


这个资源是非常有利的,因为它列出了在加拿大最喜欢的“Excel 2016 for dummies”的销售点。它还提供了卖方的完整详细信息以及他们的凭证。这有助于我们做出更好、更快的决定。每个卖家的价格都不一样。然而,这本书是一样的,在全新的情况下。它也在20美元的预算之内。同一家卖家有多份副本,订购必要数量的副本是可行的。缺点是不确定的来源非常清楚。亚马逊,“学习Excel 2016必备技能”。亚马逊。2016年6月。网络,2016年7月2日。给定的来源突出显示了Mike Smart的一本特别的书,以及详细的屏幕截图和书中的内容。也有客户评论,excel指南的硬拷贝只有12.99美元。即使加上运费,也不会超过16美元,这对我们来说是节约。


缺点是它没有提供这本书的样本,优点是它突出了一些图片,并简要介绍了这本书对用户的帮助和独特之处。这一来源在为学校行政部门制定正确的指导方针方面非常有帮助。威廉·菲舍尔的书并没有像预期的那样有很多截屏。此外,该股也受到限制。费用只有8.40美元,这是非常低的,节省了学校管理的预算。总的来说,这对学校来说是行不通的。Ken已经给出了他个人的经验,在Excel 2016假人,他发现它非常有用,因为他是这个软件的初学者。肯认为,书中的清晰和能量流动是惊人的。总的来说,这有助于更好地做出决定,并想象它能满足读者的需求。我也觉得肯的舞台和我的一样。因此,我发现这本书会帮助每个人。它填满了完整的标准,并一直是许多参考。


This source is extremely advantageous as it lists the outlets where the most preferred “Excel 2016 for dummies” that is available in Canada. It also gives complete details of the seller along with their credentials. This helps us make a better and quick decision. The prices vary for each seller. However, the book is the same and in brand new condition. It also falls within the budget of $20. There are multiple copies available with the same seller and it is feasible to order the necessary number of copies. The disadvantage is not identified as the source is extremely clear. Amazon, “Learn Excel 2016 essential skills”. Amazon. June 2016. Web. 2 July 2016. The given source highlights one particular book of Mike Smart along with the detailed screenshots and the contents inside it. There are customer reviews as well and the hard copy of excel guide is only $12.99. Even when the shipping charges are added, it would not cross $16 and this is a saving to us.

The disadvantage is that it does not give a sample of the book, and the advantage is that it highlights a few pictures and gives a brief on how the book could be helpful and unique to the users. This source helps extremely well in deciding the right guide for the school administrative department. The book by William Fischer does not have many screenshots as expected. Moreover, the stock is also limited. The charge is just $8.40 which is extremely low and saves a lot for the school management in terms of the budget. On the whole, this will not work out for the school. Ken has given his personal experience on the Excel for Dummies 2016 and he found it very helpful as he is a beginner of this software. The clarity and the energy flowing within the book are amazing according to Ken. This, on the whole, helps to decide better and imagine the level that it could fulfill the readers. I also feel that Ken’s stage is the same as mine. Therefore, I find that this book will help everyone. It fills the complete criteria and has been the reference to many.