标签存档: 新西兰大学论文代写


使用氯进行水的补救,自古以来就是一种全球性的做法。为了达到上述目的而使用氯的主要想法是降低微生物的致病形式对健康的总体风险,这些微生物在饮用水场所和水源中普遍存在,从而成为治疗过程的积极组成部分(Tang & Xie, 2016)。尽管这一策略非常重要,但在饮用水来源中仍然存在一些不受欢迎的副产品(Smith et al., 2016)。这些不良产品通常出现在饮用水供应中,最常分别被称为产品消毒(DBPs)。当氯与未经处理的原水中的天然有机物(NOM)接触时,就会发生化学反应,导致三卤甲烷(THMs)和卤乙酸(HAAs)的形成(Melo et al., 2016)。因此,由于化学反应而形成的各种类型或类别的氯化产品据说对生物和人类的健康造成严重和不利的影响。它们进入食物链,影响环境的各种生物组成。在世界各地不同国家进行的不同类型的毒理学研究已经确定了不同数量的产品或CBPs氯化反应(Melo et al., 2016)。哈斯是CBPs的活性成分,具有高度的致突变性和致癌性。它们造成不利的威胁,因为它们损害了生物体的生殖和发育方面。接下来有关论文代写-饮用水副产品氯化的危害分析如下:

A number of epidemiological studies conducted in this field have confirmed and suggested that the enhanced risk of cancer and other fatal diseases as a result of mutagenic factors is largely due to the by-products present in potable drinking waters (Plewa & Wagner, 2016). The DBPs, as outlined by various researchers, have enhanced carcinogenic properties compared to THMs and HAAs as per the animal studies conducted worldwide (Righi et al., 2014). They further enhance cancer and other life threatening disease risk and interfere with the normal reproductive biology of living organisms thus altering it. The various commonly available nine types of HAAs in chlorinated drinking water samples are MCA (monochloroacetic acid ), DCA (dichloroacetic acid, Cl2CHCOOH), TCA (trichloroacetic acid, Cl3CCOOH), MBA (monobromoacetic acid, BrCH2COOH),DBA (dibromoacetic acid, Br2CHCOOH), Bromochloroacetic acid (BrCl2AA), Bromodichloroacetic acid (BrClAA), Chlorodibromoacetic acid (Br2ClAA),and Tribromoacetic acid (Br3AA) respectively (Ali et al., 2014). Since the HAAs are identified to pose serious risks to health of living organisms, the environment protection agency (EPA) has set a permissible range for these harmful by-products in potable waters (Teh & Li., 2015). The maximum level of permissible contaminant which has been fixed by the EPA has been levelled at0.080mg/L for the THMs and 0.060mg/L for the five different classes of HAAs which include MCA, DCA, TCA, MBA, and DBA respectively.
The formation of HAAs in water is largely dependent upon the ways in which the different operational procedures are conducted in the various water treatment plants (WTPs), with regard to dose of chlorine, the time of contact between the dissolved organic matter and chlorine and other physical parameters like pH of water, temperature and other related conditions (Righi et al., 2014). Furthermore, it has been suggested by numerous researchers that the amount and percentage of HAAs formed in water could vary from place to place with regard to geographical environment and seasons of nature where these water bodies or resources are located (Melo et al., 2016).
HAAs, similar to the different THMs, are found to be an active constituent of drinking water along with chlorine. Researchers have pointed out the fact that irrespective of the water source or water body, HAAs and THMs happen to be the largest classes of DBPs that are present in water which have been treated with chlorine. In order to control the percentage of DBP in finished drinking water facility, it is extremely essential to have a thorough understanding of the aspects leading to DBP formation along with speciation (Plewa & Wagner, 2016). As the measurement of total organic halogen (TOX) can be considered to be a standard for water quality measurement, it is extremely important to be aware regarding the percentage of specific and individual levels of HAAs, as a measure of the total organic halogen(TOX) under a series of different experimental set ups (Legay et al., 2011).

