

雇傭合同是雇主為雇員提供服務的合同。因此,個人發展才能和技能(毛皮專論,Beispiele和Granovetter 1965)。根據技能的技術性,人們得到報酬。這就是工作結構的運作方式從國家自由的時代開始。要獲得就業並在同一領域工作20年,需要綜合考慮許多因素才能做出決定。由於競爭、失業、金融壓力在全球範圍內不斷增加(Hijzen, Gorg, and Hine, 2005),世界各地形勢的動態一直在以驚人的速度變化。在這種情況下,有必要回顧和找出確切的就業前景為我。論文代筆-決定就業的因素目的是研究決定就業的因素以及外部因素是如何影響我的生計的。

Currently to gain a job immediately after me college, I will develop key technical skills that are required for the job. Ensure that I have the latest knowledge of the newer technologies and I will develop working skills knowledge for the same. To be employed communication is a very important factor I will develop my communication skills and try to build a long network. This will include constant touch with the head hunters and recruiters. I will continually follow the job board while undertaking certificate programs relevant to my career path. I will develop key skills that are a combination of technical skills and interpersonal skills to ensure that I succeed.

I come from an ambitious family where everyone has proven themselves in their field. I too have a yearning to succeed in my chosen career path. In reality there are times where I will be unemployed during those times I should develop the tools to succeed and sustain. Social gap and people with more networks will thrive in this environment. I may not be able to thrive as my rich peers but I will continue to strive to be the best performer in all the jobs that I undertake. Like companies taking SWOT analysis of them I will take continual analysis of myself to ensure that I will show continual professional development. I should also retrospect at regular intervals that I am continually adapting myself to the newer trends in technology.
Towards the end of my career I should be able to retrospect and be satisfied with my performance knowing that I tried to be diligent and constantly endeavoured for success. All efforts will be taken toward this aspect.

To conclude, I know that I will not have the same job or occupation twenty years down the line. I will have to change according to the dynamics of the situation. Outsourcing, globalization, free trade, increase in social gap between the people, increasing number of college graduates like me are the entire factor that will play a major role during the tenure of my profession. For this the companies should ensure that they follow ethical principles, save the resources and ensure that the natural resources in the system are not affected owing to their expansion efforts. They should have some level of corporate responsibilities. This would reduce the effect of the environmental pollution. Based on liberalization it can be increase in the number of workforce and also increase level of outsourcing in the nation. For this I should develop the tools to sustain and continually adapt to the newer dynamics to sustain.

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