


成功的商业智能基于成功的项目管理。成功的BI/BS管理的四个阶段是分析、设计、规划和实施&控制(Carlo, 2009)。分析阶段:在此阶段,将会识别和吸收组织相对于正在开发的BI/BS系统的业务需求。这可能是BI/BS规划中最基本的步骤,但也是一个关键步骤,因为分析将为设计过程提供信息(Carlo, 2009)。BI/BS系统的任何缺陷,如搭建错误等,都会首先由于项目管理主动性的不恰当而暴露出来。研究建议,成功进行分析的方法是确保对组织中(BI/BS系统正在开发中)工作的员工进行一系列访谈(Frolick, &Ariyachandra, 2006)。通过与人员的面谈和直接交流,将有可能确定项目的总体目标,并确保将长期目标转化为项目需求。在这一点上,优先级是根据利益权衡的成本来安排的(Frolick, & Ariyachandra, 2006)。

在Tesco system的案例中,由于Tesco现有的不利条件,首先需要进行初步的分析,主要是在Sainsbury和Morrison’s等竞争激烈的环境下,公司面临着不利的财务发展。通过使用BI工具,该公司将能够重组其信息处理,从而成为一个更强大的竞争对手。在与Tesco员工和管理层的互动中,发现了不同形式的利益。乐购的经济利益体现在有效的成本管理上。这是通过与特易购的供应商和员工进行互动,首先获得特易购的同意来确定的。据预测,BI实现仅在第一年就可在任何地方节省200万美元,每年节省约15万美元。其次,通过使用ABC咨询公司BI分析团队创建的一些现有客户偏好记录,能够确保客户偏好趋势是BI系统的可靠反馈循环。


Successful business intelligence is grounded in successful project management. The four phases of successful BI/BS management are analysis, design, planning and Implementation& Control (Carlo, 2009).Analysis Stage: In this stage, the business needs of the organization that would be met relative to the BI/BS system, which is being developed would be identified and assimilated. This is probably the most basic step in BI/BS planning, but also is a critical step as the analysis is what will inform the design procedure (Carlo, 2009). Any flaws of the BI/BS system, such as that of errors of scaffolding and more would present itself because of improper project management initiative in the first place. Studies recommend that the successful way to conduct analysis is to ensure that a series of interviews of the employees working in the organization (for which the BI/BS system is being developed) must be implemented (Frolick, &Ariyachandra, 2006). By means of interviews and direct interaction with the personnel, it will be possible to identify the general objectives of the project, and also ensure long term objectives are translated into project requirements. Priorities are arranged based on cost to benefit trade-offs at this point (Frolick, & Ariyachandra, 2006).

In the case of the Tesco system, an initial analysis was first requested because of the existing negative conditions in Tesco, primarily the company was facing negative financial development in the context of intense competitors such as Sainsbury and Morrison’s. By making use of BI tools, the company would be able to restructure its information processing and hence become a stronger competitor. On interacting with the employees of Tesco and the Management, different forms of benefits were identified. The financial benefits to Tesco are in the form of efficient cost management. This was identified by interacting with the suppliers and employees of Tesco by getting consent with Tesco first. It was projected that a BI implementation would save anywhere in the amount of 2,000,000 in just the first year and around 150,000 annually. Secondly, by working with some of the existing customer preference records, that have been created the BI analytics crew of ABC consulting, was able to ensure that customer preference trend could be a reliable feed loop for the BI system.