


当国家即将进行监管和行政改革时,经济可能会有其他选择,这是很常见的。在这篇文章中,它谈到了经济放缓及其对就业增长的影响。我觉得裁员会对经济产生很大的影响。美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve,简称:美联储)的详细统计数据和缺乏反应表明,就业增长正日益放缓。平均来说,过去几个月的就业机会非常少。通常是每月203000个工作岗位,但自4月份以来已经减少到116000个(Casselman, 2016)。那么,影响是什么呢?它将减少经济增长。当雇主们没有必要的资源来获取利润时,他们可能就不愿意继续从事这种经济。我发现的另一个问题是来自外国直接投资的吸引力降低/没有吸引力,这最终将使我们在全球经济中的地位下降。未来几个月即将发生的总统换届不应在这么早的时候对经济产生影响。这表明,美联储和当前的政府对赋予经济权力不感兴趣,直到它们发生变化。




It is common when the country is about to have a regulatory and administrative change, the economy might undergo alternatives. In this article, it speaks about the economy slowing and its impact on the job growth. I feel that the job cut could greatly impact the economy. The detailed statistics and the lack of response from Federal Reserve are clear evidences to show that the job growth is experiencing slowdown day by day. On an average, the last few months have seen extremely small numbers of jobs. It is usually 203000 jobs a month, but it has reduced to 116000 jobs since April (Casselman, 2016). So, what is the impact? It will reduce the economic growth. Employers might not be interested to continue in this economy when they don’t get the necessary resources to achieve profits. The other problem I find is the possibility for lower/ no attraction from foreign direct investments which will finally put the position of US in a lower condition in the global economy. The change in president which is about to happen in the next few months should not impact the economy this early. This shows that the Federal Reserve and the current government are not interested to empower economy till they undergo changes.

As mentioned rightly, Fed is already a political institution and extend supports to one party indirectly but still aims to maintain its legacy. It gives extreme importance to independence. As a result, it has not focused on better policy decisions and is keen about its personal empowerment over public growth. Monetary decisions stand as key to the growth of a country. When the monetary policies do not work out or lose balance on the economy, it indicates a failure. Why is the government not caring towards it? Every point mentioned in the article shows that US economy is experiencing agony and is vulnerable to recession in the future. From what I see, the policy makers are not necessarily active to bring about a positive change, and hence the stimulus to the economy slowdown is also weak. This should be called as an indicator that our economy is on the losing stage. We might soon experience inflation. As the president changes and new rule begins, the government has to probably focus on controlling inflation and pressure rather than uplifting the economy. This is a serious issue that requires immediate attention.