新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


人力资源是每个企业的关键组成部分之一。人力资源的主要功能是处理员工关系,维护组织的一些行政职能,如招聘、培训、面试、安置员工等。人力资源管理项目表明了对工作场所的内部和外部评价(Burke, 2017)。对公司的内部评价主要集中在成本效益法。外部评价主要关注人力资源管理方法实现目标的整体效益。大多数公司使用不同的方法来选择他们公司的潜在候选人。思科是全球重要的计算机和网络产业之一。在目前的市场中,思科是领先的网络解决方案提供商。在2016财年,思科实现收入491.61亿美元,净利润79亿美元。大多数员工都为能在这家公司工作而感到自豪(Rafferty and Restubog, 2017)。思科采取不同的措施来有效地培训员工,满足客户的需求。因此,员工的绩效在不断提高,这有助于提高公司的整体绩效(Grant, 2016)。这说明哈密尔顿论文代写-思科人力资源管理的主要作用是管理公司的整体情况。人力资源的参与有助于提高工作效率,优化人力资源。在一些公司,人力资源管理人员使用不同的统计分析工具来衡量个别员工的绩效。

This company mainly provides routers, aggregation services, mobile wireless and data support etc. CISCO works in various segment regarding sales and support. There are different types of work specialization in this company such as collaboration specialization, data centre specialization, Enterprise network specialization, Security specialization, Internet and software specialization and Service provider specialization (Stein, 2017). This company provides network emergency response such as voice over IP, high definition video surveillance and network based video surveillance etc. In present market data centre, architecture mainly supports different data driven business models, cloud applications and proliferation of devices. Data centre specialization of this company helps to track sales, service and technical development of the company. Security specialization of CISCO provides effective security that mainly helps the companies to build a strong security service for more profit (Mao et al., 2017). Expertise employees of this company provide different security related solution to the customer for their business. Master security of this company has removed all kind of network threats that mainly help to gain more competitive advantages in their business. CISCO provides different network experience based on the type of connection that provides customers more bandwidth to fulfil their digital needs.
Skill and Competencies of This Worker
This company takes different steps to train their workers and employees to increase the skill of individual employees. That generally gives an extra advantage to the company to make the project in efficient manner (Kasemsap, 2017). Human Resource Executives play the key role in case of trading of employees. Company has created a training solution team to train their employee. The main objective of the team is to identify the needs of company after that they provide different target learning method for the employees that mainly help to enhance the skill of individual performer. CISCO provides leadership program and various traditional leadership programs for its executives such as e- learning, case studies and analysis etc. (Grant, 2016). Company has chosen different proficient worker to provide instance and better business solutions based on networking. In present market, the companies are more attentive to get better results from the employees. Improvement of skills and performance help the employees to handle the customer as well as complete the service works perfectly.

To encourage the employees, CISCO implemented different strategies that motivated the employees. Most of employees of CISCO feel proud to work in this company ranked 42 all over the world and the main credit goes to the employees of this company. For that Reason, company provides different rewards for the best performers to encourage and motivate them. Company mainly provide both monetary and non-monetary rewards such as competitive performance based pay, health coverage, long term savings plan, employee stock purchase plan, employee support program and positive work environment etc. (Wilhelm et al., 2016). Employees get other different benefits and incentives from the company so that with the help of these strategies, company attracts the workers.

留学生论文写作提升,可以找新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构经过多年的经营与磨砺,已经发展成为一家专业的美国论文代写平台机构,而且论文代写价格公平合理,擅长写作科目广泛,有硕士论文代写、新西兰代写、essay代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和信誉、丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


1934年,弗雷德里克·伦奇勒创立了UTC联合技术公司。该公司是一家总部设在康涅狄格州法明顿的美国跨国公司。UTC目前由总统的首席执行官Gregory J. Hayes领导。UTC拥有航空系统、飞机发动机、自动扶梯、电梯、HVAC系统、建筑系统和消防安全系统的制造能力,是世界上最具创新性和声誉的公司之一。该公司还在国防系统作为军事承包商的存在,使其从美国政府的收入10%(联合技术,2017)。UTC现在的名字来自于它的前首席执行官哈里·格雷,他于1974年加入公司,当时公司的名字是联合飞机公司。在他的管理下,公司发展壮大,并向多个技术领域发展,1975年,联合飞机公司更名为联合技术公司。不久,UTC开始收购小型企业,并被大肆宣传为并购公司(United Technologies, 2017)。接下来有关北帕默斯顿论文代写-UTC的战略计划和目标分析如下:

