


他们试图建立一个完整的体系来解决人民的问题。具有讽刺意味的是,这将导致更多的问题而不是解决方案。人们觉得自己受到了歧视,在一些行动中存在着隐性偏见。这些导致人们对系统失去信任(McGill, 2016)。收入较低的人则决定尝试自己发展。人们开始工作室会议,互相帮助。在这个过程中,市议会对这次行动感到不舒服,他们想要一个监督。同样的问题继续存在,主要的问题是人们无法满足成员的需要。所有与排他性有关的问题继续占上风。这些创造了一个范例,人们对政府的努力不感兴趣,政府无法满足人们的需求。所有这些因素都导致了操作之间的差距增大。与城市资源相比,“城市权”的概念更多的是关于个人的平等主义。
由于对不同意识形态和种族的人存在隐性偏见,城市居民的收入水平被边缘化。人们的性取向仍然是一个问题(摩尔和桑德斯,2003)。在行动中应该有基本的公平。应对城市发展和规划问题,不同企业需要采取更具包容性的政策。马拉维文化是一种独特的文化,庆祝土著人民。近年来,西方化现象日益增多,资本主义的先天问题、种族歧视和人民的偏见等问题不断产生。低收入地区的人们努力维持生计(Jimu, 2008)。他们希望在社会中维持下去,而缺乏机会使他们选择了不道德的发展手段。他们希望以某种方式发展,并愿意在某些情况下走捷径。这就是侵占和国家其他非法发展的增加的原因。


They tried to create a holistic system to address the issues of the people. Ironically this leads to more issues than solutions. The people felt they were being discriminated and there was implicit bias in some of the operations. These lead to the people to lose their trust in the system (McGill, 2016). The people in the lower income group then decided to try and develop themselves on their own. The people started studio session to help each other. In this process the city council did not feel comfortable about the operation and they wanted an oversight. The same issues continued to exists and the main issue was that people were not able to address the needs of the members. All issues related to exclusivity continued to prevail. These created a paradigm where the people were not interested with the governmental efforts and the government is not able to address towards the needs of the people. All these factors lead to the increase of the divide between the operations. The concept of “right to the city” is more about individual egalitarianism when compared to the urban resources.
The people in the city are marginalized due to their income levels that develop from implicit bias against people of different ideologies and ethnicities. The sexual orientation of the people also continues to be a problem (Moore and Sanders, 2003). There should be a fundamental fairness in the operation. There should be more inclusive policy that the different businesses need to undertake to address the issues of urban development and planning. Malawi culture is a unique culture that celebrates the indigenous people. In the recent times there is increasing westernization and innate issues of capitalism, racial injustice and bias of the people continue to create dwelling problem. The people in the low-income areas try to sustain (Jimu, 2008). They want to sustain in the societies and the lack of opportunities makes them chose unethical means towards development. They want to develop somehow and are willing to take short cuts in some cases. This is the reason for the rise in encroachment and other illegal developments in the state.