

新西兰论文代写-数据库营销管理的实践。采用数据库营销管理的一些最佳实践可以帮助营销人员和销售部门留住客户,而不是将客户拱手让给市场上的其他竞争对手(Chopoorian et al., 2015)。这些最佳实践可以通过最直接地遵循数据库营销规则来重新定位整个营销过程。数据库营销的成本更低。它使用web、电子邮件单元、帖子和个人交互等工具。与传统的广告模式如平面媒体和电视相比,这些工具并不昂贵(Reis et al., 2015)。从成本方面考虑,间接营销利用平面媒体、电视等大众传媒来进行信息传播。这比推广其他方法要昂贵得多。

Another difference can be seen in the audience at target. Database marketing involves selected customer groups who are properly targeted (Risselada et al., 2014). Direct form of marketing can provide a disastrous situation to the one promoting even without appropriately analysing the audience at target. On the contrary, indirect form of marketing is oriented through mass media and does not require tracing the audience at target mostly in all the situations.

From the differences laid above, it can be found that database marketing is more successful and fruitful to marketers when compared with other tools of marketing and indirect marketing (Tiago and Verissimo, 2014). The aim in all the forms of marketing lies in communicating to the customer. However, database marketing makes it possible to predict the customer preferences within the nearing future along with ensuring that issues which might arise in future are also looked at.

In brief, there are several benefits of database marketing over other forms and tools of marketing. Firstly, it helps in enhancing profit. It allows businesses to consider their segmentation and allows them to target the customers through appropriate cost effective steps. This helps enhance efficiency and margins of profit. Secondly, it helps in enhancing sales because effective practices in database marketing assist in creating higher sales through information provideded. This allows the organizations to consider identification and exploitation of new opportunities of marketing along with new customers being attracted (Chopoorian et al., 2015). Marketing communication can be improved. Accurate data enhances the communication that is related to quality level, which is helpful in reaching the customers in a better way.

Adoption of some best practices for management of database marketing can help marketers and the sales unit in retaining customers instead of losing them to other competitors in the market (Chopoorian et al., 2015). These best practices can allow reorient the entire process of marketing by following the rules of database marketing in the most direct sense.

The first best practice is developing goals for customer experience: this is one of the best ways by which marketers gain the possibility of directing their marketing campaigns in a multichannel (Chopoorian et al., 2015). This is done by integrating the database with established goals from customer experiences. Institution of long term goals within the database is the core of proper management best practice under the marketing domain (Forbes et al., 2016). Asking the way in which interactions with client are handling and over any improvements potentially result in helping the marketers to develop holistic understanding of strategies. It can allow them to realise the way in which current strategies of marketing are supporting the complete satisfaction of customers.

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