The company believes that corporate responsibility and financial performance go hand in hand.
To enhance the quality of the life of people wherever the company expands its business, the company also aims and focuses on communities to make things better.
The company also works with non-profit organizations in the field of mathematics, technology, engineering and science, which is an inspiration for the business leader of new generation.
UTC focuses to build and maintain a work culture where every employee feels valued. The company focuses on three main areas are: Workforce, workplace and marketplace (United Technologies, 2017).
With its great position in the industry, UTC has several competitors in every segment. In aircraft manufacturing, GE Aviation, Turbomeca, Honeywell and Rolls-Royce are the major competitors. UTC Aerospace Systems has Parker Hannifin and Honeywell as the key competitors, while Airbus helicopters, AgustaWestland and bell Helicopter are the main competitors of Sikorsky (a subsidiary of UTC) (Aeroweb, 2017).
Organizational Structure of UTC
UTC has a 12-member (11 independent members and 1 Chairman & CEO) Board of Directors who take part on 5 perpetual committees: Finance, Executive, Corporate Governance, Audit and Compensation.
The company is purely organic as UTC, under its Chairman & CEO Mr. Hayes, believe in changing the company’s product and services according to the needs of changing environment. Organic structures are utilized as a part of associations confronting temperamental situations and must have the capacity to change appropriately. UTC handles, and investigates the data appropriately and acts rapidly. This guarantees they remain aggressive against different organizations. Organizations like UTC utilize Organic structures to convey viably and rapidly by spreading data. This is finished by divisions and diverse useful regions being firmly incorporated with each other. Likewise, by executing decentralized basic leadership, representatives of lower positioning will be able to settle on vital choices. This involves representatives displaying more prominent inventiveness and better critical thinking. UTC is an extraordinary case of an Organic structure based business. Their representatives are urged to utilize imaginative critical thinking abilities and grow new items. UTC also has an Employee Scholar Program because the company envisions that continued learning should be a part of work culture. Under this program, the company sponsors the educational programs and training of its employee across the globe. This type of scholar program allows the employees of UTC to enhance their knowledge base and skill set (United Technologies, 2011).
This is the best structure for UTC as it is a large organization where authority, control and communication are required within a huge network. Organic structure also allows the employees to take part in problem solving and they become more goal oriented rather than being job oriented.
UTC must continue this kind of working and make efforts to enhance its workforce and workplace environment continually.

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According to Andrew Carnegie defined, “teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability is to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results”. The effectiveness of team work completely depends on the efficiency of team leaders. A good team leader can motivate his subordinates and cooperate with other department heads. Teamwork is not about the people doing the same work, but it is about maintaining harmony among entire organization. In hotels, many departments are working together for customer’s satisfactions, such as managers, catering staffs, front office staffs, clerical staffs, and maintenance staffs and housekeeping staffs (Peter Jones, 2002).
Necessity of teamwork
A successful Teamwork in hotel industry plays a vital role in the development of the whole. In this type of work, culture interactions and cooperation among the staffs and managers is essential to maintain the essence of teamwork (David and Hayes, 2016). It is necessary because:
Team formation is essential for supporting amore authorized way of working without which it may prevent someone doing their job properly.
To develop multi-disciplinary work culture.
To increase flexibility, responsiveness and to get accustomed to the characteristics of the employee.
To increase the sense of equality, companionship, supportive and cooperative nature.
It enhances the sense of togetherness and motivates the employees to work for the company (Michael and O’Fallon, 2011).
If the team is performing well, then this will be the best way to work.
Increases sense of responsibility and credibility.
Maintaining hierarchy in an organization.
Follow the rules of organizational behaviour and decorum.

中国留学生英语论文不会写,可以找新西兰高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,新西兰论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构有认真负责的写手老师,可以解决中国留学生的论文写作难题,保证论文原创,为留学生提供新西兰代写、report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,并使用权威的抄袭检测系统,让留学生们轻松应对论文写作并创作出专属个人的优秀论文!


