


In the context of the many challenges in history learning, it is necessary to scaffold students. Scaffolding students would help prepare them with prior knowledge. It will assist them understand the genre of what is taught and it will initiate their interest in learning. Interested readers will be more efficient readers. Having a plan will encourage them be more structured at what they do, and would lay a deeper foundation (Wrobleski, 2013). The age of the children will play a role in their understanding, so in this context, scaffolding would serve the role of differentiation in studies.

In order to make students better code breakers, scaffolding activities can include reading of short texts from the work with focus only on reading, the phonics of the text, the pronunciation styles etc. Students will not be bothered with understanding context of text, or the meaning of text, students will merely connect with text on the grammar, code and convention level. A second scaffolding activity is to introduce students to a whole and part reading and writing strategy. In this activity, teachers will activate prior knowledge in students by making predictions on partial text. Students will be given partial texts and would be asked to write a short continuation of the text, or complete the text based on their understanding of it. Students would be able to pick up the thread indicating they understand the line of code being presented in the history text. Alternatively, teachers would be able to identify those students who need extra help with the text.

The purpose of teaching is to create a multimodal learner, and hence the teaching process and the learning process should make the student, a text decoder, a meaning maker, a text user and a text analyst. It would be difficult for all students to excel in all four, and the challenge for the teacher will lie in imparting this skill, as the assessment of the Unit reveals.

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