

代寫論文-耐克為吸引年輕消費者而制定的戰略。耐克為吸引年輕消費者而制定的戰略將集中在正確的計劃上(Oldroyd, 2004)。這將意味著需要有正確的前景和市場研究,根據影響公司的外部和內部環境來明確劃分總體計劃。此外,需要有正確的戰略,可以用來發展與消費者的聯系。耐克提出的營銷計劃將為發展與消費者的接觸做好准備。計劃在各大城市舉辦的跑步活動將允許參與者在移動應用程序中跟蹤自己的表現。這種營銷計劃必須納入整合營銷傳播系統,以獲得最大的裏程和結果的公司的運作。最後,耐克將受益,如果它接近一個精心和校准的過程設計的營銷計劃(Macrumors.com, 2016)。接下來論文范文代寫論文-耐克為吸引年輕消費者而制定的戰略分享給留學生閱讀。

The development of the strategies for Nike to reach young consumers would be focused on the right kind of plans (Oldroyd, 2004). This would mean that there would be need to have right kind of outlook and market research to clearly demarcate the overall plans as per the external and internal environment which impacts the company. Further, there would be need to have right kind of strategies which can be used for the development of connections with the consumers. The marketing plan proposed by Nike would be ready for the development of engagement with the consumers. The running events planned in major cities would allow the participants to track their performance in mobile application. Such kind of marketing plan would have to incorporate systems of integrated marketing communication for receiving maximum mileage and results for the company’s operations. Conclusively, Nike would benefit in case it approaches a careful and calibrated process of designing the marketing plans (Macrumors.com, 2016).

The people of the company would have to geared and managed of the purpose of clearly getting them on-board for the development of the resources of the company. They would also have to be trained for creating the right kind of scenarios for the growth of the business policies (Phillips, Doole & Lowe, 1994).

This would mean that event would have to be managed in line with the development of suitable processes. Such processes would have to target the creation of the right kind of management of the business environment and strategies for the purpose of targeting the intended consumers (Palmer & Worthington, 1992).

This kind of factor would be integrated within the event in terms of reaching out to the consumers in the right time and place. This will be necessary for the purpose of clearly developing the right kind of strategy to reach to the right kind of consumers (Palmer & Worthington, 1992).

The Key performance indicators would be in line with the overall objectives of Nike to promote its products to the millennial consumer group. Firstly, it would be the sales revenue which is derived from the segments of millennial. Secondly, it would have to check the cost of generating each lead. This would mean Nike would have to evaluate whether the cost of reaching to the millennial has been quite expensive in terms of promotional activities or not. Since, it would be spending around $40 million; the revenue sales would have to commensurate such amount. Lastly, it would have customer value of the target segments in the market. This means that millennial consumer groups have to be assessed in terms of its future potential of being retained by the company (Edgecomb, 2016).

有關論文范文代寫論文-耐克為吸引年輕消費者而制定的戰略就為留學生分享到這裏。中國留學生英語論文不會寫怎么辦?可以找新西蘭論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構,此論文代寫平台幫助中國留學生解決論文寫作難題,為留學生提供essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,保證論文原創,而且論文代寫價格公平合理,並使用權威的抄襲檢測系統,讓留學生們輕松應對論文寫作並創作出專屬個人的優秀論文!