
新西兰 代写:安全气囊的作用

新西兰 代写:安全气囊的作用

当车辆遇到紧急情况,如因超速或类似原因而发生事故或撞车时,安全气囊就会向内窥视。这一道路安全的发展得益于碰撞传感器、充气罐和充入其中的氮气。当汽车经历碰撞时,碰撞传感器感知到它,氮气立即喷出并充满气囊。这将进一步点燃电线和点火将蔓延到整个气体和充气安全气囊。因此,人身安全得到了保证。整个过程耗时0.1秒。主要概念包括流体运动、牛顿第一运动定律、惯性、冲量、动量、牛顿第三运动与摩擦定律(Parker, 2014)。牛顿第一运动定律坚持加速度和不平衡力的管理,使车辆的运动。虽然这已经在车辆,惯性使安全气囊缓冲运动和保护人免受外力。

新西兰 代写:安全气囊的作用

Whenever the vehicle experiences an emergency situation such as an accident or a vehicle crash due to over speeding or similar such reasons, the airbag peeps in. This development in road safety works with the help of crash sensor, inflator and nitrogen gas filled within it. As the vehicle experiences the crash, the crash sensor senses it and immediately the nitrogen gas blows and fills the air bag. That will further ignite the wire and the ignition will spread within the entire gas and inflate airbag. As a result, the person is ensured safety. The whole process consumes 0.1 second. The major concepts include fluid motion, Newton’s first law of motion, inertia, impulse, momentum, Newton’s third law of motion and friction (Parker, 2014). The first law of motion of Newton insists the acceleration and unbalanced force management to enable movement of the vehicle. While this is already in place in the vehicle, inertia enables the airbag to cushion the movement and protect the person from external forces.
For every threatful action caused by the vehicle, there is an equal reaction caused by the airbag to safeguard the person sitting in the front. This action – reaction force works in the same direction and with the same force to ensure that the vehicle is safe. The momentum of the vehicle comes to a control as the car is already experiencing crash (Parker, 2014). As a result, the safety technique is in place. The physics concepts that will be included in this book will be Newton’s laws of motion, displacement and relationship between momentum, impulse and inertia. The frictional force is meant to control the movement of the vehicle and it is an external force in this case. When the vehicle experiences friction with the road surface, the force further drives it to a faster pace.