

新西兰商业论文代写-生产计划和控制系统中的JIT应用 。为了支持更新的生产过程,必须对生产计划和控制系统进行特定的更改,而JIT有助于在此阶段实现效率(Kannan & Tan, 2005)。及时、全面质量管理和供应链管理:理解它们之间的联系和对企业绩效的影响。在JIT实现中,公司更多地关注于组装级别本身的调度。这意味着新系统可以有效地减少与MRP相连的工作订单。为了确保生产转移到终端,公司使用了卡片系统。有移动卡和生产卡等。除了控制计划之外,JIT的使用还有助于减少库存交易和相关成本(Woo et al., 2001)。此时只会进行两次库存交易,即地板库存交易和反冲洗交易。在旧的生产系统中,库存跟踪是由MRP构建的。如冲回的成品在进入成品库存时记入贷方。所有未购买的组件和作为子程序集的一部分进行处理的组件仍将被视为幻影。

Simulation modelling of the alpha production system is required in order to check for how efficient JIT is in actual world processes. JIT aims to eliminate process inefficiencies and improve product quality. Simulation model as a descriptive model will be helpful for understanding how a model of the real-world system fared with these improvements. Simulation has to be done before any actual implementation. This will also be helpful for the companies as it would enable them to identify risks, obstacles and opportunities in implementation.
For the simulation, it is necessary to have proper concept models developed for the traditional system of working and the intended end system (Zeigler et al., 2000). Appropriate JIT practices to be applied to the traditional system are then considered. Performance and response variables for simulation are identified as the input variables to be used, the set-up time and lead time etc. There are different simulation models such as ProModel, FlexSim and WITNESS etc. Here the WITNESS which is a Visual Interactive Simulation VISM is being made use of. Not only can models be built on the VISM, they can also be tested in incremental stages as in operations research.
Methodology followed for the use of WITNESS simulation is as follows,
The methodology followed for the problem is shown below.
1. A detailed review of the existing JIT practices is done in the context of improving the Applicon’s traditional system.
2. A conceptual model is developed with the required JIT practices as input parameters and the performance to be improved and measured as the output parameters.
3. A simulation model is developed. The Simulation model created using WITNESS is usually based on some assumptions for Applicon based on their situation.

The card system, however, was short-lived. It was soon realized that the use of these cards was unnecessary. It was not necessary to maintain control that way. Actual customer orders could be used as the driver in the production process. Therefore, in the building of the PCB, a rate per day basis is decided. All PCB processes are filed at the same rate now. Final assemblies are then pulled by means of customer orders, and the PUSH process is hence replaced at this point. Build cards based on customer order will lead the production process. Only one terminal is built at a time, the build cards on pile will be used to complete a full unit for a given day.

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