


纳德勒和图什曼(1986)早些时候指出,商业组织只有通过有效的管理和同时为未来创造创新才能成功地获得竞争优势。因此,关键的建议是,管理当局面临的最紧迫的问题是保持整个组织的创新管理。价值观、结构、人员和有远见的领导都是影响任何组织通过创新实现组织利益的重要因素。创新仍然是推动经济表现的关键因素。然而,知识仍然是促进创新和吸收新技术发展所需的基本因素(Sadikoglu and Zehir, 2010)。

《经济学人》信息部(Economist Intelligence Unit, 2006)对全球485名企业高管进行的一项调查发现,其中87%的人认为创新对公司的未来至关重要。这项特别的研究还发现,创新最终会对企业绩效和国家经济增长产生积极影响。麦肯锡(McKinsey)(2007)对1400多名领先企业高管进行的一项研究发现,70%的受访者表示,创新是推动企业增长的三大因素之一。事实上,绝大多数革命性变革的根本举措都未能实现预期的价值,关键的分类也以失败告终。这也包括通过收购进行创新的努力(Lee et al., 2012)。


It was earlier stated by Nadler and Tushman (1986) that business organizations can be successful in gaining a competitive edge only by effective management followed by the simultaneous creation of innovation for the future. Hence, the key suggestion was made that the most pressing issue faced by management authorities is in sustaining the management of innovation across organization. Values, structures, people and visionary leadership are all significant factors affecting if any organization realizes benefits of organization out of innovation. Innovation can still be identified as the crucial factor driving economic performance. However, knowledge is still the basic factor required for fostering innovation and assimilating new technological developments (Sadikoglu and Zehir, 2010).

In a survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (2006) including 485 senior executive from organizations all across the globe found that 87 per cent of them perceived that innovation is extremely crucial for the future of the company. This particular research also discovered that innovation ends up having a positive effect on both corporate performance and national economic growth. A study by McKinsey (2007) including more than 1,400 executives of leading organizations discovered that 70 per cent stated that innovation was among the top three factors driving growth in their organization. As a matter of fact, majority of the radical initiatives of transformative change failed in delivering the value forecasted and the key classification was done as failure. Also, this was inclusive of efforts for innovating by acquisition (Lee et al., 2012).