


For shooting Curse of the golden flower, the director had focused on the traditional fighting mechanism in which martial arts was fought in China. This did make the fight more intriguing and certainly more beautiful. Due to this reason, the focus and camera movement can change on a consistent basis. It can certainly let the audience feel to have more emotion from the movement of a performer. The curse of the golden flower also provides some important notion that relates to religion, philosophy and theology. One religious excerpt that could be derived from this film is the famous quote of Jesus that states that, “If a house is ever divided against itself, that house would never stand” (Skoller, 2005). The film has depicted certain moral failures that were also seen in ancient China and other historic cultures. This 10th Century setting is certainly as old as the Biblical scriptures and it has also been manifested each and every day within our modern context because individuals do tend to make choices that could be based upon their personal desires and selfish feelings (Sobchack, 1996). As it has been clearly depicted in the curse of the golden flower, our sins and crimes can certainly bring grief and tragedy to our lives as well as to people that are around us.

With spectacular camera work and also with some extreme action sequences, director Zhang Yimou does not really fail to disappoint his viewers in the visual aspects of its movie. Those who have been following his prior works must be aware of the fact that besides offering an entrancing plot in his movies, Zhang with the utilization of some sparkling colours also captures some really unbelievable images as well. However, in spite of featuring these couple of brilliant features in the movie, these optimistic aspects of the movie fails to get the spotlight it deserves because of the fluid ethical letdown of the characters in the movie. Even though, the movie Curse of the Golden Flower without any doubt has overwhelmed some of its viewers with its couple of brilliant features. In the end, most of the viewers will still go for such a movie which would offer its viewers more optimism and less explicit brutality.

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