

世界是殖民化的一部分,大部分是由歐洲人發起的。本文在接下來的討論中,討論了美洲原住民見證歐洲入侵的時間及其延續過程。就像世界其他地方的殖民化一樣,美國也是一塊被殖民化的領土。這個地方最早是在1606年12月20日,也就是現在的弗吉尼亞,由倫敦公司派出的探險隊引入的。應該記住的是,歐洲人並不是第一個意識到入侵的人。 1564年,傑克斯維爾是法國新教徒的目標,而這正是佛羅里達的地區,西班牙人早先宣稱對該地區擁有主權。因此,第二年,西班牙軍隊在聖奧古斯丁建立起來,準備消滅法國人(巴里,2000)。與此同時,從紐芬蘭到科德角的航線上有許多漁船。他們大多數人的營地是半永久性的,包括英國人、法國人和巴斯克人。貿易很好,魚類和皮毛主要與當地人和印第安人交易(Filipe, 2015)。 20多年來,歐洲人在美國唯一注意到的就是這種半永久性入侵。


但1580年,英國人決定在羅阿諾克島建立永久殖民地,但沒有成功。 1600年是歐洲主要國家在美國建立永久基地的一年。 1607年,英國人在魁北克(詹姆斯敦)、切薩皮克灣和法國人在1608年都有他們的地盤,荷蘭人在今天的紐約建立了他們的地盤。這些土地的開發不僅是出於經濟原因,而且實際上是看到了家庭的轉移和上面提到的國家的貿易。需要理解的是,歐洲對北美領土的入侵以前是由美洲原住民控制的。那時候,印度的控制與歐洲的明顯不同。因此,歐洲人的到來被印第安人集團侵占土地,並採取了一些措施來防止這種侵占。他們的這種抵抗從長遠來看是失敗的。而且整個情況也不太有利,因為不僅印第安人/印第安人和歐洲人是非常不同的人,而且歐洲人帶來的疾病也被稱為“武器的優勢力量”。從當地人的角度來看,這種互動非常複雜


The world has been a part of colonization which has mostly been initiated by the Europeans. This paper in the following discussion, discusses the time when the Native Americans were witnessing the European invasion and the course of its continuity. Like the colonization of other parts of the world, America too was a territory to get colonized. The place was first introduced to the expedition sent by the London Company back on December 20, 1606, now what is known as Virginia.It should be kept in mind that Europeans were not the first one who had invasion in mind. Jacksville was a target for the French Protestants in 1564, and this was exactly the region in Florida which was earlier claimed by the Spanish. Therefore, the following year saw the building up of Spanish military troops in St. Augustine, which were ready to wipe out the French (Barry, 2000).Meanwhile, the route from Newfoundland to Cape Cod saw a number of fishing fleets. M most of them had camp which was semi-permanent in nature, including the English, the French and the Basque. Trade was good as fishes and fur were mainly traded with the locals and with the Indian (Filipe, 2015). For twenty more years, the only presence of Europeans noticed in America was this semi-permanent incursion.

But there was a decision to establish a permanent colony by the English in 1580s in Roanoke Island, which was unsuccessful.1600 was the year where major European countries established their permanent base in America. In 1607, the English had their share in (Jamestown), Chesapeake Bay, and French in Quebec in 1608 and the Dutch had their establishment in the current day New York. The lands were exploited not only for economic reasons, but actually saw the shifting of families with the trade of the above mentioned countries. It needs to be understood that the European invasion of North America’s territory was something that was under the control of the Native Americans before. That time the Indian control looked significantly different from the Europeans. Therefore, the arrival of the European was taken to be encroachment of land by the Indian groups, and a number of steps were taken to prevent this encroachment. This resistance by them was proved to be unsuccessful in the long run. Also the whole situation was not favorable, because not only the Native Americans/Indians and Europeans were very different people, but also the diseases which came along with the Europeans were termed as ‘superior force of arms. The interaction was very complex from the perspective of the natives