在现代,国家参与经济活动已经变得非常普遍和强制性。即使在高度发达的资本主义国家,也有政府的参与,这有助于降低失业率,带来了经济体系的稳定(Boddewyn, 2016)。国家干预的主要动机是为了确保经济体系的稳定和充分就业。为了消除或减少贫困,达到更高的生活水平,在经济体制不稳定的欠发达国家需要国家干预(Lee, Kim and Ahn, 2011)。一个组织的行为对经济、社会和政治方面有重要的影响。在今天的资本主义社会,一个组织的首要责任是整顿国家的经济。在美利坚合众国,几个世纪以来一直存在着一个稳固的资本主义社会,本组织大多数成员的主要动机是赚取利润。在美国,每个商人的主要动机都是赚钱,不管他或她经营的是什么样的组织。美国社会的主要和最重要的哲学是“时间就是金钱”。在所有这些事实的帮助下将更容易理解新西兰教育学论文代写-社会责任的意义。

There are various ways by which social responsibility can be described. It has been observed that most of the organizations only perform those social obligations, which are made compulsory by the government. It means that in order to meet certain legal and economic responsibilities, a firm is engaged in social actions (Boddewyn, 2016). An organization does nothing more than what they are obliged to do. This is the general view of social responsibility. Milton Friedman, who is Nobel laureate and great economist, is the most outspoken advocate of this approach. To operate in the best interest of stockholder, whose primary apprehension is that monetary should be the primary responsibility of all kinds of organizations as said by Milton Friedman (Li et al., 2013).
There are two other concepts, which reflect the socioeconomic views. They are social responsibility and social responsiveness. In response to some popular need of society, when an organization connects in social actions, it is known as social responsiveness. With the help of social norms and values, managers are guided and after that make those kinds of practical decisions which are market, oriented (Li et al., 2013). Just for an example, the first automaker companies endorse a federal ban on sending text message while driving was Ford Motor Company (Dan and Maria, n.d.).

When an organization works toward the achievement of the organizational goals as well as the benefit of the society, it is known as social responsibility (Deogaonkar and Washimkar, 2014). It has been a very controversial question among the researchers and managers that are justified for a corporation to follow the objectives of social responsibilitie s(Van der Wee et al., 2015). Moreover, it has been found out that any kind of social responsibility should not be assumed by business. According to the modern approach, it has been specified that it is also the responsibility of an organization to improve and maintain the overall welfare of the society.

Now it has been accepted by every organization that social responsibilities are the part of their organization and becomes their responsibility as well. It has been felt by managers and researchers that an organization should make such kind of corporate policies and strategies so that social issues become the part of the corporate social policy and can be responded professionally and successfully (Li et al., 2015).

As social responsibility is made in a wide variety of areas, it is said to a complex process. Social responsibility includes three major areas for social issues: firstly, total observance with state, federal, international and local legislative acts and laws (Van der Wee et al., 2015). Secondly, it is the ethnic and moral procedures and standards under which a firm will operate freely, happily. Thirdly, it is the benevolent giving. There has been a development of social audit as preliminary guide, which can be used for the evaluation of how well a company is doing in the areas of social responsibility. It would also be beneficial for an organization to see where and what kind of changes are required for the improvement in the policies and strategies of the company, and this can be done by the results that are based on the basic evaluation.

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論文代寫價錢-生態旅遊的發展。旅遊業在最近幾年得到了發展。然而,即使國家的經濟發展有短期的增長,也會對環境造成相當大的破壞,並導致可持續性問題。為了解決這一問題,生態旅遊近年來日益突出。生態旅遊可以被定義為一種旅遊形式,它包括人們參觀原始的、通暢的、沒有受到大眾消費主義活動影響的自然區域。由於生態旅遊的影響,這裏的碳足跡很小,這也使得人們更加意識到可持續發展的問題。索倫托位於維多利亞州,位於菲利普港和莫寧頓半島之間。距離墨爾本一小時車程,是一個田園般的海濱度假勝地。Moonraker Dolphin Swims是一家位於索倫托碼頭上的Mornington半島的公司。他們提供的旅遊套餐包括潛水探險、與海豚一起遊泳或探險巡航。這是一家生態探險公司,因其環保努力而多次獲獎。

