
harvard reference 格式:纹身带来的利益和影响

harvard reference 格式:纹身带来的利益和影响

毫无疑问,纹身的根源在于美国文化。Kosut(2006)构建了实践覆盖范围的框架。名人和媒体的个性得到了纹身的修改,这使得他们成为纹身在更大的人群中事实上的营销者。专业的体育明星、演员、演员和音乐家等已将纹身确立为一种时尚,供公众使用(Kosut 2006;马蒂2010)。使用纹身的人群正在扩大(Kosut 2006)。有不同的统计数据表明,10%的人已经对身体进行了修改(Wohlrab et al. 2007)。在2007年进行的一项民意调查中,人口统计数据显示,25岁至40岁的美国公民中有40%至少有过一次纹身(Martin & Dula 2010)。青少年也越来越多地使用纹身。在接受调查的青少年中,多达13%的人一直在纹身(Carroll et al. 2002)。香港人对纹身的兴趣也在上升。然而,关于纹身的相关风险,香港受到了重视。有鉴于此,香港市民一直希望检讨纹身所带来的罕见及常见风险。

harvard reference 格式:纹身带来的利益和影响
纹身的遮盖作用对健康有负面影响,但并未引起香港人的注意。从历史上看,与纹身相关的耻辱同时引导和限制了人们对纹身的认知(Stirn & Hinz, 2008;马蒂,2010)。有趣的是,纹身与耻辱有关(Jones, 2000)。纹身的新世界和旧世界的两面性体现在很多方面。典型纹身的设计正在发生变化。这种变化所涉及的冲突在许多年前的研究文献中就已经可见(DeMello, 1995)。纹身的感知正在改变,获得纹身的人可以影响他们与他人沟通管理的方式。像纹身娃娃和临时纹身这样的纹身产品甚至让最年轻的人也能理解(Kosut, 2006)。媒体对普通人生活的影响可以在杂志、书籍、电影、电视和互联网上看到,而不管纹身只是暂时的装饰还是真实的(Kosut, 2006)。重要的是,媒体关于纹身的信息是同质的(John Roberts, 2012)。媒体通过全球化传播了与纹身实践相关的意识(Marti, 2010)。

harvard reference 格式:纹身带来的利益和影响

There is no denial that the roots of the tattooing lay in the American culture. Kosut (2006) framed the coverage of the reach of the practice. The celebrities and the personalities of the media have obtained the modification of the tattoo that led to their becoming the tattoo’s de facto marketers to the larger population. The professional sports stars, actresses, actors, and musicians et al. have established tattoo as fashionable for the usage of the public (Kosut 2006; Martí 2010).The demographic of the people that are using the tattoo has been broadening (Kosut 2006). There is varying statistics by the utilization of the metrics and examination of the groups with the suggestions that body modifications have been done by 10 percent of the people (Wohlrab et al. 2007). In a poll conducted in 2007, the demographics show that 40 percent of the US citizens in the age group 25-40 had been having at least one tattoo (Martin & Dula 2010). The adolescents are coming up as well in terms of increasing usage of tattooing. There are as many as 13 percent of the adolescent surveyed, who have been using tattooing (Carroll et al. 2002). The interests in tattoos have been rising in Hong Kong as well. However, there is emphasis on Hong Kong regarding the associated risks involved with tattooing. In accordance with that, the people of Hong Kong have been keen on the review with regards to the uncommon and common risks associated with the tattooing.

harvard reference 格式:纹身带来的利益和影响
The tattoos’ masking effects having negative impact on health did not come up prominently on the Hong Kong’s radar. The stigma that is associated with tattooing historically has simultaneously guided and constrained the perception of tattoos (Stirn & Hinz, 2008; Martí, 2010). It is interesting to note that the reference of stigma lies with tattoos (Jones, 2000). The dichotomy that lies with the tattooing’s new and old world is set out in a number of avenues. The designing of the typical tattoo is changing. The conflict involved in the change had the visibility in the research literature many years ago (DeMello, 1995). The tattoo’s perception is altering and the people that have obtained them can impact them on the way that the management of communication related to the tattoos is carried out with others. The tattoo products like tattoo-able dolls and the temporary tattoo have made the practice comprehensible even to the youngest of individuals (Kosut, 2006). The reach of the media to common people’s lives are seen in the magazines, books, movies, television, and internet, irrespective of whether tattoos are simply temporary adornment or real (Kosut, 2006). Importantly, the messages sent by the media with respect to the tattoos are homogenous (John Roberts, 2012). The media through globalization has spread the awareness related to the practices of tattooing (Martí, 2010).