
research paper 代写:X一代

research paper 代写:X一代

然而,不同年龄段的人之间有许多共同的特点和经历,他们可以用来为X一代的人制定与营销策略相关的发展(Bickel et al, 2005)。有一些常见的经验和特质可能有用的人属于这个年龄段发展的营销策略,同时针对X一代的人属于X一代通常可以去质量的产品平均预算为了目标客户以更好的方式。向X一代宣传产品最有效的策略之一是发送电子邮件。不过,一般来说,电子邮件活动可以被不同群体的人视为一种完全过时的策略。它被认为是与X一代进行个人交流的标准。有很多营销人员寻找这个渠道是为了与X一代进行个人交流。大约66%的B2B市场和44%的B2C市场可以观察到电子邮件的投资回报率。属于X一代的人会定期查看他们的广告。他们通过电子邮件来吸引越来越多的人(Franks, 1997)。
吸引X一代的另一个有效的营销策略是吸引他们的财务责任。虽然X一代占英国总人口的25%,但与其他几代人相比,X一代的消费能力是当代最高的。不过,该公司声称,他们的收入占总收入的31%。目前,这一代人的收入处于顶峰(Huber, 2004)。但是,属于这一代人的人仍然希望存更多的钱。他们希望把钱存起来,用于不同的财政优先事项,包括支付孩子的教育、住房、所有权和经济独立。正是由于他们更喜欢预算和数字素养,X一代更愿意在网上寻找最省钱的方式。在购买任何产品之前,他们还喜欢对产品进行广泛的研究和评估。因此,对广告商可能有用的最强大的营销技巧之一是在包括独家优惠券在内的社交媒体门户网站上进行交易。英国许多公司在社交媒体和电子邮件上为人们提供优惠券(Yelkur et al, 1997)。

research paper 代写:X一代

Though, there are many common traits and experiences between the people belonging to different age groups who can be used for the purpose of development related to the marketing strategies for the people belonging to Generation X (Bickel et al, 2005). There are some of the common experiences and traits which may be useful for the people belonging to this age group for the development of the marketing strategies while targeting the Generation X. The people belonging to Generation X can usually go for the quality products at an average budget in order to target the customers in a better manner.One of the most effective strategies for advertising a product to Generation X is by sending an E mail. Though, generally Email campaigns can be observed as a completely old-fashioned strategy by different people belonging to the group. It is considered as the standard for personal communication with the Gen X’ers. There are many marketers who look for this channel in order to have a personal communication with the Generation X’ers. Around 66 % of the B2B markets and 44 % of B2C markets may observe to have a ROI from the Email. The people belonging to Generation X check their advertisement on the regular basis. They carry out ways to attract more and more people through Email (Franks, 1997).
Another effective marketing strategy for attracting Generation X is by appealing to their financial responsibility. The spending power of Gen X is the highest in the present times in comparison to all the other generations though it makes up on the 25 % of the entire population of UK. Though, it claims for 31 % of the total income earned by them. In the present time, this generation is at the peak of the earnings (Huber, 2004). But still, the people belonging to this generation look for saving more and more money. They are looking for saving up the money for different financial priorities including payment of the money for children’s education, home, ownership and financial independence. It is because of their preference for budgeting along with digital literacy that Gen X is much more comfortable in hunting online for the best saving. Before going for any purchase, they also like to do a widespread research and reviews related to the product. Thus, one of the strongest marketing techniques which may be useful for the advertisers is to deal on the social media portals including the exclusive coupons. Many companies in UK offer coupons for the people on social media and Emails (Yelkur et al, 1997).