标签存档: 新西兰留学常识



在早期语言发展的领域中,有许多变量在起作用。在现实生活中,试图对这一学习过程进行系统回顾的文献寥寥无几(Liu, 2007)。跨语言研究的领域限制了文学的发展。本研究旨在分析英语、普通话及粤语科普拉语的影响。这些数据是从儿童语言交换系统中提取的。通过对1 – 5岁儿童词汇构成和词汇范畴的分析,包括名词、动词和形容词(Liu, 2007)。方差分析和聚类分析表明,儿童的学习过程表现出相似的模式。词汇的多样性增加了。这使孩子们学会了复杂的语音模式。

在一段时间内,孩子的词汇量最初会受到父母话语的影响。第二个重要因素是文化对儿童语言学习能力的影响。这反映在他们使用动词、名词和形容词的方式上。在这项分析中,孩子们在一段时间内都能熟练地说这三种语言。在这个场景中使用的研究方法是语料库分析(Liu, 2007)。除此之外,影响儿童语言习得的另一个重要因素是儿童的遗传潜力或先天潜力(Benson & Voller, 2014)。这与儿童周围的环境因素一样是一个重要因素(Venetsanou & Kambas, 2010)。


In the arena of early language development, there are a number of variables that are in play. In reality, there are only few literatures that have attempted to make the systematic review of this learning process (Liu, 2007). The arena of cross-linguistic studies has limited the literature. A study was conducted to analyze the impact of English, mandarin and Cantonese Corpura. The data was extracted from the Child Language Exchange systems. From analysis of the lexical compositions and certain lexical categories, that include nouns, verbs and adjectives in children between the ages of 1 to 5 (Liu, 2007). ANOVA analyses and cluster analysis suggested that learning process in children is found to exhibit similar patterns. There is an increase in the diversity of the lexicon. This has enabled the children to learn the complicated speech patterns.

The children vocabulary initially is influenced by the parents’ speech over a period of time. The second important factor is the impact of culture on the linguistic learning abilities of the child. This is reflected in the way they use verbs, nouns and adjectives. In this analysis, the children were able to speak all three languages proficiently over a period of time. Research methodology that has been used in this scenario is corpus analysis (Liu, 2007). Apart from this, another important factor that involved language acquisition by a child is the genetic potential or the innate potential in the children (Benson & Voller, 2014). This is an important factor along with the environmental factors surrounding the child (Venetsanou & Kambas, 2010).







Business functions are the most important entity to create any business and to run the same successfully. It is a process which is carried out to ensure that the organization is able to achieve its target. The term which is related to the business function has been used for the representation related to the business used by the organization for the purpose of establishing of the control and management of the resources which may be considered to be very important for a specific business. In the pinnacle software company, it is important that the different businesses should be carried out in a proper manner. The business functions of the company should be such that it incorporates each and every business in an appropriate manner. The business functions of the Pinnacle includes the following:Administration functions: It is important to ensure that the administrative functions related to the company should be carried out properly. The accounting system which has been developed recently should carry out all the required business processes in an efficient manner. In addition to this, the database which is created should have a proper information. It is also important that the proper information related to the business should be incorporated (Castellacci et al, 2016).

Another function is to ensure that the information related to the database should be events management, online booking system and to undertake the professional training should be assured successfully. Sales and Marketing: The sales and marketing unit of the companies a very important unit. These are two different functions which are used in a different manner. The marketing department is the one which helps in doing the comparison of the different strategies which are to be planned with respect to the new products and updates. The sales and marketing strategy determines the pricing strategy, the brand value, the execution of the product related advertising and promotion related campaigns. Human resources: It is important that the human resources in the company should take the proper training for each and every new accounting process and the database. Also they should be aware about the different mechanisms related to training so as to be update themselves as the professional employees.