In the modern times, there has been an increase in the social media usage. Majority of the tourists choose to post their picture in social media tools such as Instagram and Pinterest or choose to share their experience via Facebook. There should be more efforts to utilize the social media for promotions (Boley, Magnini, & Tuten, 2013). This is relatively cheaper and can attract larger audiences for the same.
They can showcase more of their activities and make key changes in their service marketing promotions. This can improve the awareness of the people regarding the services of this particular company. Another way of improving in the service marketing sector is providing more training to the personnel to increase
Involve more stakeholders
Form liaisons with more stakeholders to handle the issue of money. This can help the company during the off seasons. They can interact with more stakeholders and ensure that more people are involved with the company (Coria, & Calfucura, 2012). They can utilize the existing resources and strength to improve stakeholder relationship and form local community deal

Education and training of the awareness programs
Empower the communities by distribution of the benefits and carry out key interactions with the local communities (Fitzgerald, & Stronza, 2016). The company should create more educational awareness and training programs both online and also during the off seasons to make the tourist aware also provide the local people with the best ways to manage tourism. They can seek the support of the local governmental council for these awareness campaigns.
Ecotourism is gaining awareness in the modern era. There is a lot of rhetoric and the actual practice is relatively low. Moonrakers is one company that provides holistic ecotourism endeavours and are also licenced. They have undertaken a number of initiatives to ensure that they are environmentally friendly and also take endeavors to preserve the local environment of the place. In this case, the areas of weakness that has been identified are the economic issues, tourist lack of awareness and working as independent units. The recommendations that have been provided for the company is that they should utilize more promotional campaigns, provide better liasions with the stakeholders and ensure that there is more training for the locals and the tourists. They can be best served if they form liaisons with the local governmental council to improve their operations. To conclude, this company has a number of aspects that it is doing right. It only needs to address these issues for holistic growth and future sustainability.

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新西兰会计学论文代写-企业网络的概念。企业网络的概念是指企业通过一系列生产阶段向(国内和企业)最终用户或消费者(客户)提供商品或服务的一种安排。对于一个公司来说,在商业网络中选择正确的位置或者最引人注目的位置是非常重要和必要的,因为每个阶段的利润是不同的。因此,在这个时刻,本组织审议三个最基本的问题是十分重要的。公司必须了解特定职位在网络中的吸引力;他们必须设计可以在网络的任何点或任何阶段应用的策略(Davis, 1993)。组织还必须了解它们执行在网络任何位置采取的任何战略所需要的能力和资源。这可能会帮助这些公司在竞争中保持领先地位,并比其他公司拥有可持续的利润。例如,IBM以大约35亿美元的价格收购了Waterhouse Cooper (PWC)的咨询部门,以保持其在市场上的竞争力,并对信息和技术业务进行明智的投资。IBM设计其策略是通过业务将技术集成到业务流程中,从而向客户交付价值。此次收购帮助IBM实现了其计划中的商业战略,并帮助它们保持了竞争力。

According to Andersson (2000) in an ideal supply chain relationship situation, a company connects with its customers (downstream) as well as with its suppliers (upstream) and thus helps in the easy flow of information and data related to demand, and making visibility of the status. In other words, it means working together for cost reduction, improvement of quality and understanding each other’s capabilities and capacities. It is also the responsibility of each and every partner in the business network to teach others the techniques to be successful in the coming century (Percy, 2010). In order to maximize the surplus value for upstream as well as downstream, it is essential that companies must manage power dependence relations and information and informational economics. So the company must have strong teams to manage marketing and sales in order to attract customers/consumers (downstream) and team to manage procurement supply with the suppliers (upstream). It is important for any company to segment its market clearly and then decide position its goods or services towards this target segment(s). To attract a particular segment, it is important that company design its goods or service accordingly and set its price (Simkin, 2008). It is also important for the company to have proper communication done in order to attract customers to try and taste the company’s products (either goods or services). In order to communicate, company hires specialized advertising agencies to design their advertisements so that it immediately attracts customers. It is also the responsibility of the company to maintain a good relation with its customer for a long period of time, as it is well known that maintaining old and loyal customers is far easier than attracting new customers. For Example, through a number of focus group studies and market researches, IBM Global Services found out that majority of customers were aware of the company as computer systems manufacturer but were not aware of IBM’s services. So after many studies, the company in the year 1999 launched its first advertisement in the print media and spent around $75 million globally. IBM for the first time had its tagline as “IBM Global Services: People who think, People who do, People who get it” which is followed by a sub-tag “e-business people.” A three full pages advertisement was released in all the major newspapers, business magazines, computer trade publications and general interest magazines, thus making its customers aware of the different services that IBM global have. So it can be seen that it is not only essential for a company to rightly segment its target market but it is also essential for the companies to communicate about all the activities, goods and products that they are ready to offer their customers (Hutt and Speh, 2001).

