

It is the duty of the nurse to ensure that the level of fluid in the bottle, the date and time are recorded. the drainage might not be considerable but a maximum of 1000mls would happen between clamping (Avery, 2000, pp.3-4). The nurse is also responsible for reporting the change in color of the fluid. Now in this case in the 5th IC UWSD since there is a lack of drainage, it could possible indicate that the drain is blocked or kinked in some way. If this situation is not attended to as soon as possible then there is a chance that the patient would suffer a tension pneumothorax. So it is necessary to assess the patient to find out if there are any forms of obstructions in drainage. The tube needs to be straightened and must be checked and if the nurse on call is not able to resolve the issue then it is necessary to call senior help.

The pathophysiology of the Pneumothorax observed in the patient is discussed with the daughter of the patient in order to advise for the UWSD insertion. Without the insertions the development of pressure Pneumothorax could be observed in the patient soon. The essay also discussed two of the symptoms associated with the condition and how the nursing practitioner by means of awareness could stop escalation to pressure pneumothorax state.

Swinging and intermittent bubbling has been noted as well in the case study (School of Nursing & Midwifery December, 2014). The swinging or the oscillating motion indicates that the patient respiration is causing it with the level in the drain rising or falling. Any form of air leaks is what causes the bubbling. The bubbling happens because when the patient coughs or if there is an exhalation action. The remove of air happens because of the bubbling and as the lungs expand the bubbling will stop to indicate that the air leak condition has been resolved. Here since the bubbling is intermittent and is not continuous it can be said that the air is being removed from the lungs and the patient has to be monitored to check if the intermittent bubbling rates go down and stops soon.

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