


human resources is very important in a company as it helps in recruiting efficient employees and also focusing on the performances of the employees in the organisation. It is very important for Global Adventures to focus on the Human Resource department. Human resources also focus on the training of various employees in the organisations.
Global Adventures have taken several measures to develop their human resources so that their employees can retain more customers which lead to the maximum earning of capital. Thus it can be said that human resources and capital are correlated with each other.
There are various HR in the company who look after the development of technology, travel products, customers and clients who are related with the company. On the other hand, it is very much essential to enhance the skills of the employees within the company, so the development of human resources is needed. It also changes the opportunities and strengths of the company. This compels to the high growth of the company and earning of capital.

On the other hand, the overheads also increased gradually since last four years. In last year the overhead has not been achieved in proper way but it can be said that in 2012 to 2014 the overheads have increased in steady manner. Before Tax Profit have been decreasing because the revenue of the company is not up to the expectations. As the growing costs of the employees, sold goods are increasing. So the company needs to increase the income so that they can spend money on other necessary things.

According to Leach (2015), marketing and customers are directly linked with each other. Global Adventures is an international reputed travel and tourism company which organizes trips and various programmes in all over the world. Several adventure programmes are conducted by the authority of the company in which they sell their travel related products to the customers in all over the world.
Marketing is very essential for Global Adventures as it is totally based on the promotion and advertisement of their products and services. Various reports and surveys have shown that the customers of the company are very faithful to them. Average 15 % of consumers are repeated clients and travellers in each year.
As per the survey information, in 2013, company had earned about $8,560.00 from each of the clients in the organised trip. Most of the male traveller had joined the trip and about 34% female travellers had joined the trip. According to the survey it has been clearly identified that male travellers have spent more than the female travellers.

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