


社会从对社会经济不平等基础的高度关注和缩小社会经济地位差距的尝试中获得了优势,这是目前在美国和其他国家进行的(Polk, 1999)。行为科学和社会科学专业人员拥有必要的工具来确定这些策略,这些策略可以减轻社会和个人层面上讨论的差异。这可以帮助减少年轻男子犯下的罪行。接触暴力改变了社会经济地位,从而影响到所有职业、教育和收入水平。在社会经济地位较低的群体中,某些研究文件加强了暴力的严重性和暴露程度。然而,研究发现,大多数的研究集中在社会经济地位和暴力犯罪者之间的联系。虽然暴力接触对所有社会经济地位群体都有影响,但社会经济地位越低的家庭和个人接触暴力的程度越高。
Browne(2010)发现,居住在年收入低于1万美元家庭中的妇女面临暴力的风险是居住在较富裕家庭中的妇女的4倍(Polk, 1999)。同样,与低收入家庭的母亲相比,无家可归的母亲一生中报告的性侵犯事件非常严重。这一发现对于社会经济地位较低的青少年来说,在暴力方面与其他阶层的青少年相似。从这篇文章的角度来看,论文的论点不仅是有效的,而且是合理的。有可能描述出研究人员面临的各种主观困境,但他们不承认同样的系统化过程(Salter, 2016)。犯罪研究不仅聚焦于社会中的男性同行,而且以一种有助于改善他们处境的方式进行设置。本文理解这背后的原因是需要在较低的语境中提出一个改变,而不是在后面的语境中思考这个问题。社会上的年轻人更容易受到伤害。


The society receives advantages from higher focus on the socioeconomic inequalities foundation and attempts of reducing the gap within the SES, this is presently undertaken within Unites States and other nations (Polk, 1999). Professionals of behavioral and social science hold the required tools to identify such strategies which could alleviate discussed disparities at level of society as well as individual. This can assist in reduction of the crimes committed by young males. The exposure towards violence changes the SES which affects all levels of occupation, education and income. Certain documents of research enhanced severity and exposure to violence amid the low socioeconomic groups. However, it is found that most of the researches are concentrated on the link among SES and violent offenders. Even though the exposure to violence impacts all groups of SES, the lower SES families and individuals are found to have exposure of increased extent.
It is identified by Browne (2010) that women residing in households with earnings of less than $10,000 on a yearly basis had four times more risk of facing violence than the women residing in households that are wealthier (Polk, 1999). Similarly, homeless mothers were found to report highly severe incidences of assault throughout their lifetime in contrast with the mothers in low-income households. This finding remains similar for the youths from low SES in regards to violence than youths of other segments. From the perspective of this essay, the essay thesis statement appears not only valid but also justified. It is possible to depict that there are various subjective dilemmas that researchers face, but they do not acknowledge the systemized process for the same (Salter, 2016). The crime researches are not only focused on the male counterparts in the society but also have been set in a way that they can help improve their situation. The essay understands the reason behind this as the need for bringing forward a change at the lower context itself rather than thinking about the issue in the later context. The young men of the society are more vulnerable.