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根据Brian等人(2002)的观点,法律和伦理毫无疑问是并驾齐驱的(Reich, 2008)。根据他的观点,道德和法律形成了一种平衡,通过这种平衡,组织能够培养和准备自己面对什么是对的,什么是错的,从而保护自己在公众心目中的形象。正如Thompson等人(2001)所言,在整个新闻领域也需要确保平衡。一些基于网络的新闻道德准则已经被开发出来,它们之间有惊人的相似之处(Reich, 2008)。例如,网络记者。Net的道德准则是诚实、公平、负责和尽量减少伤害。根据Kuhn(2007)的研究,为博客提供了法律和道德的指导方针,它们是必须遵守的(Reich, 2008)。这些准则包括促进相互作用、自由表达、考虑供人类讨论的因素、努力获得事实真相和只着眼于争取透明度。
此外,公民记者在专业上没有足够的地位,但他们的存在相对较晚。因此,用明显的、甚至更低的标准来判断是不合适的。相反,重要的是确保他们的道德和法律框架得到良好的管理。例如,Lee(2006)指出,公民记者可能关注权利,但同时在自由和匿名的意义上寻求保护,这源于网络提供的非领土化剥削(Reich, 2008)。然而,对公民记者的日益关注往往忽视了公民记者的责任和法律义务的概念。这意味着公民的参与是一件好事,不管这是否符合道德规范。公民伦理与新闻伦理的缺失,使整个社会面临着威胁与脆弱性。


According to Brian et al. (2002), there is no doubt that law and ethics move side by side (Reich, 2008). Ethics as well as law according to him formulate a balance through which organizations are able to foster and prepare themselves for what is right and wrong in order to protect their image among the people at large. Across the domain of journalism as well, the balance needs to be ensured as per Thompson et al. (2001). Some code of ethics have been developed for web based journalism and they all have a striking deal of similarity between themselves (Reich, 2008). For example, Cyber journalist. Net’s code of ethics was in being honest, having fairness, accountability and minimizing harm. According to Kuhn (2007), a mix of legal and ethical guidelines for blogging have been provided and they are essential to be followed (Reich, 2008). These guidelines are inclusive of promoting interaction, expressing freely, considering the elements for human discussion, trying for factual truth to be attained and only looking towards striving for transparency.
Furthermore, citizen journalists do not have adequate status professionally but their existence is recent relatively. Therefore, for judging those through distinct and even lower standards would not be suitable. Instead, what is of significance is to make sure that their ethics and legal framework are well governed. For example, Lee (2006), indicated that citizen journalists may look at rights but seek to protection simultaneously in a freedom sense and in anonymity that stems from supposed deterritorialization exploitation provided due to the web (Reich, 2008). However, too often, the increased attention on citizen journalists has ignored the notion on citizen journalist’s responsibilities and legal obligations. This implies that participation of citizens is a good thing disregard of whether this is of ethics or not. The failure in addressing the citizen ethics and ethical journalism together makes the community at large be faced with threats and vulnerabilities.




