


The City Council may consider issuing subpoenas while compelling to produce evidences and the witnessed testimony within the oath. However, in practical terms, it seems that no role was played by the City Council to enforce potential ethic breaches or investigate corruption or fraud.

The people used the system to address the issues (Bartlett 70). They created dynamic heuristics where the people set out their careers and came back to reclaim what was lost in their communities (Rose-Ackerman, and Palifka 1). They tried to correct the systemic errors and the institutional issues. This is a positive effort that causes real change in the communities.

Bell must not have the sole continuous reliability upon external entities of law enforcement for ensuring that there is no occurrence of fraud or corruption among the public officials. When dealing with ideal circumstances, the entity will be consisting of independent commission or board with its individual powers of enforcement. In narrow terms, oversight of corruption holds the requirement of some entity for guarding against corruption forms and fraud by city employees and officials.

The risk turned out to be the ultimate reality for Bell. The risk is that the city will be slipping across the radar of all authorities and administrations at the federal, state or county level. This is charged ostensibly with the enforcement of ethical regulations and anti-corruption statutes. This is specific until the corrupt behavior ends up reaching a point in which there is cause of damage significantly.

There was commencement of action by the Attorney General for recovering illegal and excessive salaries along with block additional pensions on the basis of unlawful salaries. This was actually putting the city across a specific receivership for the causes of directing the city and then serving the members of the council. For the duration of 6 months, the City Council formerly was not having a meeting and there could be payment of bills by irregular procedures.

The people in the case study used a more positive approach to deal with their own innate issues. However, there was a changed stance after the education of the younger generation. From this scandal and the ways in which the people had responded, it is evident that there were always structured positive responses in order to address any governmental issues in the society.

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