


Capitalism notion is concerned with the profit that has been derived from labour power rather than focusing on where to put the power. The concrete form of the labour power is comingled with the labour power of the abstract. This is an innate exploitation. The concept of abstract labour is measured in terms of the unit of time. This is also reflected in nonchalance of the ‘lads’. They are willing proponents to the nature of de-skilling of labour and find solace in the mundane activities (Rose, 2002). The counter culture is found to imbibe the exploitative ideologies. As a reaction to the abstract labour, there is the development of the counter-school culture that is found to be the core of the capitalist ideology. There is the process of enabling the subjective acceptance of the abstract labour process. The labour power is thrust upon the lads and is applied in different contexts. Willis blames the educational paradigm and the capitalist modes of the products. There is a fundamental critique of the capitalist mode of the production. There is the social transformation that has been overlooked in this process (Cazden, 2001).
These are the fundamental values that have been explained by Marx ideology. These ideologies are expressed in the educational field. This is the basic research structure that has been developed by Willis. The relevance of the research findings has been critically examined in the following chapter.

Critical analysis of the research requires analyzing the validity of the findings of the people. The research that has been developed by Willis allows findings based on in-depth analysis of the participants and their socio-economic background (Halsey, Heath and Ridge, 1980). There are a number of newer variables and fostering of the Marxists ideology that is found in the research. The critics of the findings state that the researcher bias could have prevented the people from drawing the real conclusions. Willis adheres to the Marxist ideology. The researcher bias could have impeded the findings. Willis argues that the time spent on this research is more than 2 years and states that it would have been impossible for all the participants to put up an act for more than 2 years. The sample size is only 12 and only certain ethnic group is considered. Based on this paradigm, the reliability of the findings and its application on the general society are questioned in this process. From a practical point of view, it is very difficult to understand the real situation in the society. In the case of qualitative analysis, the sample size is lower. Nevertheless, several important variables that need to be used for future research have been used. This has been explained in the subsequent section
The different viewpoint that stems from this analysis of Willis has been discussed in the subsequent section.

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