此外,所有作者都证明,这些管道是由经济资本较低的银行赞助的,以账面价值与资产的比率来衡量。作者还发现,那些处于较弱担保渠道的投资者遭受了一些较小的损失,这表明没有任何风险转移(Back-Simmon, 2011)。除此之外,还有一些问题。Ashcraft和Schuermann(2008)描述了在实际金融危机之前次级抵押贷款证券化中最重要的七个信息摩擦。不过,这些摩擦可以推广到所有受审查的交易。这包括贷款者和发起人之间、贷款者和投资者之间、以及被投资基金的受益人和其他资产管理公司之间的一些不对称问题。除此之外,投资者与发行人之间的信息不对称流动导致了成本融资的风险不敏感。
Keys等人(2010)的研究表明,FICO分数高于620的抵押贷款借款人比FICO分数低于620的抵押贷款借款人表现更差。这将导致借款人信用评分与业绩之间的单调关系被打破。在20世纪90年代,资产支持证券至少有5个不同的部门陷入困境,包括房屋净值、房屋改善贷款、制造业住房、设备租赁和特许经营商贷款(Claessens, S。, & Ratnovski, 2015)。因此,当观察到不同的评级机构面临自己的问题时,过度依赖信用评级也导致了一些问题。同样的一个例子是Rocht(2009),他分析了声誉是内生的,市场环境可能随时间而变化的评级动态模型。


In addition to this, all the authors documented that the conduits had been sponsored by banks which had lower economic capital as measured by the ratio of book value to the assets. It was also found by the authors that the investors who were in conduit with the weaker guarantees suffered a number of small losses, which suggested that there isn’t any risk transfer (Back-Simmon, 2011). In addition to this, there are a number of problems. Ashcraft and Schuermann (2008) gave the description of the seven most important informational frictions which are the part of securitization of subprime mortgage credit before the actual financial crises. These frictions though can be generalized to all the scrutinized transactions. This includes a number of asymmetric problems which are between the lender and originator, between the lender and the investors and also between the beneficiary of the invested funds and other asset managers. In addition to this, the flow of asymmetric information between the investors and the issuers lead to the cost funding which was risk-insensitive.
It was documented by Keys et al (2010) that the mortgage borrowers who have their FICO scores above a threshold of 620 performs worse in comparison to the one who have FICO scores below 620. This will lead in disruption of the monotone relationship between the borrower credit scores and the performances. During the times of 1990s, there were at least 5 different sectors of ABS which had been in trouble including home equity, home improvement lending, manufactured housing, leasing of equipments and loans for franchisee(Claessens, S., & Ratnovski, 2015).Thus, excessive reliance on the credit ratings also led to a number of problems when it was observed that the different rating agency faced their own problems. An example of the same is Rocht (2009) who did the analysis of the dynamic model of ratings under which the reputation is endogenous and the environment of market may be varying over time.






High level of perception is needed for attaining precise and high quality historical preservation. The specialization follows:The critical elements should be contained in the preservation part.With regards to the concern of the land use, historical preservation is significant when compared to a variety of problems related to the land use, such as industrial development, housing of low cost, traffic, and density. The historical preservation should be given greater emphasis once the alternatives of the land uses were set up, as it possess the preservation element.There should be more prominence on preservation part when commissions and town councils were creating connectedness in guiding their alternatives with reference to historic resources;What’s the biggest obstacle to desegregation historic preservation into the design process?Whether or not there had been a reduction in conflicts since the adoption of the preservation element;Preservation should be given an outmost importance in every sphere of historical architectureStrangely enough, the foremost sturdy conception to articulate is why we wanted to preserve historic places? The main purpose is to preserve historical buildings, instead of building a fresh and for that a separate preservation rules have to be laid with a new set of goals, objectives and policies.
It will also enable a citizen to hold a deeper value of faith, art, literature and heritage. Historic preservation satisfies the hunger for distinctiveness, for community. Somehow, the ambiance and integrity of historic buildings foster a singular sense of place, an affiliation to the past Associate in Nursing and an inflated quality of life. Folk units drawn to the physical beauty and quality skill are generally seen in historic buildings. It also depends on the artistic visualization. Older and historic building units are generally inherently designed for energy conservation and also for different environments. Overhanging roofs, porches, awnings, and shutters will maximize shade and supply insulation. Thick walls supply thermal mass and buffering. Large operable windows supply natural light-weight and promotion of circulation of air. Overall, the buildings that are older can supply these “built-in” blessings.
