

本論文代寫的主要目的是解釋約瑟夫•斯大林(Josef Stalin) 1928年上臺的原因,以及這位蘇聯唯一的領導人是如何成為領導人的。此外,這篇論文還將關註政治局如何將斯大林視為擊敗托洛茨基的次要角色。為了描述同樣的問題,本文將重點放在幾個方面,比如斯大林自權力鬥爭開始以來在政治上是否強大?托洛茨基有興趣成為蘇聯唯一的領導人嗎?在權力鬥爭中,斯大林的反對者在多大程度上是軟弱的?對於斯大林政權的崛起,是否有任何外部因素的介入?或者,這一事件是否與運氣有關?在這些調查中,所有的問題都將得到回答或審查?有關論文代寫-約瑟夫•斯大林擊敗托洛茨基的政治鬥爭分析如下:

The focal time period of this essay is from 1924 to 1928 i.e., from the political struggle power of Soviet Union to formal role of Stalin to a totalitarian dictatorship. There are many sources which served as some historiography for analyzing Stalin’s cleverness and cunningness in the struggle for political power. The sources, which helped the same, were variety of primary source diary material, secondary source books, newspaper articles and periodical articles. After the death of Lenin, this has been a subject of debate for many historians (Service, 2005). In this paper, the same debate has been discussed further as to how Stalin rose to power by the year 1928.
This paper shows the combination of the political skills and personality of Stalin and how Trotsky was eliminated from the struggle of political power and how Stalin became the sole leader of Soviet Union (Bullock, 1992). There were too many complexities of events during that period and it becomes a little bit difficult to understand whether these factors could be played out by itself or not? Many historians have the same view that the political skills of Stalin were the most crucial cause for his uprising.
Rise of Josef Stalin to power
The main purpose of this essay is to study the factors because of which Stalin became the sole leader of Soviet Union and how he defeated Trotsky. Joseph Stalin was Russia’s third most popular historical figure nationwide despite having ruthless character. This essay inspects the political skills and personality of Stalin and what were the weaknesses of his opponents. After all the facts, it was concluded that although Trotsky was the most powerful candidate. However, the kind of nature Stalin`s personality had, it made him stronger and powerful as compared to Trotsky (Bullock, 1992). Stalin badly wanted to be on the top. The most important reason for the uprising of Stalin’s personality and his political skills will be argued in this essay. This investigation is very interesting and worthy to study because it may become a reference to a future power struggle, which could be similar to the rise of power of Joseph Stalin. It can be examined from the topic that to become a successful leader one should have a strong personality and should have potential abilities.
Surprisingly, Stalin’s daughter had a very bad image of her father as she wrote, “In his cold-blooded way he cared about only one thing. How is X conducting himself now? Does he admit his mistakes?” There are various research paper and articles, which revels Stalin’s true personality (Bullock, 1992). He did not admit to any wrongdoings and only blames it on his opponents. In one’s opinion, he had a very cruel but strong personality and Svetlana has the same view, “He is gone, but his shadow still stands over all of us (Service, 2005). It still dictates to us and we, very often, obey.” His background mainly caused Stalin’s personality and learned life the hard way through an independent life. Stalin was not considered an intellectual like Trotsky. However, he had the power to lead equals whom Trotsky lacked through manipulation and cunning. Stalin has had no fear of behaving immorally or of getting this hands dirty and this contributed largely to his success in taking over the party by 1928.

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