


在这个过程中使用了许多变量。人们发现,它们还处理了局势的异常情况。尽管有最好的观察和统计分析,还是不可能确定未来。在这个分析中使用的变量是人口增长。在数据收集过程中,各个国家的出生率、死亡率、平均预期寿命和生育率都被考虑在内(Gerland et al., 2014)。为了撰写这份报告,他们考虑了预期寿命和生育率。他们只是在跟踪不同大陆人口的指数增长。他们把七大洲的数据都考虑进去了。在这种情况下,异常和不确定性也会增加。从这一进程中获得的见解来看,某些关键的意识形态是相当透明的。人们已经发现,人口增长率在不同的大洲将是不同的。它在非洲大陆被发现是显著的,最终将有助于人口增长率。
我们发现,在这个分析中所作的外延是有意义的。他们从可靠的来源考虑到数据,并进行了详细的研究以发展全面的观点。然而,不可能在这篇新闻文章中把所有的细节都考虑进去。正因为如此,人们发现原来的摘要有更详细的资料。从个人的角度来看,它使我们能够了解情况。在人类进化的整体模式中,这些结果是有意义的。在制定统计结果时,他们将生育率、平均预期寿命作为基本变量考虑在内。该杂志提供了一些更清晰的见解。由于这个因素,人们发现他们有更大的理解意义。替代研究并不一定支持本文的论点。当代社会处于不同的转型期。非洲有许多新兴经济体(Bongaarts, 2009)。


There are a number of variables that are used in this process. It has been found that they have also addressed the anomalies of the situation. In spite of best observational and statistical analysis it is not possible to determine the future. Variables that are used in this analysis are the population growth. Birth rate, death rate, average life expectancy, and fertility rates of individual countries have been factored in during the process of data collection (Gerland et al., 2014). For the purpose of this report they have factored in life expectancy rates and also fertility rates. They are only tracking the exponential growth of population in different continents. They have factored in the data from all seven continents. In such a situation there is also a rise in anomalies and uncertainty becomes high. From insights that have been gained in the process, certain key ideologies are quite transparent. It has been found that population growth rate will be different in the different continents. It is found pronounced in the African continents that will eventually contribute to the population growth rate.
It was found that the denotations that are made in this analysis make sense. They have factored in data from a credible source and have undertaken detailed study to develop the holistic perspective. Nevertheless it is not possible to factor in all the details in the news article. Owing to this it was found that the original abstract had more detailed information. From a personal standpoint it enabled in gaining understanding about the situation. In the overall schema of human evolution, these results seen to make sense. They have factored in fertility rate, average life expectancy as basic variables while formulating statistical findings. The journal provides a number of insights that are more clearly elucidated. Owing to this factor it has been found that they make greater sense of comprehension.Alternate studies do not necessarily bolster the thesis statement of this article. Contemporary societies are found to be in different transition periods. There are a number of emerging economies in Africa (Bongaarts, 2009).