


1860年11月6日,亚伯拉罕·林肯成为美国第16任总统。这是他第二次尝试成为总统,也是第一个共和党人。从1861年到1865年,他的整个学期都是总统。在他的任期内,他有两位副总统。汉尼拔·哈姆林(Hannibal Hamlin)在1861年至1865年间担任副总统,安德鲁·约翰逊(Andrew Johnson)在1865年担任了两个月的副总统。林肯在1865年被暗杀前再次当选总统。1862年7月,国会通过了《1862年禁止奴隶制没收法》。在此基础上,建立了释放奴隶的法庭程序。尽管国会无权在各州内解放奴隶,但该法案是在立法机关的尊重下通过的。这类行动是利用授予总统的战争权力采取的。林肯认为,为了维护联邦,必须消除奴隶基础。《解放宣言》于1863年生效,宣布10个州的奴隶将获得自由。被释放的奴隶被带进军队。对于林肯所采取的措施,其中一个观点是,这将影响到联邦的和平。该法案遭到了民主党和边境各州的反对。共和党人在南方各州并没有强大的影响力,因此在这一地区遭遇了巨大的反对。
他事业下降的主要原因是他处理问题的方式。他总是冒着一切困难采取措施。他是一个了不起的战略家,但他采取了严厉的措施,有时可以用来反对他在社会问题的竞选活动。今天人们把他尊为美国最伟大的三位总统之一。亚伯拉罕在19世纪中期所采取的立场被认为是一个具有里程碑意义的决定,是考虑和分析当时国家形势所必需的(Lamon 2012)。考虑到废除劳动的复杂性和影响,林肯所采取的措施受到了许多历史学家的赞赏。他展示了奴隶制的巨大,并采取措施维护统一。因此,尽管反对林肯行为的运动不断发展,但他一直被认为是真正的领袖和捍卫美国未来的人。他的遗产仍然存在。他的思想和主张与人权有关,也与当今世界有关。与人权相关的挑战可能是不同的,但是林肯给出的方向提供了社会中普遍存在的这些问题的概述。


Abraham Lincoln became the 16th president of USA on 06th November 1860. It was his second attempt and first Republican to become the president. He was the president for the full term i.e. from 1861-65. During his tenure, he had two vice presidents. Hannibal Hamlin was the vice president from 1861-65 while towards the end of his tenure Andrew Johnson was the vice president for two months in 1865. Lincoln was re-elected for president in 1865 before being assassinated.The Confiscation Act of 1862 for banning slavery was passed in July 1862 by Congress. Under this, court procedures to free the slaves were set up. Although the Congress did not have the power to free the slaves within the states, the bill was approved in deference to legislature. Such action was taken using war powers granted to the president.Lincoln believed that in order to preserve the union, slave base had to be eliminated. The emancipation proclamation was put into effect in 1863 and declared that in 10 states slaves will be freed. The slaves that were freed were taken into army.One of the opinions for the step taken by Lincoln was that it will be affecting peace in the union. The bill was opposed by the democrats and the Border States. The Republicans did not have strong hold in the southern states, and thus, witnessed huge opposition in this area.
The main cause of his decrease in his career was the way he took up the issues. He always took steps against all the odds. He was a marvelous strategist but took stern steps that at time could be used against him in his campaign for issues in the society. People today respect him as one of the three greatest presidents of USA. The stand which Abraham took in mid nineteenth century had is seen as the landmark decision that was necessary considering and analyzing the situation of the country at that time (Lamon 2012).The steps taken by Lincoln have been appreciated by various historians considering the complexity and effects related to abolishment of labor. He exhibited slavery in its enormity and took steps to maintain the unity. Thus, although campaigns were developed against the actions of Lincoln, he has been considered as true leader and person who safeguarded the future of USA. His legacy is still alive. His thoughts and ideas are related to human rights and are relevant in today’s world as well. The challenges related to human rights may be different, but the direction given by Lincoln provides an overview of such issues that are prevalent in the society.