in United States could be attributed to neo-liberalism. It is solely responsible for new and harsh labour norms, including restrictions on immigrated workers. It is a very small group of elites who are destined to be benefitted by neo-liberalism as for the common majority, it promises bleak future. In global context the countries which do not have acumen to compete with international markets would worst hit. This ideology will ensue that the rich will be richer and the poor poorer.The word ‘governance’ gained popularity since mid 1980s. It is derived from the Greek verb kubernáo, which means to steer. The word which we know in today’s sense was minted in 1990s by political scientist and economist. The word ‘governance is again making rounds in the current news and discussions because now is has become synonymous to “global neoliberal governance”.

The earliest use of the term ‘governance’ could be traced back to ‘The Governance of England’ by Charles Plummer, published in 1885, which was translation of John Fortescue’s Latin work called ‘The Difference between an Absolute and a Limited Monarchy’. Governance as arrangements of prevailing over a population became conventional and could be seen in 1904 works of Sidney Low.As per the Oxford’s Dictionary of English Language reports many meanings for the word ‘governance’. The two meanings most suitable to our discussion are manner of governing and conduct of life or business. In the reference of the political economy of governance we can understand it to be two layer functions. Layer one supports the first dictionary meaning, manner or process of governance, system of rules, regulations and disciplines. The second layer supports the second part of the meaning, conduct of life or business processes involving social conducts. Therefore, as layer one of the governance emphasize at the system, as a structure of set of laws within which social practise transpire, layer two points at the modality in which public practice happen. (De Angelis, 2003)