


Having a systematic performance system would be beneficial for the company. There can be three processes that the company needs to follow in order to ensure that the consumer requirements are met. It is Performance Measurement, Reporting and intervention .
The first step is performance measurement. This is a tangible index that is used for measuring customer satisfaction. Added to this reviews by food critics, frequency distributions of customers and the number of complements that the company received. The process of measurement process is a relatively straightforward process. The measures involved are however found to be more nuanced. The next factor is the reporting of the events. In this, the data is collated form the sources and interpreted. This interpretation needs to be appropriate and relevant. These measurement of data is a combination of tangible and intangible elements and they need to be factored in this analysis. Some of the tangible ways of measurement include the GAP and the SERVQAL model.

Java Lounge is trying to capture the attention of the young adult population. They need to create a system that is feasible to ensure that the results are produced and the people are met in this paradigm. They need to first undertake analysis of the average consumer, find ways to address the needs of the consumer and ensure that consumer requirement is met. They need to focus on the service offering. The different methods in which the services can be rendered to meet the needs of the consumers have been detailed in this analysis. Based on this, there can be focus on the ways in which the performance of the company can be gauged. The gap analysis model is used by this company to bring changes in their consumer service delivery.
To conclude, the companies need to focus on the service deliverable based on their final objectives. They need to have a clearly defined goal, consumer segmentation and a feasible strategy. The performance and monitoring of the services must be appropriate for the consumer. This can essentially cause any company to sustain in the current times.

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