


Strategies for cross cultural communication are:
By keeping an open mind when interacting.
By practicing active listening.
By maintaining a personal touch.
By having some knowledge of the people belonging to different cultures.
By understanding cultural diversity.
By developing awareness of different individual cultures.
By respecting the differences and avoiding stereotypes.
2) Within hospitality we need to be acceptable, have awareness and an ability to meet dietary needs linked to customers that may have personal dietary preferences. What would you adapt or modify to meet the different dietary preferences of potential customers? List 3 and explain how the adaptations implemented by you would benefit your enterprise.
Product adaptation means the modification of the existing product so that it can suit the diverse customers and markets. Therefore, an adaptation strategy is considered as an important tool that should be employed by the companies for ensuring that the product meets the requirements and regulations of culture (McShane and Von Glinow, 2011). Some of the adaptations are:
Customer research: It helps in improving gaps in the current product specifications to make it more appealing.
Export Research: It helps in providing new markets for the existing products through understanding the potential impact on the business.
Competition: It helps in analysing the product specifications offered by the competitors and also helps in responding to the competitive threats.

How can a manager initiate and encourage open communication and discussion about diversity issues? (This should include strategies to assist and coach staff in ways to accept the diversity of customers and colleagues)
Some of the recommended steps for managers are as follows:
The assessment of the diversity at the workplace through Employee Satisfaction Survey
The development of the diversity workplace plan that is comprehensible, attainable and measurable
The implementation of the workplace plan through personal commitment of executives and managerial teams
The utilization of the diversity training to shape the diversity policy
Involving the workers to devise and apply diversity plans and take part in the diversity initiatives at the workplace
4) How can a manager capture ideas and information from the diversity in the workplace to enhance products and service and to gain a competitive advantage?
The diversified workforce helps in bringing high value to the organizations in the context of high productivity and maintaining the competitive advantage. The diversity is helpful in educating the customers about the rules and regulations followed by the company and making up the diversified culture to help to enhance the quality of the products and services of the company.

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