

论文代写-中国人和英国人的文化差异。中国人和英国人的文化差异很大。将Hofesdte维度作为一个公式,可以发现这个国家有很强的个人主义。个人主义得分是89分,而中国的个人主义得分只有20分。功率距离指数在英国普遍较低(Minkow & Hofestde, 2011)。与中国相比,人们有很强的放纵因素。从这个种子应该尝试纳入有关英国文化的商业模式,当冒险进入英国市场。他们需要评估自己的组织,形成一个类似于英国工作文化的体系。他们还应该确保公司不会偏离主要目标。

Consumer decision making process can be divided into five stages. They are
Recognizing decision-making process. This decision is made based on the internal and external stimuli. This decision making process of determined by the internal requirements of the consumers and of the external demands made by the society (Prybutok, 2012.). This need can be further divided into functional need, social need or simply a need to experience change. Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs SEED can further motivate consumer. This process understands the nuances involved in the buying decision of the employee (Prybutok, 2012.). SEED Company should initially focus on developing the need for the product among the UK consumers.
The individuals determine the needs of the consumers they try to seek internal and external information (Solomon et al., 2014). Internal information is based on the intrinsic knowledge held by the individuals in lieu of the needs. Consumers try to seek knowledge to base their decision (Slater, 1997). Since it is a new product the consumers must be made aware of this product in the market.
Alternative evaluation is the model in which employee try to base their decision on looking into the various products available in the market. In this alternative evaluation model the consumers must be made aware of the unique features of the products (Lysonski, & Durvasula, 2013). SEED should focus on the intangibles like the importance the product gives to indigenous Chinese culture. Unique selling proposition is the factor that makes a product markedly different from the competing brand (Mihart, 2012) SEED should explain their Unique Selling Proposition (USP) regarding the high quality material used to make the product.
Once they have considered and weighed all the alternatives employees try to select the product that seems most appropriate (Bruwer, et al., 2014). From this consumers make their buying decision.
After purchase of a product the consumers, consumers sometimes want extra services for their product or want to exchange (Milner & Rosenstreich, 2013). It is very important for companies to be understanding of the consumer needs after purchase has been made in order to develop patronage. SEED should develop proper customer service post purchase in order to develop patronage for the brand.

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