


The form and structure of the rings’ design was the core subject in the olden times but my research explores the ways which can be adopted for wearing and taking off the rings. According to myriad scholars, the stacking of the rings is a fascinating experience as helps in understanding which piece to wear and what is the best manner in which the article can be arranged. To the maker of the jewellery designs, it gives immense pleasure to understand that their set of stacking rings can be recombined and communicated for recreating the designs as per the heart’s content of the wearer. In the study, I understood that the basic idea behind the conception of the jewellery designs was based on the traditional outlook of producing metal designs which showcased sturdiness and stillness. But this statement was contradicting the characteristic of playfulness, which jewellery should portray, in the first instance. Therefore, it can be interpreted that these sturdy form of jewellery pieces are not the epitome of happiness and simplicity.
Stacking Rings (Bronze: 2016)
Both the conventional and contemporary jewellers showcased their understanding of jewellery and the contemporary jewellers reflected their personal expression in the pieces of jewellery. From the historic time, jewellery is regarded as the epitome of wealth and social status whereas some regard it as the symbol of delight and beauty. Therefore, it would be true to say that the part of these interpretations was used as an inspiration to write the current project.

This process of designing jewellery provided myself the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge which are useful for other work related matters. The course in jewellery designing helped me to understand the significance of time management and it also taught to respect the different individuals. This was true when I conducted the interview session with the chosen respondents. Therefore, by conducting the interviews, I was able to implement my newly learnt skills in the right way and at the right place. In addition, this course helped me to understand the intricacies of the design of jewellery along with the author’s journey in making that piece through the study of his personal experiences involved. Therefore, I was able to effectively develop my skills through this research and this came true when I worked as a professional as a Taiwanese jeweller. Then I learned the knack of handling diverse customers and also understood how to satiate their diverse needs and wants by giving them exactly what they are looking for. Every customer has a different set of requirements and hence every different piece of jewellery was suitable for them.

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