


The response of all the above patients is observed in general. However, due to the time constraint, an in depth study or analysis of only one Chinese patient is done in this research paper. The codes generated from the interview responses were more or less similar or associated with each other. The in depth analysis of a Chinese patient will hence be helpful to draw a proper conclusion to the issue of Chinese public Hospitals and what the patients are facing problems associated with it.

During the interview process, the researcher himself was acting as a participant in the interview. Being a participant, the researcher was able to be more empathetic towards the issue and this enabled him to understand the issue better and what exactly the informants were facing. The sample group was closely looked upon with the support of participation. By this, the researcher is able to put forth is point of view from the whole process of interview, that also adds to the total response given by the informants. Moreover, through participation, a major difference between the health care services given by China and USA will be known in a better way.

Data analysis is one of the main aspects of a research paper. It is this element where the researched data or information are analyzed based on several factors and the responses given by the informants. In this case, there were three informants to whom a particular set of 3 same questions were asked to each of them. The interview was face-to-face interactions. The right responses from the informants were added in the research paper without rephrasing them by the researcher.
Here is the process undertaken by the researcher for the data analysis. During the interview process, the researcher wrote abbreviated notes in hardbound notes for better understanding of the scenario. Another form of recording used was the voice recorder. In order to record the conversation of the informants, a voice recorder was used. This was used with the permission of the informant. These are “raw” field notes gathered from informant interviews and direct observations (Liu, , You, Chen, , Hao, Zhu,Zhang, & Aiken, 2012)
For analyzing in a better way, after the interview and on the same day, the audio recordings were noted down separately. This is then compared to what was handwritten during the interview by the researcher. Certain kinds of structured interview data did not have to be re-written in an expanded form.
After this process, the transcribed notes would be coded in the page margins. The coding scheme might be refined during the study as additional coeds may be created. The additional codes created would be the related ones to the already mentioned codes. The new codes created will be more proper and defines more accurately to the given situation in a better manner.

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