


在胶片摄影时代,这家公司曾经是各个领域的市场领导者(Whiteley, 2008)。目前该公司有许多竞争对手。这些竞争对手都是久负盛名的,而且表现比柯达更好。公司的主要竞争优势是它所获得的品牌形象。这使该公司得以利用其在竞争对手中的地位。这确实是一个竞争优势(Whiteley, 2008)。公司应不断开发创新产品,以满足动态需求的情况下。建议产品多样化和收购非相关的数字公司。这是因为他们目前处于劣势。他们最初并没有拥抱数字技术,现在正试图这么做。他们不应该只是维持现状,而应该发展一种有效的变革管理,促进创新和创造力(Najrani, 2016)。公司应该开发新的产品系列。如果该公司选择投资于更新的产品系列并销售创新的新产品,就可以实现这一目标。
由于品牌形象的原因,潜在的消费者会愿意尝试柯达开发的新产品系列(Najrani, 2016)。柯达曾经是胶片摄影的市场领导者,然而打印机油墨技术却被更新的创新策略所取代。该公司因不接受技术而面临严重挫折。这导致了公司对它们进行重新改造,并专注于有效的变更管理。他们专注于更多的风险投资,以确保自己留在数字成像和摄影领域。他们还试图维持并购交易。在现金流方面,该公司一直专注于新兴市场。企业的品牌形象是企业的关键竞争优势。尽管如此,有人建议该公司应该回顾对其他数字服务的投资,并专注于开发功能更新的产品系列,以在未来维持下去。总之,柯达曾经是市场领导者,他们有潜力在未来蓬勃发展。


This company was once the market leader across the spectrum during the times of film photography (Whiteley, 2008). Currently there are a number of competitors for the company. These competitors are well established and performing better than Kodak. Principle competitive advantage of the company is the brand image it has garnered. This had allowed the company to leverage its position among the competitors. This is indeed a competitive advantage (Whiteley, 2008). The company should continue to develop innovative products that meet dynamic requirements of the situation.Product diversification and acquisition of non-related digital companies are suggested. This is because they are currently at a disadvantage. They did not initially embrace digital technology and are trying to do so in the current times. Instead of merely sustaining they should develop an efficient change management that fosters innovation and creativity (Najrani, 2016). There should be newer product ranges developed by the company. This could be achieved if the company chooses to invest in newer product ranges and sell innovative newer products.
Owing to the brand image potential consumers will be willing to try the new product range developed by Kodak (Najrani, 2016).Kodak was once the market leader in film photography, printer ink technology nevertheless they were replaced by newer innovative strategies. The company faced severe setbacks for not embracing technology. This had led to the company to reinvent them and focus on efficient change management. They have focused on more ventures to ensure that they stay within the field of digital imaging and photography. They have also tried for acquisitions and merger deals to sustain. For cash flow the company had focused on the emerging markets. Brand image of the company is the key competitive advantage for the company. Nevertheless it has been suggested that the company should retrospect invest in other digital services and focus on developing functional newer product range to sustain in the future. To conclude, Kodak was once a market leader and they have the potential to thrive in the future.