


It has been clearly highlighted in the article that the concept of CSR is century old and became popular in the recent time as many American companies in the late 1960s and 1970s started taking deep interests in different activities linked to CSR. In the recent past after the globalization, many multinational companies started operating in different parts of the globe and started moving their manufacturing units to the developing nations. This urged them to look into the better health and safety of the labours working in these factories as well as those working with their suppliers. As CSR practices not only helps the company to show their responsibility towards the society and environment, but it also act as a better tool for attracting the customers and stakeholders in today’s corporate scenario. The article also criticises the concept of CSR and its ways of use in the corporate. The author also linked liberalization, globalization and CSR and stated that the trend is due to the increase in international trade and investments. Overall the article tried to touch each and every aspect associated with CSR.

Anyone who wants to understand the rise of CSR in the present business scenario must go through this article. The author has clearly stated the importance of CSR in the present business setup and has also given an in depth knowledge about the concept and its connection with globalization. The article also discusses how Multinational companies are taking strict actions to incorporate CSR within their business activities. Thus, the article is high relevant in today’s context as sustainability is the new buzzword to do business.

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