然而,另一方面,他们也对这些国家提出了一些随着时间的推移需要应对的严峻挑战(Cuervo-Cazurra和Genc, 2008)。全球化的主要优势之一是外国直接投资(FDI)的形式,它通过将外国货币引入国内经济领域来促进经济的发展。FDI进入经济的程度越高,就业、人力资本和资本深化程度就越高,这些都有助于经济的繁荣和增长(全球化的弊端,2009)。这种经济现象具有更高的价值,特别是在发展中国家,那里的政府一般都在努力提高它们的年GDP增长率。更高水平的外国投资有助于他们创造就业机会,获得机器,因为所有这些因素都有助于提高生产率,最终提高GDP增长率。因此,它被高度认为是第三世界国家成功的主要因素,因为随着时间的推移,它为该地区带来了繁荣和增长(Bradstreet, 2011)。


When it comes to the term ‘globalization’, it refers to the communication and integration among individuals, organizations, and government institutions. It is a process based on foreign trade and investment and supported by information technology. It is also a comprehensive term taking into account various factors that are responsible for today’s growth and development, as it has now become a common phenomenon of modern times in almost every part of the world. Whether being a developed nation, or a third world developing country, globalization is an omnipresent phenomenon. This paper aims to highlight the consequences of excessive globalization on a third world country. Over the years, several third world countries have shown adaptability when it comes to get accustomed to globalization that helps them to grow and develop over time. But the question arises as how far these countries have managed to reap benefits from this phenomenon over time. It is evident that on one hand, it has opened several avenues of success and growth for these nations;

however, on the other hand, they have also set forth some serious challenges to these nations to cope up with over time (Cuervo-Cazurra and Genc, 2008). One of the primary advantages of globalization is in the form of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) that helps to boost economy by bringing in foreign currency into domestic economic territory. The higher the FDI into the economy, the higher the employment, human capitalization and capital deepening that help it to prosper and grow over time (Disadvantages of Globalization, 2009). This economic phenomenon is of higher value, specifically in developing nations, where government is generally making efforts to increase their annual GDP rate. The higher level of foreign investment helps them to create employment, procure machinery, as all these factors help to enhance productivity over time and eventually the GDP growth rate. Hence, it is highly considered as a primary factor of success in third world nations because of the prosperity and growth it offers to the region over time (Bradstreet, 2011).



我想申请8家酒店的“人力资源和培训实习生”职位。如果我被选中参加这个项目,这将是一个理想的职位。我将能够运用我在学术和专业努力中获得的所有技能。在这个项目中我有很多机会学习。我已经获得了关于创建表格和海报的知识和技能。在处理任务时,我喜欢采用一种系统的方法。我使用Microsoft office套装来确保我能够完成任务。




I would like to apply to the position of “HR and Training Intern” in 8Hotels. This would be an ideal position for me if I am selected for this project. I would be able to use all the skills that I have gained during my academic and professional endeavor. There are a lot of opportunities for me to learn in this project. I have gained knowledge and skills about the creation of forms and posters. I like to adopt a systematic approach when it comes to handling of the tasks. I use the Microsoft office suite to ensure that I am able to complete the tasks.

One of the most daunting tasks in the service sectors is to ensure that the deliverables are sent to the people within the stipulated time. My past experiences of have provided me with the innate talent of maintaining strict scheduling. This leads me to develop the skills in the database management of the scheduling process. I have the insights to manage effectively the scheduling process. I have knowledge in the maintenance of the financial records. I also understand that the service sector working hours can be daunting at certain times. I am willing to work reasonable flexible hours according to the needs of the company. I believe that I have the knowledge and the technical acumen in dealing with people.





































到了新西兰三个月后,有些同学现已要进专业课了,还有些同学仍然在尽力的学英语,学英语的同学我就不多说了,仍是上文讲的,引荐继续住当地人家里,那么,现已过了言语关,而且现已在寄宿家庭住过了一段时刻的筒子们呢?主张租房子,假如你自个会煮饭,能够自力更生的同学,租房子再合适不过了,假如你遇到了好的房东,你的留学日子会十分高兴的。幸运的同学能够花极少的钱,找到一个具有无敌海景,漂亮阳台,独立卫浴的套房,你能够任意安置你的房间,而且大多数房子是包基本家具的。至于安全问题的话,假如你在新西兰,只需你不住特定的几条街,比方NEW NORTH ROAD, DOMININ ROAD,你会发现出门的时分不只房间门不必锁,大门也是不必关的,绕着房子转一圈,总会找到一个门进去。但是需要自己交水电费、网费等,比较麻烦一些。
