
essay 代写-关于身份盗窃

essay 代写-关于身份盗窃

根据已在联邦贸易委员会注册的投诉,可以观察到,从2000年到2008年,身份盗窃投诉急剧增加(Finklea, 2014)。在过去,据报道,截至2005年,以身份盗窃为形式的案件每年超过900万起(美国国家司法学院,2007年)。虽然关于身份盗窃的宣传有助于减少盗窃的数量,但技术的迅速发展有助于增加盗窃的种类。投诉在2009年和2010年有所减少,然后在2011年再次开始上升(Finklea, 2014)。截至2014年,中国严重的身份盗窃案件有所增加,相关案件的立案和定罪数量也有所增加。身份盗窃有很多负面影响。正是互联网的使用带来了社会和商业的出现,才导致了身份盗窃的风险。由于在其他环境中所看到的技术效应的增长,获得假身份变得更加容易。人们受到不同方式的影响(Emigh, 2006)。
一方面,利用一个人的身份来放纵自己进行一丝不苟的活动,会给这个人带来名誉上的损失。此外,使用假身份的个体可能会对这个人的社会形象产生影响。在金融环境下,他们窃取的可能不仅仅是信息。获得虚假身份的人将使用该身份直接从账户中获取现金,或者可能使用该身份对贷款进行必要的信用背景检查等(Saunders, and Zucker, 1999)。这使得个人可以从保险公司获得资金,并影响到国家的金融体系和经济。在某些情况下,存在部分身份盗窃(Finklea, 2014)。在这种形式的盗窃中,行凶者将利用他人的信息伪造其身份的某些方面,并确保他们的信息是安全的。有时,未成年人的身份被人们用来为自己谋取私利。在这种情况下,未成年人可能被剥削,没有真正的办法知道未成年人和儿童是如何被剥削的。

essay 代写-关于身份盗窃

Based on the complaints that have been registered with the Federal Trade Commission it has been observed that the identity theft complaints have increased more drastically from 2000 to 2008 (Finklea, 2014). In the past, as of 2005 it was reported that identity thefts in the form of more than 9 million incidents were prevalent every year (National Institute of Justice, 2007). Although the publicity that has been generated with respect to identity theft has been instrumental in reducing the numbers of the theft, the rapid development of technology has been instrumental in increasing variations of the theft. The complaints decreased in 2009 and 2010 and then once again has started rising as of 2011 (Finklea, 2014).There is an increased in the aggravated identity theft in the country and the related case filings and convictions have increased as of 2014.There are much negative effects to identity theft. It is the social and business advent caused in internet usages that have caused the risk of identity theft. It becomes easier to obtain a false identity because of the growth of technology effects as seen in other contexts. People are affected in different ways (Emigh, 2006).
At one end the use of the identity of a person to indulge in scrupulous activities will lead to reputation loss for the person. Moreover, the individuals using the false identity could create consequences for the social image of the person. In the financial context, they might steal more than just information. The person who has obtained the false identity would make use of the id to directly obtain cash from accounts or might use the identity for clearing the needed credit background checks on a loan etc. (Saunders, and Zucker, 1999).This allows the individuals to gain money from the insurance companies and affects the financial systems and the economy of the country.In some case, there is partial identity theft (Finklea, 2014). In this form of a theft, the perpetrator will fabricate certain aspects of their identity using information of another and ensure that their information is made secure. Sometimes the minor’s identity is used by the people for their own personal gain. In this the minors could be exploited and there would be no real way to know how the minors and the children who are being exploited.
