


Another important factor that impedes the learning of a newer language is not considering the gender or gender stereotyping. This aspect leads to the children to not have the adequate learning environment in gaining proficiency over the language. This becomes an issue in developing the language proficiency in the students (Li, 2014).
In the cases of metropolitan area, there is a significant worsening of the original language and the meaning of the words is found to vary between the different cultural contexts (Griffiths, & Oxford, 2014). For example, Singapore itself is a metropolitan area where there is diversity of cultures. In this context, there is a colloquial use of mandarin and English. This makes it difficult to learn the original semantics of the language (Hindman, Skibbe, & Foster, 2014).
The Americanization or rather the western trends have influenced how the learning practices should be structured (Bishop, & Leonard, 2014). This has impacted the learning process of the students. There is a general adoption of western strategies which makes it difficult for the children to understand the context of the language and the utility of the words. On the other hand, traditional Chinese family value discipline and regard the values of the Chinese heritage (Li, 2014). This makes them not to accept the Americanization trends of learning the language. This causes confusion to the younger children as to what pattern of learning they should adopt. There is a conflict of the learning process (Hindman, Skibbe, & Foster, 2014). This creates an issue for the young minds. They do not know what method of learning they should follow. This impedes the learning process of the children.
Hence, the exposure times need to be developed for the students to gain proficiency of the language. Mere introduction of the second language does not really help the students in gaining mastery over the language.

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