


However, Disney has been successful in mastering its understanding about how people establish their learning by consumption of media and how this ends up granting the overwhelming power to corporation for shaping the larger culture, politics and people. Being the most powerful conglomerates of media across the globe, Disney ended up promoting each and every message for serving corporate power with political conformity, cultural homogeneity, free markets, customer agency and hierarchy. This wages battle against those groups and individuals who perceive the belief that the democratic life of public requires democratic institutions of culture that also include mass media.
Feature- length, extravagant theme parks, animated films and Disney fication of the West Street of forty second in the City of New York surely may have the value of education and entertainment, but there can be no use of such activities as a defense for the stranglehold of Disney on the image and message business. The Southern Baptists had been right in assuming that something appeared to be amiss in portraying the company of Disney as the icon of healthy family entertainment, childhood fun, and pristine innocence. However, it appears to be unfortunate that they had been wrong in order to condemn Disney to refuse the endorsement of homophobic practices in its operations of labor, and appealing to the traditional brand image of the company. The traditional image of brand was followed with respect to conservatism considering the family values of White Americans, as per which the unit of heterosexual patriarchal family ends up becoming wrapped within the nostalgic and patriotic aura normally as a bygone era perceiving the small- town ideals of Mid-western Protestants.

Yet, there is no denial in the fact that Disney has obtained success in mastering its understanding about how people establish their learning by consumption of media and how this ends up granting the overwhelming power to corporation for shaping the larger culture, politics and people. Perceiving the benefit as the most powerful conglomerates of media in the global industry, Disney ended up promoting each and every message for serving corporate power with political conformity, cultural homogeneity, free markets, customer agency and hierarchy. The digitally revolving technology has not ended up changing the overall fact that Disney has been still promoting components related to this timeworn image, but there are several evidences that this kind of innocence being pretended ends up camouflaging a powerful force of culture as well as corporate monolith.

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