


One more article that has been reviewed for the study is Will the real gender pay gap please stand up? which had been published in Academic Rigour and authored by R. Cassells (The Conversation, 2017). This author is of similar thoughts like of the previous article’s author. She claims that most of the people do not accept that a gender pay gap exists. The major reasons behind nonexistence are given as the type of working, choices of females or the law is followed by businesses. However, it is seen that gender pay disparity is a kind of straightforward discrimination and it reflects the inequality among the Australian labour market. A number of ways can be utilised for finding out the differences among average wages of men and women who have full-time jobs. This study also shows that in the past, there hasn’t been much change in the gender pay gap. Article covers different industries which experience the gender pay gap. Although the females are dominant in healthcare and social aid, still the gender gap exists in the society. Even with the rise in the position and level of the employee, there is an increase in the pay structure and therefore, this becomes wider.
Women, Gender and Development: The Evolution of Theories and Practice- by R. Singhal
The last article which has been reviewed shows the way in which role played by women is understated. This article looks into different problems and apprehensions which have to be dealt with so that the gender bias can be resolved. Various developmental programmes take place in the society and have to be focused towards the development of women (Pds.sagepub.com, 2017). This article shows that the growth and development of women have a huge impact on the social development. It can be seen that most of the female workers are more empowered than the male workers because they carry out all the office works as well as household works. Even though they perform double duties, they are not empowered by the society and even the government gives them lesser of loans for independence. Usually, the women don’t get higher education and very few of them become a part of government bodies.

From the first article, it can be concluded that the World Survey 2014 has a stern and selfless role to improve the perceptive of how gender equality is linked to sustainable development. The second article is taken from Academic rigour and it states how gender bias is impacting the workplace culture and how it can be dealt with. The third article that has been reviewed has also been taken from Academic rigour and it is similar to the second article reviewed in the essay. The final article shows how the development of women can be used for social growth and progress.

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